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Device for seeing who was there?

Syo Emerald

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I'm curious who comes around to my parcel when I'm not there. Any chance there is a gadget that could tell me that? I'm not sure for that I should search on the marketplace. Its not necessary about securtiy, because its just my curiosity. :catvery-happy:

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I had the same curiosity as you so put together this script which will keep a list of your visitors for you.

Drop it in any prim you want and good to go.


float  HowOftenToCheck = 180;  // In seconds, how often will the                                // sensor look for visitors. Higher = less lagfloat  HowFarToLook = 50;      //  How far in meters the script will look around its position                               //   to find the visiotrs. Up to 96 meters!    //============================================================================================== string AllAgents;string OwnerName;string HackTime(){    string xt           = llGetTimestamp();    string x;    integer i;    // First process date out of xt    i = llSubStringIndex(xt, "T");    x = llGetSubString(xt, 0, i - 1);    // Get rid of the date    xt = llGetSubString(xt, i + 1, -1);    // Second process time    i = llSubStringIndex(xt, ".");    x += " " + llGetSubString(xt, 0, i - 1) + "GMT";    return x;} default{    state_entry()    {        // arc=PI is a sphere, you could look more narrowly in the direction object is facing with PI/2, PI/4 etc.        // don't repeat this too often to avoid lag.        llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, HowFarToLook, PI, HowOftenToCheck);    }    sensor(integer num_detected)    {        string thisAgent = "";        integer agentNum;        for (agentNum=0; agentNum<num_detected; agentNum++)        {            key thisKey = llDetectedKey(agentNum);            string thisAgent = llDetectedName(agentNum);            if (llSubStringIndex(AllAgents+"\n", "\n"+thisAgent+"\n") < 0)            {                AllAgents = AllAgents + "\n" + "(" + HackTime()+")"+thisAgent;            }        }    }         touch(integer num_detected)      {        if (AllAgents != "")                {                  llOwnerSay("Hi boss! Our visitors were these: "+ AllAgents);                  AllAgents = "";                }        else                 {   llOwnerSay("I didn't notice any new visitors yet...");  llSleep(1.0);  }         }    } 


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Oh wow....my parcel seems to be the most attractive thing in the neighbourhood. Together with my tiny teehouse (it tells me who went inside) I counted six different people who where already  on my sim since yesterday. I'm...suprised.

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Its a tiny parcel I rented from Lionheart. I made an asian garden on the ground and have a skybox miles away in the sky....oh and looks like I just missed number 7, who took a look into my teahouse 15 minutes ago :catvery-happy:

(I get it messaged to my email when someone new opens the door).

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This is what I use. Much, much better than a sensor, for a lot of reasons. Just gotta be okay with getting lots of IMs if you have lots of visitors while you're offline/not there. it's a great proof of concept for llGetAgentList.


key owner = "3c85d896-963a-4f77-9325-0eee0147ac66"; //Your UUID.default{    state_entry()    {        llSetTimerEvent(300.0);    }    timer()    {        integer numberOfAvatarsInSim = llGetRegionAgentCount();        if(numberOfAvatarsInSim >= 0)        {            if(llGetAgentSize(owner) == ZERO_VECTOR)            {                list avatarsInRegion = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_PARCEL, []);                integer numOfAvatars = llGetListLength(avatarsInRegion);                integer index;                while(index < numOfAvatars)                {                    key id = llList2Key(avatarsInRegion, index);                    string name = llKey2Name(id);                    llInstantMessage(owner, name + " is on the parcel.");                    llInstantMessage(owner, "https://my.secondlife.com/" + llGetUsername(id));                    ++index;                }            }        }    }}


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