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What is Demo? limited period use or watered down version?


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I am a noob and I could not find clear answer to this question through search:


When I buy "demo" version of an article in Second Life, am I getting the ability to use it for a limited time period? or am I getting a "limited" version (with limited features) of the article?


Indications were it is limited period use, but it was not 100% clear wherever I searched.


Assuming the Demo is limited period use, what is the period for which use is allowed normally?


Thanks in advance.

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No, it is not about limited time. Demos are made for customers who need to test the product first before they buy the real one. Good example are mesh clothes. Mesh clothes come in different sizes and not every avatar fits them. The demo is a way for a potentional customer to test if their avatar fits into the dress, skirt, shirt or whatever.

Demos mostly look like the original product, but are always made unattractive with the word "demo" writen on them or signs attached to them. They are just for trying out basic things.

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actually it depends on how the creator handles it.

it could be some kind of ugly sign like Syo said (it's the common way for clothing), but sometimes it can be a limitation of functions, limitation of location where the item works, and of course limited testing time.

My demos will be attached with llAttachToAvatarTemp, means, you can test it, but you can't take it into your inventory, and it will be gone next time you log in.

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Welcome to SL.  There are no standard rules for Demos that creators MUST follow.  Not to confuse you further but this has been my experience

Demo's for clothing, shoes, accessories hair and generally anything else for an avatar have no time limit for how long you can wear it the first time you try it on, but you may or may not get to try it on more than once.  They will mostly all have DEMO on then or a big blocky sign around them some where.  Note that they are exceptions to this as there is no set rule for how to create a demo.  Also note that things intended to be worn on the avatar may not be able to be rezzed directly in world may delete themselves.

Demos for things that are rezzed in world will also be marked DEMO or MODEL in some way and some will give you only a limited time to see it before it deletes. 

The whole purpose of a demo is to preview before you buy.  Creators make them in such a way as to prevent them being used for anything else. You can't mod them in any way, and most of the time if they are scripted and sometimes if they are not, they are both no copy and no transfer.  Generally if a demo has a time limit or if some features are not found on the demo that are on the regular product, you will be told either prior to obtaining it and/or in a notecard that comes with it. 

If you are asking this thinking you might be able to use a demo for other than a preview, think again.  Even if you can use it again and again it will be obvious to all that you are attempting to use or wear a demo like you would the regular product.  You may become the focus of conversations that you may not find pleasant. 

There is no reason to do this anyway.  There are plenty of free things available in SL to help you get started.  There is even a lot of really good stuff that some of the top creators give newbs for free during there first 30 days in SL.  You just have to take the time to search them out on the marketplace and in stores in world.  Here is a blog called  FabFree that tells you where a lot of these things are.  Using that as a guide you can put together a quality avatar with a small but nice wardrobe for free. 


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Thanks all for replying. It is still not 100% clear (like for example, I would have liked to know how to check what limitations are put on the product use), but what IS pretty clear is that demo items cannot be used regularly. And that is the important bit for me.


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Most of the responses here have been regarding demos for avatar items such as skin, hair, clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.  As noted, those demo items will generally either have DEMO pasted all over the item or a sign attached to the item.

For furnishings, I have seen the "limited use" language when an item can be rezzed for a period of time (ostensibly long enough to take a look at it/try it out) and then the item derezzes and disappears from your inventory (or else won't rerez).  I haven't run into many of those and they have primarily been demo houses or gardens, but that is where "limited use/limited time" would come in.  Demo avatar items will stay in your inventory until you delete them.  You might want to save a few if you go to events - I went to a "Demo Event" dance at a club years ago that was such fun!

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Demo avatar items will stay in your inventory until you delete them.  You might want to save a few if you go to events - I went to a "Demo Event" dance at a club years ago that was such fun!


We are probably going to see this change for prim or mesh items as time goes on .  You can now script an object that when clicked will attach to an avatar directly and when they detach it , it does not go into their inventory.  It deletes itself.  I think this method will gain popularity as it provides more protection for the IP rights of the creator and doesn't junk up inventories.

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