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Faraway loads before near???


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I've noticed this trouble for about two months. Previously, I chalked it up to internet problems but our internet has been fixed and it hasn't changed.

Whenever I arrive on a sim, items more than 20m away from my avatar load immediately. They are crisp, clear and immaculately detailed. This always includes items outside my field of vision and beyond my draw distance. For instance, I will see the polka dots on a pair of shoes for sale at the complete opposite end of the sim, as well as the shop, the other merchandise, the other avatars, terrain, anything rezzed. However, anything within 20m of my avatar loads sloppily and remains blurry, grey or deformed - or lots of times, invisible. For instance, when I arrive at my Linden house, I can see the details on the quilt on a neighbour's bed 96m away without camming, but all that loads of my house is one prim of the roof and part of the fence, and the floor beneath my feet is invisible. It doesn't matter whether the items are LL issued (like the house) or shop bought (like my furniture) or made by me (added storey to my home). The textures waver, come in and out of focus constantly flickering. However, when I look out the window I can see someone else's cherry tree on a neighbouring sim well enough to notice the leaves are multicoloured. When I go to Avgi to play games, I can cam behind the mountain and see everything that was not in my field of vision, but I stand around fifteen minutes before I can see the tables to play, and they are too blurry to use.


Here's what I've tried...

Switching ISPs (we get about 18mbps now)

Restarting (dozens and dozens of times)

Clearing cache constantly.

Never clearing cache

Turning graphics to low

Changing draw distance to 32, 64, 96...

Right click and "rebake textures"

Waggling my cursor over the unloaded items

Buying and updating my Nvidia graphics card


I can park my avi somewhere staring at a sofa for an hour, with nothing in my field of vision except that sofa, and it will never load, but if I turn my avatar around, the entire sim behind her back is loaded. The sofa, and anything else nearby in the field of vision, remains blurry.

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MiuKitten wrote:

I've noticed this trouble for about two months. Previously, I chalked it up to internet problems but our internet has been fixed and it hasn't changed.


Whenever I arrive on a sim, items more than 20m away from my avatar load immediately. They are crisp, clear and immaculately detailed. This always includes items outside my field of vision and beyond my draw distance. For instance, I will see the polka dots on a pair of shoes for sale at the complete opposite end of the sim, as well as the shop, the other merchandise, the other avatars, terrain, anything rezzed. However, anything within 20m of my avatar loads sloppily and remains blurry, grey or deformed - or lots of times, invisible. For instance, when I arrive at my Linden house, I can see the details on the quilt on a neighbour's bed 96m away without camming, but all that loads of my house is one prim of the roof and part of the fence, and the floor beneath my feet is invisible. It doesn't matter whether the items are LL issued (like the house) or shop bought (like my furniture) or made by me (added storey to my home). The textures waver, come in and out of focus constantly flickering. However, when I look out the window I can see someone else's cherry tree on a neighbouring sim well enough to notice the leaves are multicoloured. When I go to Avgi to play games, I can cam behind the mountain and see everything that was not in my field of vision, but I stand around fifteen minutes before I can see the tables to play, and they are too blurry to use.


Here's what I've tried...

Switching ISPs (we get about 18mbps now)

Restarting (dozens and dozens of times)

Clearing cache constantly.

Never clearing cache

Turning graphics to low

Changing draw distance to 32, 64, 96...

Right click and "rebake textures"

Waggling my cursor over the unloaded items

Buying and updating my Nvidia graphics card


I can park my avi somewhere staring at a sofa for an hour, with nothing in my field of vision except that sofa, and it will never load, but if I turn my avatar around, the entire sim behind her back is loaded. The sofa, and anything else nearby in the field of vision, remains blurry.


Go to the the "Develop" menu (Ctrl+Alt+Q) and go to "Rendering." Make sure there is NOT a check mark next to "Full Res Textures." What having that setting selected does is force the viewer to try to load all textures at their maximum resolution, which means it clogs up your video memory with unnecessary details of far-away objects.

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The order things rez in is controlled by a combination of the viewer and server acting together. The updates to the Interest List project have been changing the order of how things render.

The viewer for that project is now in RC status: Second Life Interesting Viewer version The server side of the update is pretty much complete. Since you didn't tell us which viewer you are using, we can only assume you are on the main SL Viewer release. That viewer can render objects out of order and there is no user setting that can change that.

You can get a copy of the Internesting Viewer form the Alternate Viewers page. To install it you will need to either turn automatic viewer updates off or set the updates to use RC viewers. You'll find the settings in Preferences -> Setup. Failure to have the settings correctly set will cause the RC viewer to quickly be overwritten by the 'current' main release viewer.

The Interesting viewer does a much better and faster job of rendering things in order.

To try and fix your current viewer is pointless, even if possible. The Interesting Viewer should roll out this week or at least in the next couple of weeks.

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Great looking forward to the new viewer.


For the record, this problem has happened on the SL standard viewer, beta versions of old, Catznip and Firestorm. I own two computers and one of them I usually use away from home but noticed no change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MiuKitten wrote:

Great looking forward to the new viewer.


For the record, this problem has happened on the SL standard viewer, beta versions of old, Catznip and Firestorm. I own two computers and one of them I usually use away from home but noticed no change.

I noticed you use a young child avatar. Is it a mesh avatar with a HUD, especially one that you "load" outfits into? Some HUD's like that end up using a lot of your video memory for the clothing textures loaded into it, and this can end up using so much video memory that the viewer ends up swapping textures constantly.

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