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Frozen Avatar

Vixen Sangria

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My avatar has been frozen, floating in the air in my skybox home for 2 days. I sent a ticket to LL and no one has emailed me, nor has anyone given me any indication as to what to do. I have 2 avatars and I am able to have them online at the same time. I even tried "running" into the frozen one to see if I could move her, but to no avail.. Can anyone help me?

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You can try sending Jade a note card.  If that doesn't get the system to recognize that she isn't online any longer, you'll need to contact the estate owner and ask them to restart the sim.  If you're on mainland, submit a ticket for a region restart and the reason why you request it,

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Vixen Sangria wrote:

My avatar has been frozen, floating in the air in my skybox home for 2 days. I sent a ticket to LL and no one has emailed me, nor has anyone given me any indication as to what to do. I have 2 avatars and I am able to have them online at the same time. I even tried "running" into the frozen one to see if I could move her, but to no avail.. Can anyone help me?

It is possible for you to clear this "ghosted" avatar yourself.

Please bring up your Second Life viewer, but DO NOT LOG IN YET.

Instead, go to the top of the screen, click on "edit", "preferences", "general", and tick the box next to where it says "show start location on login screen". Click OK.

Now fill in your usual log in details for the avatar that is ghosted, and where there is space to type in a location, type in Pooley. Please try and log in. If you get the usual message of "the system is logging you out... account unavailable until (time) pacific time", just ignore it, ignore the time and keep trying and trying to log in.  You WILL be able to log in if you patiently persist between 1 and 30 minutes. Once you are at Pooley, please teleport across to where your ghosted avatar is.  Once your real avatar gets within range of its ghostly duplicate, a paradox will be caused, the two entities will merge and the ghost will be gone.

Good luck and please keep us up to date on the forums; it will help other people with this type of problem.

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What if you do not remember where you where when you logged off?? I logged off after having issues with my notices and many ims going right to email - even though I was logged inworld.  I had a phone call and when i came back - can not log in - get the msg about "logging you out - your act will be available blah blah" anyway it has done that for 5 hours now - so frustrating!! I tried the above - got to pooley and actually worked as host at an event at my club. I had the sim I live on restarted thinking I was at home when I logged but it did nothing to change anything. So frustrated!!

Any help appreciated!!!!!!!!!

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Ayslyn  wrote:

What if you do not remember where you where when you logged off??

You should submit a ticket so that LL is also looking for you and they may find you first and release your ghost. In the meantime if you have an alt you can login with that and checkout the last few places you remember being in that SL session.

Your main account will not be able to "see" your own ghost, but an alt (or friends) could. If they have a good radar, just TP`ing to the right sim you should see your name come up on it if your ghost is there.

Once you have located yourself, then you can do the forced login and TP over to kill the ghost (do not try to force a login to the actual sim that the ghost is on).

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Viciously Llewellyn wrote:

Maybe a silly question, but the box next to Show Start Location at Login Screen ... are we clicking it of, or clicking it on?

What causes this anyway. I've been on Second Life over three years and never been ghosted. Have I just been lucky?

The answer is - clicking it on.  Then you'll see an extra box to fill in on your login screen.

What causes this ghosting is when your avatar's information doesn't pass all in one go from one place to the next, either when you're crossing over sim borders or teleporting. Or when you log out, if all the information hasn't cleared completely during the logging out process, please see

http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/424221#424221 for a bit more information on this.


We think of our avatars as being like our human bodies I guess, but our avatars and all the attachments are made up of lines of data.  Certain scripted attachments are thought to be the main culprit that causes someone to ghost (but this is yet to be proven - Maestro Linden is asking for more information over on an ongoing JIRA bug report https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6193

You might have been ghosted before, but just not known about it.  I can hold my hand on my heart and reassure everyone that the ghosting issue is not happening more often, but we are becoming more aware of it via forums, word of mouth, etc.

And ... now I have a silly question for you. Are you suffering with this issue right now, Viciously?  If so, follow the info in the first link I gave here, and please keep adding to this thread as you make progress. And of course, good luck.

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I agree with Marigold that its possible to have been ghosted and not know it. I have had the timeout message many many times over the years and have always ignored it and kept clicking to login...Maybe because I am not very good at sitting and waiting or following instructions lol

So without knowing it I could have forced a login when I had a ghost inworld. If it persisted I would just keep ignoring it and eventually maintainance restarts would have killed the ghost.

I also ignore the message that says the grid is offline and you would be surprised how many times that one lets you in eventually too ...I kinda miss that one, we haven`t had the grid offline for a long time. ...hahaha I just totally jinxed that didn`t I.

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I did submit a ticket - now crossing my fingers they respond soon - has been almost 2 days already with no word. I run a club on sl so it is making life difficult. Anyone have suggestions for speeding up LL response to tickets?????

I did log on an alt and went runing all over to the places I remember being  - no luck. I don't think I missed any places I had been. Very strange and annoying. I can - with persistance sometimes log on via Pooley but - notices still go to email as do ims sometimes.  I also breed kitties so  - figured out how my alt can feed them but many other things will have to wait till this is fixed. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

What fun! 

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