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Kiss/hug distance

Erica Eglerion

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 My gf and I are both on the small (short) side compared to many on SL.  About 6ft in shoes.  In RL I'm 5' 1” and try to be a bit 'realistic' here.


We both use open collar but when we use the anims for a kiss/hug we're way too far apart – look really silly.


Is there any way we can change this – set our spacing to be closer together?  We see others having a kiss/hug that look fine.


Hopefully there's an easy answer that I just haven't found.

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Thank you, but there are no poseballs.


When we click on Open Collar to use the anims there's a menu appears (blue) from which you choose 'activity' (kiss, hug, whatever and who at ask to receieve.  Then the 'event' just happens, without the use of a poseball.

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Erica Eglerion wrote:

 My gf and I are both on the small (short) side compared to many on SL.  About 6ft in shoes.  In RL I'm 5' 1” and try to be a bit 'realistic' here.

We both use open collar but when we use the anims for a kiss/hug we're way too far apart – look really silly.

That's strange. I have a Kiss & Hugs HUD and it works well for all sized avatars.  When you activate it, first the avatars move close to each other and then when they are close the hug/kiss happens.  Well, I have no idea how the open collar thing differs, or affects the animation, from the HUD what I have.

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A brief explanation on how huggers work might help here.  All my huggers are no mod so i can't give you exact details just a brief overview. This is a very generalized explanation. 

When you initiate a hug two basic functions happen when the hug is accepted..  You start an animation and a script moves you toward the Avatar you are hugging.  But you run into a limitation imposed by what is known as the 'bounding' or 'collision box.'  Your Avatar 'exists' with in this box.


 If you look very close when you bump into another Avatar, the Avatars never touch.  Because the box is larger than your Avatar. 

So the basics of what is causing your problem is the box.  You can only  get so close. For some Avatars the alignment may look better than for others because their sizes better matches the mid-line for the original collision model.

Also note this comment in this JIRA:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6189?

"This would also be beneficial for AO as well as non-humanoid avatar creators. I fail to see why the collision box isn't affected by animations. Also from the visual side of physics standpoint it doesn't make sense to have something "be where it isn't," which I find allot of in SL since the collision frame stays the same seemingly regardless of avatar appearance. A possible solution might be to bind the collision frame to the avatar skeleton, though I myself am not familiar with Havok so it might not be feasible"

Someone who knows more than me could probably fill in a lot more detail. 


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Sometimes a hug can go haywire.  My friend and I were on our vehicles at sea.  Before logging off my friend wanted to hug.  So we jumped off our vehicles, floated in the air level with each other.  My friend offered the hug, we automatically moved close to each other and hugged.

Unfortunately I had just oiled my skin.  He started slip down, down, down... ↓ :smileysad:

The last log off screen saved on my computer was this:


:smileyfrustrated: :smileysurprised:

If he actually went under the sea and could not get up, there was one consolation, I spotted beautiful mermaid nearby. Maybe the mermaid had rescued my friend. :smileyindifferent:

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