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Constant crashing after Windows 7 update!

susan Yven

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after an update of Windows 7, i now crash about every minute no matter which viewer i am using. This started after the update; then i used "recovery" to set the system back to a date before the update and the problem seemed to be solved; but then windows updated automatically again and the problem was back, too; so it really seems it happens because of the update; and now i cant even set back the system anymore as i dont get a date for the recovery that would get me before the update!

does anybody have an idea, how to fix this? and are there others having the same problem?

thx in advance.


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You could perhaps try narrowing the cause down to a particular update by reviewing which updates were most recently installed (Control Panel > Programs and Features > View Installed Updates). From here you could uninstall the most recent updates one by one and test after each removal if SL begins to run reliably again.

I don't necessarily recommend that you permanently go without the update in question, but knowing which particular one is the cause will help you to troubleshoot this further.


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What I'd like to know is HOW do you determine WHICH update is causing the problem.?

I started crashing last week every time I use the latest SL viewer. I am running Win 7 and it has only been blue screening for the past 3 weeks or so ( whose counting) but I blue-screen every time I get in world now after a few minutes. and now I am scared to use win 7 for Sl viewer. I just go to WinXp, but I prefer to use win 7.

So what is the problem? Is it SL viewer again or is it now win 7?

I looked at the "updates" list ad I just want to delete the lot of them. How about a suggestion that one can actually apply. I don't think the person you advised has replied with a positive outcome yet... ?

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Ok so which updates should I uninstall....  the "Security" updates, the "Updates" for Microsoft Windows, Updates for Microsoft .Net Framework4..? There are so many for May, the mind boggles.... and yet I never find the OS any better than before ANY updates.

Now the last update of SL viewer was working nicely with me bragging about it... and then the trouble started. Why cant the software people do their job properly is all I want to know? I only use the stupid computer and I am amazed at the wages these guys draw and I am the one who has to cop it sweet. And here I am about to put over USD$100 into Linden pr week.. and I am on a pension!! AM I mad or what?

Well I will delete ( if it IS actually possible,) all the updates for this month of May and see what happens..

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I am running win 7 fully updated with security and other important updates.  No increases in crashes.  I do not have many optional updates.  I have no driver updates because MS screws that up. 

You might want to check your drivers if you think MS "updated" (messed with) yours.  Go to website of the manufacturer. 

I think the important updates must be OK or we would be hearing a lot of reports like yours.  Maybe that observation will help you narrow the search field.



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Well that was fun. It was like pulling a tooth. It took over two minutes to remove one update. Strange how when they put them in it takes no time at all.... and so there are 13 of these for Microsoft NET Framework4 alone, and what is the guarantee they will not just update again the moment my back is turned? I turn off automatic updates and next time I look it is on again, so how can I win?

There are also 9 security updates on the 10th of May, and my computer is no more secure than ever. It still gives me problems... and no it is not a hundred things you might suggest it is. The computer has been fine. It is all the updates from all; over the place that is making life unbearable... adobe player (running ok), Skype ( now giving problems), SL Viewer (crashing my win 7 to blue-screen in minutes... was ok till I updated SL viewer) Avast Antivirus (blocking programs it deems "unpopular".. I turned off the Cloud "reputation" services and I was "allowed" to use my Clarisworks V4 again)

The mess-up of computer OS's never stops.  

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You need the security updates. Without them you will eventually end up with all sorts of problems as hacker's bots try to zombify your computer. Also, others are running with all the updates so it is not a Windows Update problem. That the problem is in sync with an update just means that the update revealed a problem in another part of the computer.

To get it fixed...

First run a virus scan, then a maleware scan. Malwarebytes is a good choice. If you need help with viruses and malware visit Major Geek. They have an excellent forum and troubleshooting info, plus you can get help.

Once you eliminate viruses and malware... check your video drivers.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

When the viewer won't run, use a command prompt and dxdiag to get the information.

Without driver versions it is hard to know what the problem may be.

You can also get a clue of what the problem may be by looking in the SL log. You'll find that in:


Look at the end of the file and search back for warnings and errors. This may give you an idea of the problem. If the info over geeks you, post the error lines here.

There is a crash log too. But, it is too hard to read.

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Sorry -- I should have been more complete.  I mean the graphics driver for your video card.   Most people using SL will have a card by Nvidea or ATI.    A few may have have built-in graphics.  

You should be able to find what card you have by looking in the control panel for device manager.  You can find the download site from Google.   The download site may be able to scan your computer and identify the specific board or you may have to tell it the detailed model number (that is info you can get from the win control panel). If that is not the driver you have installed, you can download and install the newest driver.  There will be instructions on the website.  

I did have an occasion a few years ago when MS installed an old (and bad) driver over the updated driver I have previously installed. I had to go to the Nvidea site and reinstall the good one.  That was when I turned off the automatic install.  Now I look at what the update wants to install and never let install drivers.

Hope this helps



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