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Serious Changes to ToS & the Fallout

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just seen this link over at SLU that you guys may want to read if you haven't..

i'm reading it for the first time myself so i'm not sure what it say's yet either..but figured post it up for anyone else that hasn't either..

Linden Lab Expresses Regret for Confusion Over New Draconian Terms of Service, Affirms Respect for SL Content Creators (But Were You Really Surprised?)

 the link title wouldn't fit to the article but the link works.. hehehe 

Linden Lab Expresses Regret for Confusion Over New Draconian Terms of Service, Affirms Respect for SL Content Creators (But Were You Really Surprised?)


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LL would not have to go back to explain themselves if they would do as they used to with informing of changes coming and having office hours with their residents like they used to..


instead they hit-N-run and decide to clean up later..

you have to wonder how many customers they lose with the TOS changes..i mean a change like this could drive a lot of content creators away..because not everyone is going to trust their words over a contract..

that or they may just not take the time to want to know..

could be the straw that broke the back for thier camel..


rather than try to salvage after the bomb..why not say..ok we'll be dropping this on you..any questions?

it would save a lot of trouble for them and for us..

it's better to have residents in world with answersto give for people that they hear are leaving because of certain changes..than everyone wondering and guessing..

LL sometimes communication is a good thing in a community build around communicatin..

you want a wide variety of users..then act like that is the users you will have here and not everyone legal eagles..

communicate like you used to with us..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you think that the new ll tos is draconian?
Maybe you think is poorly written?
Do you want ll to change the the tos?
Than come and vote here: http://rcds.nfshost.com/blog_show.php/?id=_blog_09262013091334_llsl=Rex-Cronon
Lets show to ll that we stand united.
If enough of us do it, than maybe ll will listen.
After all we are its customers and supporters.
We are the users and creators of the things that fill this virtual word.
I don't know what are our chances of success, but I know that is better than doing nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are concerned about the Second Life Terms of Service, I encourage you to join the United Content Creators of SL group.  It is an open group offering a structured approach to effecting change.  

Click link to join. 




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This Notice also available on GoogleDrive at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6WF8NkOyoV4ZkdkOEFJRngwYk0/edit?usp=sharing

The Rumors
It has been brought to my attention that rumors are arising as to the activities of the group. Your board members are Kylie Sabra, Toysoldier Thor and Trinity Yazimoto. Only communications coming in the form of group notices or documents on Google Drive represent the activities and messaging of group; everything else is conjecture or opinion. Rumors are destructive to the group’s purpose, causing misunderstandings and undo fear.

When discussing the TOS, and for your own legal protection, I suggest you avoid attempting to interpret the TOS for others. You can’t go wrong with quoting it, however, there could be some liability in trying to interpret it publicly, as that could be seen as attempting to act as an attorney.

To clarify, the group is not planning a lawsuit. Last I checked, this whole group put together likely lacks the funds to take on a corporation with the deep pockets of Linden Lab.

To keep things simple. If you didn’t see in on Google Drive or in a group notice, then do not assume that everything you are hearing attributed to the UCCSL is indeed fact.

The Purpose of the UCCSL

The UCCSL convened in response to concern over the Second Life TOS. It is not our purpose to determine whether the TOS is harmful. We decided we believe it to be so by starting, joining and participating in the group. The ongoing arguments within the group as to whether the TOS is harmful is a diversion from our purpose.

To state our purpose as simply a possible is to say that we endeavor to effect change to the Linden Lab’s August, 2013 Second Life TOS in a manner that is equitable for all. We welcome, in fact need, your support in growing this group’s numbers to increase our impact and credibility. We welcome and need your input as to how to go about effecting change. Walt’s art protest is a wonderful example. Let’s gather around this event with videography and invite magazines and SL TV to take part. There is so much you can do to help, and your constructive ideas and activities are warmly welcomed.

Are we going to get exactly what we want, likely not. However, we are striving—with your input—to alert Linden Lab to our concerns. Before involving authorities, we will endeavor to open communications with Linden Lab.

I hope I’ve been able to clarify some key items for you and to set your mind at rest. Yes, there will be rumors; you know where to find the facts.

Kylie Sabra


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  • 2 weeks later...

When one person in a community loses some of their rights, the rights and humanity of all are impacted.

It is important that along with considerations about financial loss and risk assessment, we think about the loss of trust, the loss of rights we possessed under the old TOS which have been rescinded because LL now is going to require consent to the new TOS in order for us to continue here. That means we have given them rights to content we uploaded under the old conditions and limitations. This is serious, and I do not know how many have understaood that aspect of the TOS changes or thought about what it represents.

For a new agreement to be made which cancels the good faith of the previous agreement and sweeps up the content that we broght here under that former TOS which limited LL's rights to use and profit from our work, is extremely grievous.

It is not particularly important whether, why or how LL chose the wording of the new TOS. What is important is that by agreeing and shrugging it off, we in some way compromise our personal integrity as creators. 

When we live our lives by default, we lose much of our humanity. Personal integrity involves the freedom and the difficulty of conscious choice. That is why this TOS change is harmful in the ways LL changed it and the way it was introduced after residents spent up to 10 years building a beautiful world under very different agreements than those the TOS now offers us.

Personal integrity and a sense of community are what made this place a good place to live. What kind of world will remain for those who choose to stay when those things are so diminished? 

Let's try to get LL to see the damage this has already done to community and trust, and to change the TOS to one we can feel happy to agree to by choice, not by accident, ignorance or default.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately I am not seeing a huge outcry over this new tos change yet.  That is the right of those that do log in.  Personally I think it has to a lot to do with most ppl thinking the tos does apply to them but they just don't care about those tos.  How many times do we just agree to a tos without thinking.  I know I have in the past.  Tos agreements have become at least for me irritating statements, that get in the way of what I want to do with the program; I am trying to install/use. Until LL acts on this new tos in a way that will affect SL users negatively ,  ppl simply won't care about their content and the fact that they gave away unlimited authority to LL.

Hell they may not care if LL blatantly undersold them.

I feel; really feel, for those who feel they have to log in take care of customers. They are between a rock and a hard place. I would in their position be looking for an exit strategy if for no other reason but the fact that this tos was dropped on pp.  There are no longer any reassurances that the next tos won't be worse.  Unlike years prior,  SL isn't the only grid in town. 

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Catherine Cotton wrote:

Unfortunately I am not seeing a huge outcry over this new tos change yet.

I see several reasons for this.

One of them is the Merchant to Consumer ratio in SL.  How many Merchants are actually present in SL or on the Marketplace?  I don't know if there is a way to count.

Consumers would be less likely to know about this issue, especially new users.

It takes time to get the word out and it isn't always easy to do in SL.

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