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Using a script to Permissions in a Linkset?

Optimum Actor

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I've been making a big build. Ithas several linksets and I'm in the procedure of taking copies of each linkset into my inventory to later put in a "Builder's Buddy" (for rezzing later).

Everything's gone to plan so far except the last linkset which refuses to allow me to take a copy of it. I can only assume that at least one of the objects in the linkset has a "no copy"  on it. I was careful in buying or building objects that were COPY / MOD (Transfer doesn't matter since this is only for use in my group). But, I could have slipped up somewhere along the line and used one (or more) that was NO COPY.

I have about 221 objects in the linkset. Is it possible to place a script in the linkset that would go through each object in it and flag which ones are NO COPY? Or perhaps there's a workaround to this, rather than selecting each one at a time to check?

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The usual offender is a texture or sound file, I have been caught many time on them. . 

Rezz it  and de link it then go thru each object until you find it  As you go re link the ok ones After a lot of prims you will lose track so shift the linked build up a esey amount to remember, i.e 5 meters.

ADDED: Rolig had allready gave the answer, this is just added info for you to find and rember on next build

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I was afraid that might be the case. Fortunately because the build's been done about 2000m up, I can just slide that linkset away from the rest of the build before unlinking it. I also suspect that the smart thing to do would be to use the "Edit Separate Prims"  option, select everything and then deselect the base before I unlink everything. It'll all be unlinked anyway, but this should preseve the name and scripts I have in that.

Building right certainly has that learning curve. I bought one or two items that seemed just right and claimed to be mod / copy, but really weren't (you could copy them only by rezzing the original and then then taking that into the inventory as a no copy / no mod version)! Traps for players I guess.

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Ouch! Over 200 prims to go through manually, my CTS twinges at the thought.


To avoid this happening in the future: As you're building, every time you add a texture, sound or whatever, attempt a shift-drag-copy of the link set. If it duplicates, just delete the new copy. Otherwise, you just added a No Copy item and you'll know exactly where it is within the build.

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Also, if you are not already in the habit of identifying child prims by name when you need to refer to them by script, this is a good time to start.  If you identify target prims by number and then change your linkset, you can easily end up with door scripts opening walls or staircases instead of doors.  There are two ways to approach this.  One is to make yourself a list of named prims in state_entry, like so...

state_entry(){    integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims();    while (i)    {        --i;        if (llGetLinkName(i) == "door")       {            gDoors += [i];        }     }}

 Then refer to your global list of gDoors whenever you want to know if someone clicked on a door.

The other way is to identify the prim on the fly -- in a touch_start event, for example  ...

if (llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)) == "door"){    // Activate this door}

 I know this is a tangential issue to your question, but since you are about to be unlinking and relinking a bunch of prims, I figured it was something to keep in mind.


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When you done all that, change the prims to curved hull in the features tab, change the floor and doors as well as any prims you opened a hole (not need to if you not going to walk  or step in it) in back to prim. This simplifies the bounding physics. Should drop the prim count alot. This went from 550 to 270. As was said a off tangent, but you learned alot so not all doom.


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LepreKhaun, it turned out not to be so bad after all. The linkset I had to search was a complex of six rooms + fixtures and furniture. I knew that I made certain prims like walls and windows so they were eliminated, and then I went room by room (after I unlinked everything) and relinked individual bits of furniture and tested each one before re-adding them to the linkset. The offending items turned out to be a mesh chair, the castors on another chair, and the testure of the back plate of a wash basin. I deleted the chairs and swapped in a new texture on the backplate and it was fine.I was able to take a copy and put everything into a Builder's Buddy (I added the texture on the box for my own reference):

  Builders Buddy.jpg

But you're right about pre-checking permissions. I started adding COPY and MOD filters for stuff bought on the marketplace but the chais and wash basin were things I already had and I forgot to check them. 

Sometimes things aren't what they seem as well. I bought a mesh wind turbine for the build which was marked COPY MOD on the Marketplace, but when I rezzed it the only way to get a copy was to Take it back into the inventory. When I contacted the seller they said that it was a fault with the inventory server and that there was nothing wrong with the product (caveat emptor obviously)!

I shall have to learn to make my own sculpties and mesh. I've been looking at In-world makers and exports using Singularity, but it seems clear that this is more of art than a science, asd the post about geometries above indicates. Plus it seems that exports can be improve with a little editing in a program like Blender (I've noticed the latest version's interface is much improved).What's been holding me back is that as yet I don't have a good understanding of either mesh or sculpties. The in-world tools look like fun but it may be that they could be redundant if I use an external program instead.

This build though has shown me the real motivation of doing either - cutting down prims to a minimum. Deleting those chairs got rid of 20 prims! If I learn to make my own then builds should be more managable and less laggy in future.

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