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Hello Fiancee reported offending, using real photography bride in the second world without her consent. However, it is not effective on your part. How can I request a lock for a user account?? User who uses stalking. Regards, and please help quickly


It lasts too long



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12 answers to this question

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1. You cannot request a lock for a user account, because you are not the aggrieved person. If your fiancee wants to file a complaint, she may.  See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065 and watch this informative video >>> 

2. Nobody can "request a lock on another person's account."  All anyone can do is file an Abuse Report.  Linden Lab will review the infomation, perform thei own investigation, and decide what action to take, if any.

3. If your fiance is being stalked, she should follow the advice here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stalkers and be prepared to make a complaint to the RL police. 

4. There are no Lindens here.  This is a Resident-to-Resident Answer forum and we are all SL residents, like you. All we can do is offer advice about how SL works ( or doesn't).


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reported but still it is not effective, doing for over a month ago, these steps, are still without response, It allowed me to write directly to Linden Lap. The text below:


To announce that support on Second Life activities are virtually no . Reporting stalkingu are ineffective . I will press the U.S. to screen shots, and the Polish media.If you work towards your block does not change . Still reported the new posts in all ways with no reaction on your part.I wonder if the police not to report that the U.S. declaration of stalking. Please intervene and block the user V... M.... We have his real name, name and address. Have SMS has unique insults and harassment. Proceedings support on Linden Lap is worthy of punishment by a person inreal life suffer. Writing on the Suporrt nothing could

Resident Amcata

She began to question relate to me and my avatar

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As I said in my response, there are NO Lindens here. We are all SL residents like you. We cannot do anything to help you. Your fiancee (NOT you) must follow the Abuse Report procedure. Once a report is filed, Linden Lab will acknowledge receiving the complaint, but they will not ever tell you what action they have decided to take.


Also, please remove the name of the suspected stalker from your post here immediately. You are violating the Community Standards by posting the name of a person in a dispute in these forums, and could have an Abuse Report filed against you.

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this not neame only persecution of harassment, In Poland is stalking:


& Penalty of up to three years imprisonment for persistent, malicious harassment that can lead to a sense of danger - ie. stalking - provides enacted by the Parliament on Friday amendments to the Criminal Code. The penalty increases to 10 years in prison if the person harassed her attempt his life....





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You may of course pursue reasonable action through the court system in RL. All we can do is advise you of the processes here in SL. In any case, I repeat that we are not Lindens here. We cannot do anything to help you in this matter.

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Where can I report this in SL? So to be successful result. Far been unsuccessful action. Bride to report non-stop. Print the profile page, it prints and distributes regimes bride real photos scandal that koto is not yet locked

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The laws of the United States apply where stalking (or any other crime for that matter), not Poland's. The stalking laws in the Unitied States are pretty severe too. It's not a low level crime and, if convicted, a stalker will spend some serious time in a prison. If this case is truly a case of stalking in real life then take your complaint to your local police........they will follow-up to the proper authorities in the United States where action can be taken (if it warrants such actions). What I am hearing from you is that you are threatening Linden Lab with an accusation of criminal activity because LL has not "locked" this stalker's account. That's not the way laws work in the United States (and that's the law LL must adhere to....not Poland or any other country). The person being stalked must make the complaint to LL. LL, in turn, investigates the complaint and if the complaint is valid LL will do what LL believes is the best actions to take.........if that is a ban (or lock, as you say) then they will do that, if not then they may take other actions. The problem is LL cannot act on a real life criminal complaint (they are not part of any real life police agency). So, back to my first part of my statement.......take your complaint to your real life police. You're mixing up real life and virtual life. Apparently there is not enough "evidence" on the LL servers to back up a case of stalking in SL (or more likely, your complaint on your fiancee's behalf was not acted on because only your fiancee can file the report (just like I can't file a real life complaint against someone because they harassed my sister........only my sister can file the complaint).


By the way, the only way a Second Life stalker can gain personal information (such as real life names) is by illegally entering someone's account or you gave the information to the person. If the account was entered illegally then I hope you changed the password(s) and notified LL of the compromised account (plus any financial institutions you have affiliated with your SL account). If you gave the information freely to the person you still need to change the password and notify anyone who needs to be notified (you probably don't need to notify LL because you gave the information yourself and they won't do anything except sigh, roll their eyes and think unkind thoughts about you). Which leads to to ask: How do you know this person's real life information? You stated you knew this person's real life name. If you obtained that information by any illegal means, you just might find yourself in some trouble with LL (and maybe the police too).

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Address and personal data The injured person has voluntarily is haunted, I'm her partner in RL and worried about her, Do not blame LL just saying that it must act. Are you a partner has to provide E-Meil? SMS? from this guy, All the information you have is legal Partnering.

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After reading this issue will be removed.:






Real World Biography

K. proven worthy to me .... S. alt .... that you are a cheater **bleep** is on top of a lazy pie. Only placed denigrate others as you did the zc ..... Now, with me then it's time for A. ....... :). Wali me the most ........ YOUR Society V. Because the images you are alike HOW TWO WHO crocodiles store is interesting these monsters can write presumption on Skype z ...... Sends foty :) :). Wash pots Several resident because he loathed eat with you in the teeth also houses fuuuuu: (.


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If you are saying that someone used a picture of a RL bride in SL then they need the consent of the person that owns the copyright to it who is usually theb person who created the picture originally unless they sold those rights.  They may have permission for all you know.  However if the picture was taken by your fiance and she did not grant permission she should file a DMCA notice.  If she is just the subject of the photo, then she should contact the person who took it and have them file the DMCA if they did not give permission.  If they did and  she had an contract with them that prohibits the use of the photo except for the purposes shespecified in the contract then this is a matter of a RL civil action in a RL court of law.

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