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won't update


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I'm told I can't log in without updating. So I try and update the beta viewer and I get an error block saying, "error opening file for writing:  c:\programfiles(x86)\secondlifebetaviewer\llplugin\imageformats\qtiff4.dll".  I can't get in at all now. And I need to pay my rent...please help!

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3 answers to this question

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At the risk of sounding flippant, there's a good reason why they call it the Beta viewer.  It probably has been good points, but it would be wise to keep another viewer ready as your backup, just in case something like this happens.  Try the standard V3 viewer, or Firestorm, both of which are well out of beta stage and, although not totally free of bugs, are more reliable than what you have been using.

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I've logged in OK with the latest Beta viewer, Second Life 3.3.2 (257717) May 22 2012 06:23:08 (Second Life Beta Viewer), which suggests to me that something's gone wrong with the installation.

So, I would suggest uninstalling the viewer and then downloading it direct from https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ , installing it and trying again.

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