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Everything posted by Florramy

  1. Another question! I earn some lidens in "Earn 2 Life" offers,but I never ger it on mine sl account. Now I wanna do that ,but i don't know how??
  2. Florramy


    I'm using second life wiever 3. I'm trying to block a person, but no avail. When I put that person on the block list i can still see him in searching results,in nearby and I still can see the name when i am in nearby place,and that person also can see me! Why is this happening? I want to hide all things about mine profile and avi,from that person,that he can't see me at all ,at any one place.Can I do that? And one more question... I wanna adjust some prefferences on mine wiever,but when i logg out..all preferences get lost,and i have to adjust it every time all over again.Why is it happened? I tried other wievers ,but do not works, goes to slow and get crushes all the time. I'm trying to save preferences about chat history! I wanna adjust,to not save it on mine hard disc. I'm using Windows.
  3. Florramy

    Crash ....

    Please help me!!! I'm looking for a solution for days about my problem and I'm already desperate!!! I was trying to find an answer here, also, but I did not get a specific answer. I know I have an old computer and it can cause problems, but I do not know how I could have play, 15 days ago, and now I can't ! I'll try all,but nothing works! I know I can play it because my computer has all the sysrem requiements,what it need to play SL . But I still have "crash logged" even before I can even try to log in. Please help me, I would really,really,really,really... liked to join SECOND LIFE again!!!!! :matte-motes-crying: But I said I was played beffore,so I can play! Mine computer can play it. I changed yust hard disc,nothing about graphics chip. There's no any solution ,I can play!? Sorry for my misunderstanding,but I really love SL to wait so long (when I buy new computer) to play it again.....Nothing I can do??? OK! Now is really time to give up,and save money for a better computer! Thank you for the answers! Thanks Peggy for the answer mine question.The point is,that mine knowing about computers is really small,so I can't know all that things.When I susppect on some problem,I give it someone who (I hope) can repair it. But seems,I was not right and he did not take into account all relevant matters ,when making repairs. Ok,I'll try something or will wait till I buy an new one! Thank you for help! :matte-motes-grin:
  4. Florramy

    "Crash Logger"

    Hallo! I'll try to find out what happened with mine system when I have "crash logger" every time when I try to log in Second Life! I tryed to find the solution on this page http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri ,and it sais that I can't play Second Life! So I was used SL before myne computer rapairetion,and now i cant! If I understand this well I think that mine video card is not good.I have here,all in green ,and that means that everything is ok,except "video card" where I have red.. So I have ATI Radeon Graphics Processor AGP (0x4153) ,and to play Second life I need something else! So can I change it someway ,or I can't play Second Life,anymore,at all?? So if I understand ,well ,I can't play Second Life anymore? I need new computer,or I can do something to play it anyway??
  5. Florramy

    Crash Logger

    Hallo! I have problems with the loadingSL application! I was before on SL,and all was ok,but now when I try to logg ,I just have "crash logged" (Loading Second Life....Detecting Hardware...Initalizing VFS...and just Second Life Crash Logged) . I try everything,but nothing works... I don't know what to do! I wasn't log for about 10 days becouse I had repaired mine computer....Possible ,the problem is becouse of that,becouse before repaired,all works ok...sometimes crashed,and was slow,but ok. Maybe something blocks mine SL,but I don't know what can it be!? Can you please help me to solve mine problem ,becouse I tryed everything (uninstall,reinstall,other wievers,other account.....all) And I tryed some simmular games..everything is good..but with SL ,no! Please help me! I want mine SECOND LIFE back! :matte-motes-crying::matte-motes-crying::matte-motes-crying: I think that hard disc is changed,and insalled new wimdows ! I compared system requiments for SL,and I thik all mine pass.
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