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Stupid action on my part


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Being a noob really hurts...I was decorating my Linden home...found somethings in my inventory I didn't remember where they came from.. 4 folders with the title of (oops, not in game and can't remember exactly) LHHR or something like that . pulled one out and rezzed it into my bedroom...(that's the Really Stupid thing)... plays some horrible loop of a song I associate with (shudder) disco....can't figure out how to delete it or silence it or even see it...just emits from a blank spot in my bedroom...... hmmmm reminds me of my marriage.....er, sorry bout that....

Can anyone help me figure this out?  Someway to silence the darn thing..would love to be able to stay at the house long enough to actually put stuff where I want it...,

Thanks in advance ...


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2 answers to this question

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Hello Enaud,

there are several ways to find this object:

- if its just small and maybe even covered with a transparent texture. you can press CTRL+ALT+T this will show all transparent objects in red, then select it, right click and delete / or take back into inventory.
- the other method is to rightclick just anything that you can see, to open the 'edit window' and drag a selection border around the areas where you assume you have rezzed it. Once the objects are selected look closely if there is anything or something small showing up amongst all of the now visisble selection borders that could be your object. In that case again rightclick this specifiic object and delete or take.
- If you have parcel rights, you could also look in the about > land window and look for all objects that have been rezzed by you. Or you speak to the owner / manager / admin and ask them to look for this certain item and return it to you.

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In addition to the excellent reply above, depending on your viewer, you can also use Area Search to find your objects (filter for Owner and enter your name.)  The Area Search tool is available in Firestorm but I'm not sure which other viewers have it.

Find the offending object in the list, click on its name in the list, follow the red arrow to the object and handle accordingly.  Or right click the object name in the list, select whichever option suits what you wish to do with the item and, voila, offending object handled!

Good luck with it!

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