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SL viewer and firestorm freeze or crash; Imprudence does not

Dryl Morgwain

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NOT RESOLVED as of July 25 2012, October 13 2012

HALLOWE'EN 2012 EDIT :matte-motes-evil:

I've cleared caches and prefs and app support and uninstalled and reinstalled and checked bandwidth and drivers and cards and had my smarter friend look at it so many times and it's gotten to the point that I have realized that a decade is more than long enough for LL to have made a client that works with a spanking new computer with a robust connection speed and excellent cards.  WTF?

It's really, really disappointing.  The hours - years! - put into designing content feel stolen.  I am extremely unhappy about it.

 LL has been deliberately evasive and just generally incompetent at this stuff for soooooo long.




It's still the same situation as described here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Unable-to-log-in-iMac-10-newest-OS-clean-install-prefs-wipe/qaq-p/1604245


It works on Imprudence now, with the inventory loading fully.  This seems to strongly indicate that my suspicion is correct, that my system is fine and everything should be working.  How come Firestorm crashes and SL hangs, cutting off my audio, both during the "Loading World" portion of login - what could be causing this?


  Unable to log in. iMac 10, newest OS - clean install, prefs wipe, internet connections, check.

Since slightly before the re-roll, only Imprudence has been able to log in to SL and then with my inventory reduced to about 1/66th of its full compliment.  I've tried at least three clean installs (wiped prefs, deleted all associated files), checked internet connection (all is fine there),  and downloaded Firestorm in the hopes that I'd be able to continue working - 

no go.  SL crashes at the very end of the login procedure, with all statuses seeming to be OK and everything all the way up to "Loading World" seeming to work fine.  What gives?  Grid status checked repeatedly.  No answers there....


computer info:

Model Name:iMac

  Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo

  Memory:12 GB


 additional observations:

• Sound to the whole system is cut when the viewer hangs on login.  This is also true in Firestorm.  

• I've been dealing with this for (edit: 8) days now  - I have looked everywhere I can think of and there is no satisfactory explanation for this problem on my system.  

• In case it isn't clear (I'm tired and crabby now because I'd just uploaded a bunch of new graphics when this began happening),
- SL Viewer hangs on any attempt to log in, during the final part of login "Loading World".  Sound is disabled to the whole system when this happens (which is fixed by Force Quitting SL).  
- Firestorm is the same but simply crashes entirely, no message, no warning, at the same part of login, IE "Loading World"
- There seems to be no one at LL to call about this issue.


Is there really no answer not related to checking things out again on this end?  It's a bit frustrating; I know it's so tempting to hope that it might be on this end; I've operated under that theory for almost a week now, but

it just isn't.  SL is crashing on Firestorm as well as Viewer, true, and I initially thought that indicated that the problem is on my end.  However, the strangely protracted load times for inventory on Imprudence (we're talking hours to reach a mere 308 fetched items)  on the rare occasion that it doesn't crash as well tell me that it's something else.  I can stream three movies at a time with no visible loss of performance; this computer should theoretically be able to run two instances of SL without impacting performance drastically at all - 

something is wrong with SL- it's not this rig; promise!  If there's some way that SL makes changes to drivers or something equally horrifying, I need to know about that.  Anyone?  I see the same question getting answered elsewhere with "check your computer" but I am definitely satisfied that the computer is not the culprit here.


SIGH both SL and Firestorm malfunction at the exact same stage of login, invariably.  SL always cuts the sound to my entire system, FS crashes and vanishes immediately with no msg / warning / crash report.  This is reliable / repeatable behavior and no amount of juggling anything about this system (which enjoys an almost sinfully excellent internet connection) alters it in the slightest.  

I suppose the fix is to stop using the SL viewer permanently, and to forego further attempts to try the Firestorm (as it has never successfully launched) - which I find highly inconvenient.  I understand that the vast majority of people aren't trying things like hunting down every stray pref, clearing cache, pristine installs, etc..  I hope I don't seem irritated with respondents; it's just frustrating as heck.  I'm in the position now of weighing the value of time & money in the form of graphics designed (and uploaded) which have virtually no value in any other market versus trying to fiddle with this any longer.

SIGH both SL and Firestorm malfunction at the exact same stage of login, invariably.  SL always cuts the sound to my entire system, FS crashes and vanishes immediately with no msg / warning / crash report.  This is reliable / repeatable behavior and no amount of juggling anything about this system (which enjoys an almost sinfully excellent internet connection) alters it in the slightest.  


>>" It's highly unlikely (in fact, just as you promised it's not your rig, I'm going to promise you it's not the SL viewer or the Firestorm viewer).    It's not SL (do you realize how many complaints there would have been if this had been going on for 3 days as it has for you?"

 Note the pileup of complaints to this effect.

I didn't beging switching viewers until SL had failed three days in a row of constant tinkering.

SIGH well at least my system is incrementally cleaner, now.  >:( 



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something is wrong with SL- it's not this rig; promise!  If there's some way that SL makes changes to drivers or something equally horrifying, I need to know about that.  Anyone?  I see the same question getting answered elsewhere with "check your computer" but I am definitely satisfied that the computer is not the culprit here."


Well, if it's not your rig, then it's something with your ISP, the Internet proper or SL.  It's highly unlikely (in fact, just as you promised it's not your rig, I'm going to promise you it's not the SL viewer or the Firestorm viewer).  It's not SL (do you realize how many complaints there would have been if this had been going on for 3 days as it has for you?

Call your ISP.  You can submit a support ticket (but, I promise you that you won't find the answer there).  I'm sorry to say unless it's a very remote chance that your ISP is causing the problem that the problem is on your end.  Your end includes any network you have and failure to load inventory is a very big clue that something is wrong in your network (or the netword between you and the SL servers).  Keeping a closed mind will hinder any resolution to your problem......to the point of never finding a solution at all.

If you will launch your viewer (any of your viewers) and under "Help" click "About Second Life".  Copy and paste the computer specs back here for people to see.  Telling us that you have an Intel Core 2 Duo and 12 GB RAM is not telling nearly enough for anyone to help you.

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I'm not surprised you're feeling tired and crabby and highly frustrated.  Computers are great when they are working, but the tiniest change can sometimes knock them out of kilter.

I really believe your issues are stemming from an interruption/interruptions in your connection.  Other problems you have seen in the forums might seem similar, maybe are similar, but what works for one person may not work for another.

However, best to get right back to basics. If you have not done so yet, take a proper break from this issue; by that I mean go for a cleansing walk, get some sleep, and try to put it out of your mind, and return with a fresh head.

If you have been accessing Second Life via a wireless connection, even if you have found this ok, you could well have started to have problems now, so try and be hard wired.

Reset your modem to refresh that connection.

And definitely clear your cache.  The fact that you are flicking beetween different viewers has gone towards confusing your already chaotic situation.  While you are inworld clearing your cache (and obviously if you can only log in on Imprudence or one of the other 1.23 based viewers use one of these), please go into the Advanced Menu and opt to "Show Consoles" before you relog.  When you do relog, do so into an empty low lag sim - I use Furball or Quarrel which are ideal for this purpose.  Open your inventory window and wait for your inventory to fully load.  Meantime, you should have that console window running, which you can watch and see the process happening.  You'll get an idea of how much work is actually going on 'backstage', as your inventory gets put back together again.

Note well: it can take up to 30 minutes for an inventory to fully load (I am basing this on an inventory with 18,000 items in it; expect longer if you have a larger inventory).

Do not forget to breathe!

I wish you luck, and look forward to any updates, progress reports, further system specifications, being added to your original post.


Edited to add: something else to take into consideration, which ties in with this problem having started three days ago.  Here in the UK, in my locality, kids just happened to have broken up from school three days ago, and my own general connection and internet speed has plummeted. And it's raining! Little blighters are all holed up in their basements and bedrooms jamming up the lines playing WoW, Sims online, FB, Twitter, etc., etc. If you are having to also share with tons of other people, your connection might actually be dying or being interrupted mid-way through logging in.  This is going to be more likely with Firestorm and V3/V3 based viewers, because there is so much more to load up from the servers than in the 1.23 based viewers.  Frustrating, yes, and if you're on the Virgin network, they have promised us better speeds by the end of the summer (September/October time).

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I am having the same problems on my Mac. I know that this problem is not related to internet connection issues (tried to log in on different connections and at different locations). I have also cleared caches, and performed a clean reinstall, to no avail. I believe the problem must have something to do specifically with Mac OS because I have no problem at all logging in with either the SL Viewer or Firestorm on my PC. I have also used Imprudence and am experiencing the same missing inventory issues. While I haven't found a solution yet either, just wanted to let the OP know that although it might not be his rig in particular, it could very well be something about "our rigs" (i.e. Macs). A relevant solution would be super appreciated! 


(Hopefully it's alright to post this not very helpful answer here :P )

EDIT- Another clean uninstall and reinstall of firestorm seems to have done the trick *fingers crossed* Not sure if this will work with you since it sounds as if you only download Firestorm after you were already experiencing problems but it's worth a try. 

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I don't know if this is still an issue, but there's a couple of things I can suggest. You guys may have tried it already...

I am also on a Mac. Latest OS and the latest LL viewer as well as the Exodus viewer. I have not had any login issues as described here, so I don't think the OS or the Mac itself is a problem.

First, the viewers keeps a bunch of files in ~/Library/application support/. Try moving the folders these are in (delete the folders or move to the desktop if you want to keep the files). Then see if you can log in.

I also strongly advice using a program like Onyx regularly to perform maintenance on the Mac. At least what is under the 'Automation' tab in the program should be run at regular intervals. (I try to remember to do this about once a month). 

Hope this helps (somebody :)).

- Luc -

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