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exporting sound file

Restless Swords

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I have a full perm sound file i use in my scripted action.  but i need to edit it.

- there used to be a Linden wiki page describing how to export it but i lost the page

- i know it had to do with finding a recent cached file on computer and renaming it


Can anyone tell me the process or p;oint me to that old linden wiki page ?

- or, email info to Restless.Swords@gmail.com




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It's not realy a scripting question. But here is what I guess you meant:

  1. Play the sound
  2. with the viewer still open, go to your cache folder
  3. look for .dsf files
  4. copy the .dsf files to a different folder and rename them to .wav
  5. try to find your file - the names should be the keys, so if yoi have the key of the soundfile, it will help you finding it
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I have never tried to do anything with it, but sounds should be cached in the same folder where your viewer caches textures.  Try something like C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\SecondLife\cache .   Until very recently, the cache of sound files was routinely deleted when the user logged off, at least with the official SL viewer.  I don't know if that's still the case and unfortunately can't check at the moment because I don't have a viewer loaded on this laptop.

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