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SL V3 Constant Crashing Issue


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Hello I have decided to come to the SL forums to see if I can get any help with this problem, I am almost positive many are having similar issues and was wondering if anyone has any solutions that may help me correct this constant crashing problem I have when using the second life version 3 viewer in world.

I have, for the last 3 weeks, been having crashing issues using the viewer, I have no problems logging in,moving about etc, but can not seem to stay logged in for more then 6-8 minutes at a time without the viewer simply crashing and following with a crash report.

I have double and triple checked my router and modem, firewalls and made sure my drivers are all up to date and yet still nothing seems to stop these crashes.

I do not have any problems at all with crashes using the Firestorm or Phoenix viewers at all, just the Second life viewer. I have searched the support section and read and followed the crash section to the "T" yet nothing has helped me put an end to this reoccuring nightmare of constant crashing.

Is there anything anyone can suggest, anyone who is going through or has gone through this as well?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi Bella, 

I wish I could say I had some answers for you, but unfortunately I don't. And I doubt LL has any either.

My girl is having the same issues, crashing every 10-30 minutes... terrible lag, and inventory not loading, the list goes on and on. Her main problem is an inability to stay in SL for longer than 40 minutes on average.

And now I hear there are more code changes coming up that will affect everyone.

I personally don't get it. Why would Linden Labs consistantly make it harder and harder for the average person to get in and stay in SL. It boggles my mind. Maybe they only want wealthy computer geeks who have and can afford all the newest technology at the cost of hundreds and thousands of dollars that MOST people can't afford, I don't know. They are strangely silent on this, and I have asked this question repeatedly. Why make it harder for people to come into and stay in SL, you would think they'd want to make it easier for us, but no.

The answers I get blame HER ISP, or HER connection, or HER RAM is corrupted, or HER computer isnt up to standards... It's always HER fault and NEVER theirs.... as far as they are concerned, their code is God, and their viewer is Jesus Christ.... infallible and perfect, with everyone else and their computers being the devil.

I have decided to let go of my SL house and drop my premium account, why should I pay 77.00 US per annum (not including the hundreds of USD that I spend in SL itself on tiers, stream, and purchases) when they don't seem interested in helping anyone but themselves. I don't expect a rational reply from them taking ANY responsibility for the issues we are having, I am sure we will be told its our computer, our connection, etc. etc. they will deflect responsibility back onto us and list about 10 things it COULD be, and none of those things will include their code changes.

I hope you get your issues worked out, but I am not holding my breath.... Hang onto your virtual hat. more problems for the average user are coming with these new code changes they are instituting, and of course it will always be OUR fault. I fully expect to be called a hater, and nothing could be further from the truth, if it were I wouldn't waste my time and money in SL. I would move to another grid, and there are lots of them. I am simply a frustrated resident of Second Life, here for 4+ years, and learning that we don't matter, only our money does. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to support what Caolite has said about his girls experience of SL - exactly the same for me.

I've tried just about everything to improve my SL experience, but am constantly reminded that I am at fault somehow for either my ISP, my wireless, my computer or my understanding of technology generally!

I have seen many others forced into thinking a "better" computer would solve crashes and FPS problems or other related matters, only to spend a fortune and get bounced off sims repeatedly OR their ISP from the UK won't "speak" to the US servers.  I have had whole evenings where a bunch of friends from the UK all fail to hear a concert OR can't log in - then other evenings where we are all ok, but German friends keep getting bumped out or can't gain the media for music.


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seems to me that is the debug log that is one of the main culprits. by default is turned on

like right now i get kakadu and other render info warnings written to my log file. for just about every single thing drawn on my screen every frame lol (:

is 1000s and 1000s of them. 1000s meaning about 2.4 million in less than 10 minutes lol (:

when try teleport then black screen wait wait wait. Darn you been logged. errk!!! lol start again. if turn off all the warnings then way less: darn i keel you (:


ok way to stop this

turn on Develop menu: (Ctrl+Alt+Q) Set Logging Level to None. this option is not sticky. grrrrr!!! linden. so you have to do it every time you start. is pita that is not sticky but oh! well

once you got Develop menu showing then also got Debug menu on start screen. so:

start viewer. then before login then Debug menu. Set Logging Level to None. then login in


maybe is a commandline switch can turn debug logging off automagically. would like to know what it is. if it is possible

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  • 1 month later...

I have been having the same issue for the last 2 months. This was about the same time I changed my satellite provider (in Australia) and went onto the NBN satellite service - so naturally I thought that was to blame. I have fiddled around with routers and settings and the problem seems intermittant. Last week I managed to stay in SL for over an hour while I conducted some training (I work for a University that has a presence in SL) - but this week it's back to crashing every ten minutes.

This is seriously affecting my ability to do my work in SL. I have a brand new laptop, so that is not the problem. I know SL is not meant to work successfully with satellite sytems, but the fact is I have been working in SL since 2009 and while the voice etc doesn't always work well, I have not had these crashing issues.

I am wondering if rolling back to a previous version will help?

I am at my wits end and have been onto my ISP constantly as I thought it was my network service. I just would love some clarification about why this is happening and if I can do anything at all about it.



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Cas Geordie wrote:

I have been having the same issue for the last 2 months. This was about the same time I changed my satellite provider (in Australia) and went onto the NBN satellite service - so naturally I thought that was to blame. I have fiddled around with routers and settings and the problem seems intermittant. Last week I managed to stay in SL for over an hour while I conducted some training (I work for a University that has a presence in SL) - but this week it's back to crashing every ten minutes.

Firstly, there is a good chance you will crash out of SL through a disconnect if using a satellite link, SL does not like a lot of latency in the connection.

You might try a US-based VPN (there are some free ones available) - this seemed to work better for me when in Australia (I also had problems downloading the viewer without it sometimes).  Like you I found that the problem was intermittent and put this down to the amount of routing via cable and satellite a particular connection had.

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16 wrote:

maybe is a commandline switch can turn debug logging off automagically. would like to know what it is. if it is possible

In the viewer program folder, under app_settings/ is logcontrol.xml, you could change default-level to NONE in there. This still means an edit on every install or update, but hopefully that's better than needing it on every single login.




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Cas Geordie wrote:

Thanks for this - but I have been in SL since 2009 on a satellite connection and never had issues like this - has something changed recently?

There is always a chance that the NBN service has more latency to keep the cost down (i.e. getting cheap satellite links).  It would be best if you could find a friend not on the NBN but with satellite to compare.

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