Well that was fun. It was like pulling a tooth. It took over two minutes to remove one update. Strange how when they put them in it takes no time at all.... and so there are 13 of these for Microsoft NET Framework4 alone, and what is the guarantee they will not just update again the moment my back is turned? I turn off automatic updates and next time I look it is on again, so how can I win?
There are also 9 security updates on the 10th of May, and my computer is no more secure than ever. It still gives me problems... and no it is not a hundred things you might suggest it is. The computer has been fine. It is all the updates from all; over the place that is making life unbearable... adobe player (running ok), Skype ( now giving problems), SL Viewer (crashing my win 7 to blue-screen in minutes... was ok till I updated SL viewer) Avast Antivirus (blocking programs it deems "unpopular".. I turned off the Cloud "reputation" services and I was "allowed" to use my Clarisworks V4 again)
The mess-up of computer OS's never stops.