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Adjusting positions ...

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I encounter animated furniture that tells me I can adjust positions by pressing the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys "at the same time."
I must be awfully obtuse, but for the life of me I can't figure out how that works. When I press those keys nothing happens. This doesn't surprise me; I can't imagine anything happening - there must be more input required, surely. Perhaps, I thought, the arrow keys would adjust the position if I held the two indicated keys down. But this doesn't work either.
Could someone please enlighten me?

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To clarify, hit PgUp and PgDown at the same time.  Then use your arrow keys to move your avatar into position.  Don't keep pressing PgUp and PgDown when you do this or it won't work.  Once you have your avatar in the right position hit PgUp and PgDown at the same time again to release the arrow keys to function as normal.

I know this works because the script that is being used is the AVSitter script which I use and I've done this many times. I even tried it again before I replied to you the first time in case a bug was introduced that broke the script.

If it doesn't work for you, the script is not functioning correctly.  Try to reset the script or take it into your inventory and rezz it back out.  If it still isn't working your sim may need a restart.  Lastly, contact the creator of your furniture.  The script may have become corrupted and needs replacing.

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The theory behind that system is that Pgup or Pgdown alone are like a toggle to activate the previous or next animation. Totether, they toggle between that original function and allowing you to move. When it works right, it's a very useful tool to prevent a petite avatar from hovering above furniture.

But the movement in "change position" mode is very slight. I guess the theory that the person who wrote the script had is that if you're unhappy with the default position, you're going to want to be precise about it. Pushing up or down once or twice may nob be enough of a difference to notice. Try doing everything it says, then HOLD up or down, or whatever direction you want to go. I've noticed that somethimes you have to try pushing pgup and pgdwn together a couple of times before it'll work. I'm not sure why. 

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