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Why is my secondlife being all glitch on windows 8?


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4 answers to this question

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Generally SL is compatible with W8. 

See here for more information and also some known issues:


But W8 is fairly new and still not all drivers for hardware are really optimized and might bring up various issues.

You also might want to make sure to that your graphic card's driver is the latest version and one that is compatible with W8. And check the settings in the SL preferences. Depending on if you are running ATI or Nvidia there might be some tweaks to make. Since presumably SL was also fresh installed and had to make new graphic settings by detecting hardware and drivers of your new Windows installation)

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Welcome to Second Life Answes, devildog561

Windows 8 is relatively new, but should not be the reason why you are having problems running Second Life.  What type of graphics card do you have installed in your computer?  Does it meet with the Second Life System Requirements (can be found elsewhere on this website).

If your graphics card does meet with Second Life System Requirements then, as others have already suggested in this thread, you should go see if you need to update the drivers for your graphics card.

I can run Second Life using the Firestorm viewer on my Windows 8 laptop, although it runs more happily when I have the computer hardwired rather than wirelessly.  Are you trying to run Second Life wirelessly by any chance?

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