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We got sculpts and we got meshs....

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Ok we got sculpts and we got meshs... but i don't like sculpts for their normal square shaped bound... :\ and as for meshs, i don't like them because you can put scripts in them and scripts that couldn't be used for attachments can be used in meshs, but thats not why i hate them... it's that meshs virtually are dead on center to your avatar rather than where they visually are... How about linden labs create something awesome for once, like a mirror reflective feature in the build menu. Or a wind feature in the build menu, im sure that there wouldn't be TOO many, if not no way that anyone could abuse/grief that up into something... could help users make like indoor fans or something... I mean I could probably understand why there wouldn't be no liquid like features....


(On a side note, if anyone wants to comment... keep it short and simple, my reading level isn't too high :\ any negative feedback wouldn't be worth reading and by negative feedback, i mean as if it looks like your in a pissy mood)

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There is already a wind feature in SL. Take a look at llWind. It's easy to turn this into a working fan, wind turbine or 'balloon-style' wind-affected movement.

Mostly new engine-specific visual features are unlikely unless carried out by a third-party (eg. Qarl's Deformer, various people working on Avatar Physics). LL doesn't have enough of a development staff to work on that kind of thing.

Your gripes with both mesh and sculpt seem... limited in focus. Anyone can make up gripes about features, but how much are you really affected by the offsetting required for rigged mesh? I agree new, fun features would be nice (although unlikely), but there's probably no need to discredit other features in the process (especially if you're not looking to have your points of view criticised). =]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mean a way for objects to interact with wind, I meant something that can produce it. Secondly I did not say anything about "rigged" mesh. I created a mesh piece that I tried using for a riot shield, but putting a script in it made me think that mesh is just another thing that will only be centered to your avatar rather than the actual location of where it's at. I mean I can see why mesh is around... to only make up for sculpts' common "bounding box" effect... Surprised that your post was less rude than the other people who posted here. :\ but still, it's not "gripes" it's common knowledge that could help improve the way that people build.

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  • 1 month later...

... and this from a guy who creates weapons, cross shares weapons with buds, is loosely engaged in gang activity of going around and enforcing their will(s) over noobs and other sl citizens ... who would have ever thought that possible?



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