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help for a new avatar

Suzie Dirval

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When i got my avatar  i logged into sl and it was a red blob until i use ctrl, alt , right and R  click then it came into view but it is using ruthhairfix as the shape and its not the same as i wanted it looks goofy plus i have bought new skin and shapes and the inventry tells me that i cannot add them till clothes and shapes have all loaded  which they have the whole thing is working very weird and i am not happy with sl at the moment. I just want to be able to use my avatar that i selected  but its a load of crapand very weird looking with alian eyes .......

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Hi Suzie,

your problem is much closer to home, I'm afraid to say. The red fog and slow loading of your avie and the inventory sounds like a hardware and /or connection issue. There are many factors to be recognized:

Is your machine able to handle SL? If you have a cheapo 300 €uro/US$ laptop you better forget about a satisfactory SL experience.

Is your connection fast and stable enough to run SL? Please do yourself a favour and run a speedtest and a pingtest. What our ISPs are promising us is often far from the truth.

Are you on wifi? That's often the core problem. If possible plug in!

Tweak the graphics settings in your viewer. Shorter draw distance, and slider down to medium quality can help you a lot. Also deactivate Get HTTP Textures, for this is a real killer on many machines.


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It is possible your computer or network are the culprit and you should verify that your hardware can handle SL.


That said, I have had similar problems starting yesterday working on two different computers that were running SL fine until yesterday.   I will be clearing my cache to see if that helps.  But I know that my hardware is not the issue and my network has not given me problems in the past, although that may have changed yesterday.

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It sounds like you're trying to create a new avatar using Phoenix.If you're using Phoenix your avatar won't load properly until you go to a region that allows objects to be rezzed because it's trying to create the "bridge." The "ruthhairfix" is also something that Phoenix adds when it attempts to fix a non-rendering avatar.

This Phoenix JIRA has work-arounds for this:


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Everyone is pretty much guessing at what the problem is because you didn't provide us the information we need to help you.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need.  To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

We may be able to provide good help if you get us more information.

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