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where the heck did my bandwidth/fps go??


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When I logged off a couple hours ago everything was running fine, and now both bandwidth and fps are near zero, even on low graphics settings.  I've run connection tests and visited other high bandwidth sites (streaming video etc.) so it's not my ISP.  Here's my configuration:


Second Life 3.4.0 (264911) Sep 19 2012 11:15:02 (Second Life Release) Release Notes

You are at 462,400.0, 305,100.0, 34.8 in Mousetrap located at sim6054.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life Server Error fetching server release notes URL.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz (3092.99 MHz) Memory: 3062 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GT 440/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0623 OpenGL Version: 4.2.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 33/15,659 (0.2%)

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The first thing I noticed right away on the specs you posted (which, by the way, I want to thank you for including those.......so many people come here with some issue and don't post anything to help people help them), is that your Vista is service pack 1.......the current Vista is service pack 2.............you really should install that sericie pack for both security reasons and performance reasons.  Window's Update is your best friend for any Windows system.........visit the update site regularly (better yet, set Windows Update to notify you when critical updates are available for to your system).

That aside, I really don't think that's your immediate problem with low bandwidth and frame rates (FPS will suffer with low bandwidth so I would say your root problem is bandwidth).  You said "I've run connection tests and visited other high bandwidth sites (streaming video etc.) so it's not my ISP".  That's not the complete story....you can have decent conection speed and still not have a good connection (ping times create havoc in SL as does packet loss.....which will show up in a speed test but it will still appear to be "good" if all you look at is the download speed).  Streaming video is not really high bandwidth.......only slightly greater than normal web surfing.  SL's bandwidth requirement much higher than any video you can stream online.  I think you need to reboot both your router (if one is present in your local network) and your modem.  Unplug both from their electrical source for 3 to 5 minutes then plug them back in.  Let the lights settle to their normal blinking routine and restart your computer to re-establish your Internet connection.  That will clear out any residual memory built up in the devices that effect the throughput of the devices (all routers and modems have small memory leaks that need cleared from time to time).

Back to the SP 1............you are living on borrowed time by not installing that security patch on your Vista machine.  Do now......even though it's not the root problem with your download and frame rate problem.

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Leander wrote:

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

So, Peggy, how did you get the idea he might stilll be on Vista? The fact alone that he's on a i3 proci would rule Vista out. And afaik Win7 is only on SP 1, so he's kinda up to date. A bit more oomph in the RAM department couldn't do any harm but for the rest his machine is perfectly capable of running SL in a satisfactory manner. Yes, of course his connection could be troubled, a speedtest and pingtest would help to establish any probs on that side.

My guess is tho that it's a typical LL blunder, now that they are rolling out the pathfinding crap. I noticed much worse performance of the grid myself lately.



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Orca Flotta wrote:

So, Peggy, how did you get the idea he might stilll be on Vista? The fact alone that he's on a i3 proci would rule Vista out.


Actually, the processor doesn't rule out an operating system.  :matte-motes-frown::matte-motes-frown:


Not sure where you pulled that one from?

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"Actually, the processor doesn't rule out an operating system."


Nope, the processor does not have a thing to do with an operating system.  I have a second computer with an i5 CPU and Vista x64.  That CPU could run XP (x32 or x64), ME or even Win 98 if I chose to install one of those OS's on it.  It can run Linux (any distro).  Now that doesn't go the other way though......I doubt a Pentium 3 could run Windows 7 for instance.

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Exactly, within reasons of course. 

Though I had a spare box that ran Windows 7 64 bit off a single core Pentium D   @ 2.2Ghz. Talk about a dinosaur!

When my main system took a dump on me a few months ago, I dragged that out and tried to run Firestorm on it. I put up with that disaster for about 30 minutes before I ran and got my current system. Next thing to get upgraded will be a better graphics card. Not that the 520 is bad, I want more power without lagging my system from 50 fps down to under 10 when running shadows, and that is on a quiet sim.


Specs here:

CPU: Intel® Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz (2993.23 MHz)
Memory: 8173 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2

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usually all systems with i3, i5, i7 procis ship with Win 7. And if he built the compi himself then why should he install crappy Vista?"


Perhaps because he likes Vista?  I have 2 computers connected via a KVM switch (2 computers sharing a single keyboard, single mouse and a single monitor).  Both computers have an Intel i5 CPU in them.  What would be considered my "main" computer (this one) is the Windows 7 x64 computer.....only because I had this one first (not because I think Windows 7 is particularly better.  My other computer has Vista x64 installed on it..  I put Vista on that machine on purpose (my Windows 7 license is licensed for 3 computers).  I came about the second computer because a friend of mine decided that she wanted a laptop and did not want the desktop anymore..........I built that computer for her about a year before she moved to a laptop and she insisted that I take the desktop back because I had helped her so much in the past with computers.  I wiped that hard (a Windows 7 x64 system just like this computer) and dug out my old Vista x64 installation disk to use on the computer.  I happen to like Vista.........I've never had any problems with that OS.  I wanted to compare the OS's side by side to see if there is any difference in performance........yeah there's minor differences but nothing like what people say.  Vista is a good OS.........all you have to do is make sure you don't have all that memory hogging glitz and "glammor" runing (you know, that Windows Aeroglas junk.........which, by the way Windows 7 also has turned on by default).  It's how you set your system up (what you choose to run to make it "look better").  Vista uses more memory than Windows 7 with similar setups..........about 200 MB).  Both machines will run quite smoothly with adequate system RAM (this machine has 16 GB and the Vista machine has 4 GB......still not a spit's worth of difference in performance on that front).  SL runs better on this machine due the graphics card installed in it (a GTX 550 Ti vs a GTS250).  But I still can maintain 30 plus FPS in most places that are not loaded up with avatars and huge textures.......maybe 5 FPS frames difference.  Neither machine handly shadows and DOF well in my opinion.......but I simply don't like the way shadows look and I don't like the blurriness of backgrounds with DOF (DOF does make SL photos look better if you want a artistic image....but for every day SL'ing and snapshots, it's more a distraction than anything else). 

You can't make an assumption about what OS someone runs simply because they have a newer series CPU installed.  I made my mistake earlier in my first post because I failed to distinguish between 2 threads I was reading and wanted to answer.....honest (but silly) mistake.  I don't think your mistake was the same..........you wanted to slam Vista (and Vista would not have entered the discussion had I not made my mistake).  I never like XP (not from the very first and not even when I move away from it several years later).  It's just not a good OS in my opinion..........I'm in a minority I know.  But I never dissed the OS because I knew it was just a system I didn't care for.  You don't like Vista and that's fine.  But some people do.....and it's not a crappy OS (all you need to do is set it up to your liking.....which can be difficult if you don't understand your OS).


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Ya, ok, Vista wasn't a bad system. It was ok once you got rid of all the glitz and glamour (that's btw what I do on Win 7 as well) and made it look basically like a reduced XP. My windows still look like 3.1.

Vista ran very stable but had some annoying stuff going on. All those question about if I want to do this and that action ... and if I'm really positively sure about it ... and if I have the admin rights for this system and all that crap. It's my frakking machine, my OS, dammit! LOL. When I click on something I want it to happen. Like NOW!

Win7 is a bit more relaxed about all that. And faster in my experience. And has less memory leaks, which was the weakest point about Vista.

I'm doing most my computing stuff on Linux Mint these days anyway, more or less only running SL on Windows. Don't ask me why :/

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