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Lockmeister V2 Spec has been released.

Darien Caldwell

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As many who are familar know, the old V1 Lockmeister protocol required a script per chain point to allow for handshaking between the chain prims and the furniture for proper chain targeting. However with recent LSL advances, it would be nice to have a way to centralize everything to one script and use llLinkParticleSystem() instead.
The V2 Spec allows this to be accomplished, and Kyrah Abattoir has finally published the official spec.



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Thanks, Dari.

As a furniture-maker, I'm confused by the spec, which applies to cuffs and collars as opposed to the furniture.

I can see how it works, and I can see that cuffs using it can equally well understand the old-style chain requests.  But I don't see how older cuffs and collars are going to understand a request sent in the new format.

I mean, all LM cuffs and collars created until now test for 

if (message == (string)llGetOwner()+ mooring_point)//did we get a ping message for us?

 So if they get a string like 


 they won't know what to make of it, will they?

I don't quite see, in other words, why a furniture-maker would want to use the new format.   Or should I first send a request using the old format, and then follow it up with one using the new format, in case I'm talking to an LMV2 item and my chains end up in the wrong place when it receives requests in the old format (as the wiki warns may happen)?





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The "LMV2" message is not conform to the lockmeister version 1 spec. older restraints will simply reject or ignore such a message, they will continue to function as they always have using the first message in series. you don't lose anything by using the 2 spec.

The materials are pretty clear as to how it all works, a V1 message is sent, followed by the V2 extension. V1 items use the V1 message and ignore the rest. V2 items use the V1 message and the V2 message in conjuction.

As to "why you should', that's up to you. However the V2 Spec helps everyone by reducing script load for all.


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