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No Content when I go to open a box

Ambyer Nightfire

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I have searched for an answer to this, but have found nothing so I have no idea how many, if any, have encountered this problem before. I have a computer that runs Windows Vista, 64 bit. It was just recently upgraded to a 64 bit system. Before the upgrade I had no problem what so ever. Now after the upgrade whenever I go to open a new box, or even when I right click and go to the contents tab, it shows "no content" no matter what box or anything I try to open. I can use any of my other systems, one that also runs Windows Vista, and the others that run Windows 7, some are 64 bit and some are 32 bit, and it will show the contents of the box with no problem.

I assume it is some setting, or some file that I might be missing, but I have no idea what it may be. I hope someone out there can give me a heads up as to what I can try to fix this.

Thank you.

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Hi Ambyer,

Well dang thats like opening your pressies on Xmas morning and they are all empty!!

I have never heard of such a thing, you mean no objects at all, anywhere have any contents?

I run 64bit Windows 7 so its not a problem linked specifically to that, I assume you are not just looking at empty boxes, sorry to clarify that but I`m facinated by this problem lol

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Yes it is every single item I try to open. I am also a creator and even my beds are all empty now. I can open the same items with any of my other computers and everything that is suppose to be there, is indeed there, just not on this one particular computer. That's what has me so confused. The worse part of the whole thing is it is my favorite computer that this is happening on.

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Ok, I just gave it a try and it would not let me drag anything into the item. It has the red circle with the line through it and never let me put it in at all. I just attached a pic I just made. It shows two views of the same thing. One from one of my computers and one from the one giving me fits so you can get an idea what it looks like. This is what it does on all of them.


All my inventory is still there, friends list is just fine. I was able to get dressed without any problem and I can teleport. I haven't found any other thing that it is effecting other than anything inside of an item.

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Yeah, what happened was my hard drive went bad, and when I had a new hard drive installed and all my files transfered over I just went ahead and upgraded from 32 bit to 64 bit, always ran Vista on that particular pc, when it came home is when the change had taken place. All of a sudden my computer has no decided there is nothing inside of anything at all. And won't let me drag anything into them either. Just gives me the big red no-no sign, LOL.

I know it has me totally confused.

On a side note, and I have no idea if this has anything to do with anything or not, but my netflix had stopped working as well. I took it back and asked him about that (he had no idea what I was talking about on the Second Life though) and come to find out that the version of Silverlight I was running, which was the newest version, was not compatible with my new 64 bit system and I had to actually downgrade to an older version of Silverlight to get my Netflix working again. Now that is fixed and running fine. But he was completelly lost when it came to anything having to do with Second Life.

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I'm using Phoenix which is what I had before the upgrade. I thoght maybe uninstalling it and resinstalling would help but it did not. Then I decided to download the SL viewer itself even though I despise using that one. It is doing the exact same thing on the SL viewer that it is doing on Phoenix, and yes both those I have tried a fresh install of.

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Well that is just the weirdest thing ever, so congrats on that lol

It seems such a specific thing to be broken when everything else is fine. Trying to think what could affect prim contents but nothing else.

You can build yeah? You can create a prim, texture it, cut it up and manipulate it every which way? You said it won`t let you add any contents, what about if you click New Script, what happens then?

If a prim has contents, even though you can`t see them, do they still work? Rezzers still rezz for example.

The only thing I can think of that ignores prim contents is stuff like copybots, has your puter turned into a bot? LOL

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Good question, I'm logging in to check that just now as I answer you. After noticing it not registering anything I never tried to "use" anything on that computer. So I'm not sure if it is registering anything or not.

I did just double check and I can create and manipulate prims with no problems what so ever. Also anything that has scripts in it works fine, sits, poses, animations, anything and everything still works as if the stuff is in there, just not showing.

Ok I just created a new script, and it said hello avatar as it always does when you have the new default script inside of something, but once again went to No contents. So the script is inside there, but not showing for me.

And yes... this is gotta be the strangest thing I have ever encountered. LOL!!! Maybe Alien bots took over my pc while it was being upgraded.

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Hello Ambyer, as Peewee suggested

Completely uninstall ALL Viewers, saving any chat logs, if you wish.  How do I fully uninstall and reinstall Second Life? Make sure the all CachesUser Settings and content of any Temporary folders are also deleted.

Check you have the latest full version of Flash Player (including the player for Firefox/Safari), see Version Test for Adobe Flash Player, and Quicktime and Java.

Shutdown your computer. Fully   unplug your cable modem, router, and other gear you use to access the Internet for several minutes so that residual memory is  cleared. This   may purge "stale" settings.

Download the latest Official Viewer from here http://secondlife.com/support/downloads.php,  save the programme to your Desktop and install, using the default settings.

Log into Region Smith, see Changing your login location and let your Inventory fully load.

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Okay we are doing better!! Sorry I took so long to get back but I wanted to make sure I did everything step by step and not miss a thing. I had uninstalled SL and reinstalled it but I never went through the complete get rid of everything uninstall, so I did everything this time.

Now... my items are appearing when I use the default SL viewer. I can edit, or open and see the items inside. However, when I downloaded and installed Phoenix and use it, it is as it was, whenever I go to the contents or try to open something I still get the "no contents" issue.

I HATE the sl viewer and so want to be able to use my Phoenix so I would like to find out what is going on there, but at least we have made some headway.

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Yay welcome back Ambyer, I was dying to know what was happening with your intriguing problem

Excellent news that its worked for LL viewer, that means it would seem that it was residual stuff on there from the old system causing the conflict.

If Phoenix is your fave viewer, I assume thats been on there before too, so there has to be some old Phoenix bits lurking too. Personally I would do same thing as before only look for all things Phoenix related this time to get every bit of that off there before reinstalling.

Hopefully someone more techy minded than me will post some good places to look for Phoenix leftovers if you can`t find them.


EDIT: I asked someone smarter than me for input & have a few questions for you ..

1. Did you delete the folder at: Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Second Life during your last cleanout? If not zap that one & reinstal.

2. Do you have an old system restore point further back than when you first installed Phoenix?

3. When you put back the stuff you saved from your failed HD, what sort of stuff did you put back, was it program related?

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I am getting that same idea as well. It must have been something lingering there on my old system that is causeing the problem. I THOUGHT I had deleted everything to do with Phoenix as well, however I must have missed something important when I was doing the full clean.

I did clean out the Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Second Life folder already so that one isn't the cluprit. But must be something still lurking around I have missed.

Unfortunately I don't have any saved restore points past that, and I'm not sure what all was installed back on here. I was more than disgusted and just took it to a techie and said "fix it" lol. Yeah not the best help there but I was beyond disgusted at that point.

Believe me had I known that this issue would have been such a pain I would have never upgraded when I changed out. LOL. It just has not been worth the added boost to my system.

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Well, the mystery of the alien bot infected computer is solved. I spoke with the technician who replaced my hard drive and did the update from 32 bit to 64 bit today. I explained to him what was going on, minus the second life problems because I already know he knows NOTHING about Second Life, and he agrees with what Peewee and I were talking about inworld yesterday. I need a complete reinstall of Windows. The hard drive needs to be wiped clean and then a fresh, clean and correct (with no errors) version of Windows put on there. It sounds extreme, however at this point I really do not care. As long as it takes care of the issues I am happy.

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I'm really sorry to dig up this old post, but I'm having the exact same issue and I wondered if the OP ever figured out to resolve it? I went through every step reccomended here short of reinstalling windows. I can get contents on Viewer 2 and on Firestorm, but I do not enjoy either of these viewers at all. As with the OP I too have no issues on other computers just one. If anyone has anything to add here i would be very grateful.

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