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Merchandising Advice?


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I'm not sure if there's an in-world group that would be helpful for these kinds of things or not.

I run a template business in-world, and I'm thinking that I need to rework my ...look, I guess.  Sign/vend images...even considering changing my name, but I'm not sure.

Thing is, I don't really have anybody I can turn to for advice.  None of my friends are in SL, and my husband is BEYOND useless when it comes to anything even remotely artistic.  Hence, I'm turning to you guys for some help.

4-3 Sign Main.pngThis is my newest concept for my store sign - currently the store is called TKBackstage, but I'm considering changing it to just Backstage (I don't want to make TOO big of a change, although I wish I'd picked a more appropriate name when I first created the line).


And this is my current (quite horrid), vending image style.  Each area (tops/bottoms/kits/etc), has it's own background colour.

TKBackstage Template.png

(It's using the old logo, so that would be changed).


I could really use some advice, or even just links to anything that would help me make all this look more professional.

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I would rethink your market plan entirely.

From an economics standpoint, what you are selling right now is a public good. Anyone can download a template and make exactly what you have for sale, and rather quickly too. Why would they want to pay for it? Thats just it.. you're not getting sales.. because people have no need to buy something they can download and do themselves rather quickly. All I see on your market is the same exact thing, just slight variations. This won't catch the attention of anyone, and won't hold it for long either. Templates for default clothing are not in style, and are going to be hard to make popular even if you spend eight hours a day advertising them. If anyone needed to work in default clothing they could download the template off the wiki.

What makes them want to pay you for it ? Do you have any extremely valuable difference in what you're providing? Even your price states that you do not think these are worth very much.

ETA: Your profile isn't filled out, so when people search you up to see whom they're buying from. They get nothing, a ghost looking avatar. No active content which makes them not want to spend their money on someone who might not even exist anymore.

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If you want an inworld group in which to chat about things, you could try "Second Life Commerce Merchants"


As with any discussion group, the membership ranges from small merchants to large, successful to struggling, those who make their RL income via SL versus those doing it as a hobby etc.


Everyone has a different opinion and it's up to you to take from each that which might fit your approach and ideals.


It's a good group for dramatainment now and again too ;)

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I'm still trying to figure out how helpful that post is, Moose (aside from the profile bit, which I wasn't aware of), but it is discouraging, in the "maybe I oughta just give up then" kind of way.  Because frankly, sculpt and mesh programs make no sense to me, no matter what I use or how hard I try, and my fashion sense is way too far off from normal SL styles to make a clothing business viable.


Really making me reconsider my husband's suggestion of just giving up and quitting the whole SL business thing.  Maybe he's got a point.


Then again, maybe I'm misreading your post? It's just coming across to me as saying that no matter what I do, my product won't ever sell.

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Not saying give up at all. Just rethink what you can do to really make them want your product.

IE combining a lot of these templates into a PSD that allows people to easily change what design the clothing has to easily hash out new ideas? 
You just really have to offer them something that sparks their interest. "Oh while I can make one of these clothing templates really fast, having all of them in a psd that I can change and utilize faster than making my own would really help -buys-"

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You may have a sellable  concept don't give up to quickly. Yes mesh has taken SL in a whirl wind, however there are people out there who WILL not wear mesh.


There are also SL professions ( for lack of a better term) Stripers.. For one they rarely use mesh while performing.. They need the default clothing to do their act.. You may want to consider your target market..


Just a suggestion :)

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i think that if you enjoy doing it then keep on doing it? there are a few things which you can do to maybe sell more and be more appealing also. concentrating on a style, or a core "mood". the label "backstage" i do not think is bad - has a quirk about it.

i have quite a few ideas/suggestions which may or may not work.

but from personal experience i would recomened keep going. there will always be moments when you feel discouraged, but keep going through those moments.

if you would like, IM me in world (or here) and i can colate some of what i was thinking..

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as your business name is concerned, Backstage is easier for buyers to remember but I don't think anything is wrong with TKbackstage.

I love the design of your store sign, I would not change that. However, your vending image style is too basic and the avatar looks a bit dated. Maybe use a more updated looking avatar in a better pose and spice up the background. Why not use the store sign as your background and just add a pic of an updated avatar wearing the item? You can even change the colors of the background in your store sign for each group of items.

When I say updated, I mean detailed high quality rigged mesh hair with a modern style, detailed high qaulity skin, etc...I know you're not selling skin and hair but having an updated model gives a message that your items are also new and in style.

Mistah made a good point regarding your profile. You should include links to your store, a description of your business, and your business group. Just incase people want to contact you, it helps if your profile has this information.

In addition, Mistah mentions some good points about the mesh market in SL. Successful clothing sellers are also creators, so they know how to make original mesh clothes already.

Have you considered adding textures to your templates and selling them as finished clothing items? Mesh clothes are becoming increasingly popular and I think it would be to your benefit to teach yourself how to add textures to mesh clothes. You can still sell templates but why not expand your business to take advantage of the growing popularity of mesh clothes? Why give up if you already started? Just change your game plan a little bit. you are already on the right track by asking for feedback.

I wish you luck with your business and I think you're going to do well. Just be open to what people have to say and don't be discouraged.




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