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So looking ahead... what's the roadmap for the Marketplace?

Sassy Romano

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>every single thread being taken over by his pointless points.

If you actually count the affected threads, you'll find that that's appreciably exaggerated, although I appreciate what you're saying.

I think the trend you describe is unlikely to have to continue, as threads created specifically for such purpose are no longer being summarily deleted, and so it appears less necessary to post commentary on other threads.

Not being provided the basis to understand differently what has been happening, I have to assume that while moderation requests have come from actual merchants such as yourself, the thread deletion requests have come from Lindens or their alts.

Probably, it's just one more example of something The Malefactor does that encourages a divisive outlook between us on this forum, futilely slowing down the inevitable consensus that, by now, you must see inevitably forms between us; a consensus that forms in spite of any incidental conflict between a personality like yours and a personality like mine.

I bug you and you don't like me. I get it. That's unfortunate. But it doesn't lessen my ethical obligation to you as a fellow merchant to try to get LL to address the root problem underlying practically everything that has gone wrong for merchants in recent months.

If you disagree with my methods, OK. I don't think I necessarily always agree with yours, either. Hopefully at some point we'll no longer have reason to continue doing certain things that we have been doing and you'll realize that the things I do which you don't like come from a very sincere place; that, really, I'm just trying to make it easier for you to focus on making money and stop having to focus on everything LL is doing to keep you from making money.

As long as we keep arguing about the irritating behavior of other merchants, we're wasting the opportunity to more quickly come up with a clear and concerted message for LL.

Somebody (probably CTL) has to go and you all know it.

If you want me to ST#U for a while, OK... just help me to get LL to remove the person who has to go, and you'll see less of me around here for a long time. A LOT less. For a LONG time.




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