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Being a history buff and naturally curious…I stumbled across brief conversations with various people. I hit the clubs and listen to “drunk talk”…Crazy people…I order my drink and casually listen…

…I move further down the bar and I catch myself eavesdropping some more...Goreans...???

People becoming ”Embraced”, Turned...“ The Camarilla”, rumors of “Secret Clans & Families”…the original thirteen descendants of Caine, - (smiling)...what????

…I think to myself can these things actually exist? We deal with job pressure & family life; trying to balance everything in our lives, buy things to fill the emptiness…now what?

Finally…very tall tales…the stories that spread in some night clubs…a strange story about a fierce conflict between shadows & beasts.

Consumed by our lives...we find secrets. What if what we were told as children really does exists?


Sl logo1.jpg

The SLE seeks tireless journalists to deliver top-notch coverage to our SL community of residents. You will cover SL features and hard news.  We need passionate professionals who will pitch unique stories and who are not afraid to tackle in-depth SL media events.



Ideal candidates will be proactive journalists, who will become part of the SLE community and who understand the "web first" mentality. Must be hardworking, motivated and able to write stories beyond meeting SL coverage and profiles.

Perfect for recent grads looking to start their SL careers.  SL Multi-media knowledge a must.

SL Enquirer.jpg

Lanai Jarrico (CEO) opened SLE in 2006 and since it began it has been a source of news for Second Life citizens. SLE features news about all Second Life events.  

Lanai & her dedicated team leave no stone unturned; when trying to get / keep their readers informed and up to date on current issues. Thanks to SLE’s hard work and strong community investment many Second Life companies have found success.

To set up an interview and apply, please contact Lanai Jarrico in SL or visit the SLE Media Center at the location below:


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Davvek wrote:

The SLE seeks tireless journalists to deliver top-notch coverage to our SL community of residents. You will cover SL features and hard news.  We need passionate professionals who will pitch unique stories and who are not afraid to tackle in-depth SL media events.

Alternatively, you could do the lazy journo thing, and just post something in these forums asking for people to write about the funniest things that have happened to them in SL.

And other in-depth top-notch contemporary coverage.

© The Judge

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Davvek wrote:

That's your problem..noone cares about people who leave negative comments.  This is getting fun!  What other problems and negative comments do you want people to read about?  This must be a way to get a post count high.  I see you've posted alot - impressive.

But we do care about people who flood and SPAM the forum in violation of the community standards.

Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. 


I could go through and show in detail where you have hi-jacked other peoples threads, thread after thread, as well as starting your own threads in inappropriate sub-forums to Spam us.

You are no better than the people who Spam this Forum advertising for Mumbabwe Prostitutes.

It's a wonder you haven't been RIC'd to oblivion.



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Davvek wrote:

LOL..tough crowd as usual..small minds...try to be constructive not destructive..if
not a fan don't comment.  
of SL people enjoy the quality product this group puts out.


Do you need a Sub-Editor?

Sorry, I'll rephrase that: You NEED a Sub-Editor!

I presume that your rag is targeted at people like yourself, viz, illiterate, self-aggrandising idiots.

© The Judge


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Perrie Juran wrote:


Davvek wrote:

That's your problem..noone cares about people who leave negative comments.  This is getting fun!  What other problems and negative comments do you want people to read about?  This must be a way to get a post count high.  I see you've posted alot - impressive.

But we do care about people who flood and SPAM the forum in violation of the community standards.



Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising
: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. 

I could go through and show in detail where you have hi-jacked other peoples threads, thread after thread, as well as starting your own threads in inappropriate sub-forums to Spam us.

You are no better than the people who Spam this Forum advertising for Mumbabwe Prostitutes.

It's a wonder you haven't been RIC'd to oblivion.


I think he's doing cheap research for an article on the ineffectiveness of low quality guerilla advertising.

© The Judge

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jujmental wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Davvek wrote:

That's your problem..noone cares about people who leave negative comments.  This is getting fun!  What other problems and negative comments do you want people to read about?  This must be a way to get a post count high.  I see you've posted alot - impressive.

But we do care about people who flood and SPAM the forum in violation of the community standards.



Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising
: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. 

I could go through and show in detail where you have hi-jacked other peoples threads, thread after thread, as well as starting your own threads in inappropriate sub-forums to Spam us.

You are no better than the people who Spam this Forum advertising for Mumbabwe Prostitutes.

It's a wonder you haven't been RIC'd to oblivion.


I think he's doing cheap research for an article on the ineffectiveness of low quality guerilla advertising.

© The Judge

Either that or how to be a successful attention whore.

Or in this case, unsuccessful.

I boycott Spammers as well as encouraging my friends to do the same.

I looked at their Rag once, yawned and never looked again.

If anyone is looking for a better news source, The Alphaville Herald is way and far superior.

Heck, I'd even rather read Prok.

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.Taking all the comments in...thank you.  It's a good community of people wanting to help.  Some of the comments do seem angry and negative.  Those may be the wrong choice of words but it could have been written better.  i was falling into that as well.  As i reread things, I decided to take the suggestions to heart and follow what you all are saying..listen to the community and work on becoming better.

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All of your replies, until this one, were just as negative. One can only guess you were scolded by those higher up than you within your company. You might want to rethink your approach if readers is what you're after here. You're going to garner even less of them by chastising others for doing the same thing you did, and are still doing. Passive aggressive behavior often gets the exact response you got. You should probably quit doing that.

You may know your stats, but I know your publication as well and while I'm not going to judge it, it is hardly the top place people in SL go for news. That's a fact. It is not the preferred source of anything, that's just a flat out lie. It is a source, yes. It's your opinion that is is the best, or preferred, an opinion people would expect you to have. If I were the person in charge, you would no longer have a job after all of your posts, in particular this one. It's probably a good thing your boss is a lot more patient with you than most would be. Assuming this isn't the person in charge under a different name, that is. You're doing your company absolutely no good. You're not new to the forums so claiming that will only discredit anything you have to say.

Nothing I've said is laced with anger, that's more emotional investment than I care to make. It's constructive criticism and considering the type of business you work for, you need to have a much thicker skin than you clearly do, to deal with it. Or they'll just find someone to replace you. Telling people to move on, when you clearly can't, won't help your case any.

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Thank you all for the points.  I sensed I was becoming defensive.  That is not a good way to respond.  

No, no, scoulding, *smiles*, but we all need to listen better - that was a leap on your part but a good one, right?  I have seen comments like these scare people and it makes people never want to see or try to write in the forums again.  I've heard that from our readers.  

I'm looking at all this for your help.  You're the base and we get alot of comments.  I'm very humbled by the nice comments I receive.  Yes, I'm fairly new to forums, fairly new...maybe why I may have made some posting mistakes here.  But, I listen and corrected as best I can.  Thanks guys... Did not mean to offend...it's fixed what could be corrected.

Tough skinned - you bet, assuming your comments are mean't with the best intentions.  Yeah, we're pretty proud of our team - no worries in me being fired...that did made me chukle; but I understand what you mean't - thank you for your concern with all of this.  This is how people / companies learn and grow.  Even after all this time, we can be rookies.

Yes..I'm in a position to listen...but some of this was just getting out of hand with outside comments - so we shall all relax.  I had people read your comments and they did not see anything positive being said.  So ..I'm pulling it all, and putting a positive twist on it.  

Because of these comments we have gotten alot of positive response inworld; just a short amount of time.  That's cool...people see what we've done and they like it.  

People appreciate what we've covered & posted besides the recent comments here...but I think it was all good points.

That's how ya have to look at these things.  Read, learn from it, and go on from there.

We have some nice articles coming up from some dedicated SL writers.

I must say thank you to everyone who posted here.  It made a difference in a short amount of time.   We make mistakes, we learned from them and we're stronger for it.

Nice to hear people like what we're doing and you've instructed us on proper forum usage. 


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Davvek wrote: that did made me
; but I understand what you


If you're going to present yourself as having anything to do with an acceptable written communication I would suggest that you first spend a considerable length of time reviewing your lack of command of English spelling, punctuation and grammar.

You currently write English like a fifteen year old exchange student from Borat's Kazakhstan, and I doubt if you really understood half of the comments made to you in this thread.

© The Judge


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Dres..your pic says it all..clearly they do not want to be helpful and pick apart the smallest things..well, I tried to be nice, clearly my original comments I posted (small minded people) are these guys ..so be it...no more digging.

People have a high opinion of what they think is correct.  I also got a PM from jujmental swearing at me..omg dude you are mental and the other people that made negative comments - so sad. Totally unhelpful and unhealthy.  This is not worth the time in here.  Clearly you have to ignore bad comments.  A select group of people who comment on here just want to pick apart anything and others of similar nature ride the wave, very sad....we'll do our events and make a difference inworld...we've received very nice letters from companies in RL on our projects.  Discussion closed!!!!!!!!!!


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As I already pointed out earlier, you've completely and utterly discredited anything you actually had to say, and done your publication and company an even bigger disservice. Do you honestly think that engaging in that kind of passive aggressive behavior is going to do Sl Enquirer any good at all?

If you actually meant anything you said in your prior post, which I believe at a point you did, you've now recanted every bit of it by acting a fool. You are no better than those you judge when you act exactly as they do. Whether or not other people are being negative doesn't really matter much. How you respond and react to it, does. You're giving no one any sort of reason to want to work for you or be a subscriber. In fact, your behavior will likely cost you subscribers.

A shame really, as you've pointed out, it's been around quite some time. I don't quite understand why you're trying to tarnish it single handedly, but you are doing a marvelous job. Not everyone who commented was as judgmental as others, and I include you in that statement. Some people may not have the best approach, but that doesn't always have to take away anything positive from their posts. It didn't take away from yours either, but continuing it will. I really would love to have a word with your boss. I'd be interested in knowing why they'd want to have someone who engages in this sort of back and forth behavior in a public forum, using the company's name no less, on the payroll. Personally I'd take more pride in something I'd built up for years. Unless, of course, you are the actual boss, in which case, everything but the payroll part still stands.

If you really want people to enjoy the publication, you do have a bit of a responsibility to provide a reason. Unless you want to seem like one of those trash rags at the checkout stand-I presume not-this isn't the way to go about that. That's, again, constructive criticism from an actual subscriber, not a personal attack or an emotional rant.

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Relax..let it go!!!  All I did was post what the group wrote..not my personal opinion at all.  We just spread our cover info, tried to take some forum input as positive replies (which it wasn't but I tried to be diplomatic and hear things)..all we're hearing is this being destroyed..well, it's not, so don't worry or give it a second thought.  We'll survive just fine.  Discussion closed..too busy to keep up with this nonsense.

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