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Crash ....


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Please help me!!! I'm looking for a solution for days about my problem and I'm already desperate!!! I was trying to find an answer  here, also, but I did not get a specific answer. I know I have an old computer and it can  cause problems, but 

 I do not know how I could have play, 15 days ago, and now I can't ! I'll try all,but nothing works! I know I can play it because my computer has all the sysrem requiements,what it need to play SL . But I still have "crash logged" even before I can even try to log in. Please help me, I would really,really,really,really... liked to join SECOND LIFE again!!!!! :matte-motes-crying:
But I said I was played beffore,so I can play! Mine computer can play it. I changed yust hard disc,nothing about graphics chip. There's no any solution ,I can play!? Sorry for my misunderstanding,but I really love SL to wait so long (when I buy new computer) to play it again.....Nothing I can do???
OK! Now is really time to give up,and save money for a better computer! Thank you for the answers!
Thanks Peggy for the answer mine question.The point is,that mine knowing about computers is really small,so I can't know all that things.When I susppect on some problem,I give it someone who (I hope) can repair it. But seems,I was not right and he did not take into account all relevant matters ,when making repairs. Ok,I'll try something or will wait till I buy an new one! Thank you for help!   :matte-motes-grin:
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Look at the responses to your first two questions in Answers.  Peggy asked you to describe your computer's specifications.  When you did, I told you that you are using a very old graphics chip that is not likely to support Second Life very well.  As I said then, I would be surprised if it ran SL at all. 

Peggy also asked you to tell us why you had your computer repaired, but you did not respond.  I suspect that I know the answer, however.  You had the computer repaired because it overheated and damaged some components.  It probably overheated your old graphics chip too, so that it will not work at all for Second Life now.  You need a new computer.  :smileysad:

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I remember that thread now. :) He did tell me why he had the computer repaired.........something about the hard drive crashing (or maybe it was just replaced for unknown reasons). I forget now but I'm certainly going to go through the effort of looking it up. Not when the OP obviously does not pay attention. My guess is the OP doesn't really know why the computer needed repair.........or the OP never had the computer repaired at all.

What's scary to me is that I know the OP is probably over the age of 18 and probably lives in the United States. That means the OP can register to vote and actually help elect people to office who govern this country.

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Florramy wrote:

[ ...]   
But I said I was played beffore,so I can play! Mine computer can play it. I changed yust hard disc,nothing about graphics chip. There's no any solution ,I can play!?
for my
misunderstanding,but I really love SL to wait so long (when I buy new computer) to play it again.....Nothing I can do???

Thank you for adding that information.  I think you were lucky to get that computer to run SL before, but I still think its weak graphics chip may have been damaged by overheating.  That's why you can't get into SL any more.  I doubt that you'll be able to put a better chip into that machine.

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I just want to add to what Rolig said in her last post.  I can agree with her on the possibility of the graphics processor overheating........to a point.  If the hard drive failed to the point of needing replacement due to over heating, then it's entirely correct to assume that other hardware components also overheated.  However, hard drives seldom fail because they over heated.  Wear and tear due to normal operation often cause hard drives to die.........afterall those things spin at pretty high rpms while in use (for desktops that's usually 7200 rpm, for laptops usually 5400 rpm).  Bearings and bushings wear out and when that happens the drive is done and needs replacing.  They also develop bad sectors due to many factors......when those bad sectors get numerous enough the hard drive does not function properly and the system becomes unstable.  Many crashes and eventually just fails to boot up at all (the drive needs to be replaced).  Those two events are, by far, the most common reason for hard drive failures.....not heat.  I doubt your graphics problems is related to your hard drive problems.

What I do think is your problem is that when your hard drive failed and was replaced you had to install your operating system on it..........a clean installation since there was nothing on the drive when it was put in the computer.  That necessitates complete reinstallation of everything you had installed on the drive before it failed...not only the OS, but all the programs, and software packages you want or need.  And, of course, that includes all drivers for your hardware devices.  Your graphics driver had to be installed.  Unless you either had a copy of the driver setup file available that you were using when SL worked before you need to know what the driver version was in order to get the same driver installed...........and it's probable that you did not have that setup file saved, nor did you record the driver version.  That means it's almost guaranteed that you are not using the same driver as before when SL worked.  And that is likely most of your problems.  The way you have your operating system setup is also a factor.......again I doubt very seriously you have your system setup the same way it was setup before your hard drive replacement.

First order of business is to find the driver you were using.  That's going to be a tough thing to do.  All I can suggest is to start with the approximate date you last updated the driver and try one driver at a time moving forward until you find one that works.  That can be a long and tedious process with no guarantee you'll find it either.  Then you will have to work through the various setups for your operating system.........again a long and tedious process but there's more hope of getting back to where it was before your hard drive replacement (you probably know what you like and used before).

That's where you stand with that computer.  There's nothing anyone can do to help beyond what Rolig and I have suggested.  The cold hard fact of the matter is that you did not record driver versions (or maybe you never updated the drivers........IDK) so you have no starting point.  There is almost always some indication of a pending hard drive failure.  You evidently never took any action to backup your system before your drive failed or you replaced the drive.  That's pretty basic maintenance anyone who values their computer and it's contents should be doing on a regular basis.  If you don't do that basic maintenance and you have problems you can't expect anyone to help you fix it.......it's all on you.

Sorry to be so blunt and harsh.  But you could have prevented a lot of this problem upfront had you paid attention to your computer and done some maintenance.  You would have seen that something serious was happening and taken steps to protect your stuff.  You didn't so now your work is cut out for you........lots of work.  When you get your new computer don't treat it like you did this one.

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