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The White Cloud that teleports you home - REALMS

Chic Aeon

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There was a post on this a couple of days ago on the Help board, but no one really new anything,  including me. Then today my alt met "The Cloud" and was teleported home  -- much like a security device but with no warning.

So the cloud appears in front of you and kinda hangs on (Pathfinder?). If you don't get away from it (and that gal posting on the Help board tried and couldn't) you are teleported home by "CxW6KGFJJGGK 9HJKH "  whatever -- an OBJECT.

Now my first thought was that this was a greifer tool and it may be. But also there are new to me (hadn't been there in a month or so) ugly clouds hanging over Tyrah's Peak. They have the same not so nice but distinctive particle effect that the teleporter cloud had.

So my musing got me to wondering if while the Lindens gave us many many more crystals and apparently cut down the bots a bunch (haven't seen one in three long visits or any cheaters for that matter - yeah) they gave us a new menace to watch out for.

So my question is -- anyone else seen the cloud? Any ideas? Can't turn them in if you can't figure out who is running the object :D I wasn't fast enough to open my nearby screen and take a screenshot. Next time I will be *wink*.


I went back over to the realms and inspected the clouds about Tyrah's Peak. They are also all over the Spire and above Devil's Canyon. Maybe other spots. The clouds there look just like the cloud that sent my alt home. Still have no idea to the WHY as she was just coming out of the cave and running along the bridge.

But keep a lookout for them.



Suggest having the portal parks in your favorites and clicking immediately when accosted by one might be a good plan. That way you don't have to go get another hud etc.

AND THE QUEST IS WORKING AGAIN AFTER AT LEAST SIX MONTHS. I finished it tonight. Didn't get paid for the last canon but was fun.



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Nice write up and picture Chic. Yes Linden added this after what I imagine is complaints about  "cheaters" in Realms. If also noticed there MANY more signs posted that give THE RULES to follow as it pertains to the game.. To quote :

  • Flying is not permitted in Linden Realms.
  • Use of ‘bots’ or other automated software (internal or external) to enhance game play mechanics is not permitted.
  • Use of any object, devices, HUDs, scripting, etc to enhance speed, movement and award collection rates is not permitted

So what they have done is install these little cloud monsters to take care of some of these. What you find is if one was to FAST walk.. Jump higher than normal jump or fly well these "Clouds" descend on you and block ones path. Eventually they will tap and send you "HOME" where ever that maybe. I think its    a warning to get ones act together and to RUN as a NOOB does.. Or you can use some HUD based runs. Flying is OUT. HIgh jumps bring the clouds down on you and away you go OUT of Realms. I learned to adjust and after while got down to having fun again. Actually you can collect quite a few crystals with ANY special HUDS or scripts. Now it seems LInden has also added more crystals because of restrictions BUT now the COLLECTORS are running out of cash especially the ORANGE. This game is fun to play and enjoyable way to spend some down time away form drama. Lets hope Linden can get act together and put some more time into this because it is a nice way to have fun and earn a little $L at same time. Come on Linden keep this going your on to something : )

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You know I kind of figured this and I approve. It is much nicer than it has been lately.

BUUUUUUUT. My alt had NO speed hud or jumping or anything else. Only an ao with a regular run that she has been using for a year (Amacci free for 15 day avatars) I think. So they need some fine tuning there as she can't run faster than anyone else :D.   You KNOW. The cloud appeared right after she jumped down (walked off the cliff) of the cavern. So I bet it took that as a "not normal" jump.   Hard to get down any other way LOL. 

Hasn't seemed to be an issue.

Also I noted today that when I logged her in, her Firestorm bridge had an extra script attached to it that Firestorm did NOT like. I am guessing (since she doesn't' get out much) that it was from the REALMS, the only place she had been.

I hadn't been over in at least a month. The bots with the superfly speedy collectors were getting to me but really like it now. Amazingly it is fairly empty, might be that no one can turn in orange crystals. Hopefully they will fix that.

For anyone else reading this, the rock monsters have grown in number and some (not all I think) are more hungry. They are FAST to go after someone now. It is most obvious when you watch them after someone else.

BUT the quest is working again after being broken for a year. I know the date as I was helping a friend who joined SL and was trying to complete the quest. It broke before she even got to the "return to Tyrah's workshop" part. I finished it last night and it was fun.

So I will watch the jumping out of the cave - LOL and very good to know my suspicions were correct.

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is good to know about this thanks (:

maybe just jumping off the ledge when come out the cavern is against the game play. like is a click rope there to climb down on. so maybe is why get killed by a cloud there now

or maybe (which seems most likely) the clouds work on speed detector. like when you jump then you move faster than normal run. something like that maybe

is good to hear that the quests been fixed as well, so \o/

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