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How do support tickets wok?

Kenny Carfield

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As I was driving mainland crossing into another sim, My vehicle froze and wouldn't move anymore. Not only was I having trouble at the sim crossing but the Auto vehicle traffic was also being caught up at the locations to. So I come to community to find out how and who to report this to, I thought I was answered and ended up filing a support tick through Secondlife?Create-Case . Now As I do drive through mainland I would like to report issues in regards to bad crossings, SLbridges out from one sim to the next. Other issues that may be more issues for the Moles to work out. So is there a support sytrm that they go through. Now I have just come across a sim within mainland that all the roads have dissappeared.  

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Region crossings are often problematic.  Although it may look like we are driving down a straight piece of road, happily sitting in our vehicle, there is a lot more going on than that.  All the information about our vehicle and our avatar has to travel from one server to another at each sim crossing, and as you've discovered, this can and does fail. 

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It is categorised as a "showstopper" issue, but has been ongoing since it's creation way back in 2007. 

The Moles don't work on fixing the sim crossing issues, they are there to add roadways, signage, and generally pretty up the mainland sims on a voluntary basis (they are just mortal residents like you are I). 

Edited to add:

When you're out and about in a vehicle, keep other scripted attachments at a minimum (ie don't wear an AO or HUD), and this should improve your chances at a smoother region crossing.

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Realised I only responded to part of your post, Kenny - apologies.

Some sims on the mainland might still have unfinished areas, where there are no roads, but often the road doesn't have chance to rezz while you're driving through.  You sometimes see the moles in the middle of building projects - they're not nocturnal :matte-motes-smile: and they seem to be a friendly bunch, so do ask them questions if you see them on your travels.

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Consider also - the sims may be fine, it could just be your broadband connection and/or computer can't keep up.

Everything you can see has to be downloaded as you drive around.  Games almost always have that content pre-installed or at least on local storage so they can retrieve it quickly.  SL doesn't because it's open-ended and constantly changing.  This is why the quality of youe internet connection is so imporant.

When you cross between sims the complexity is multiplied as your PC has to make a new connection to a new server, complete handshake and data-exchange and pass-off from the old server.  Slow down for sim-crossings!  Having said all this, you're probably right about most things and the sim size and crossings are probably the weakest part of SLs basic design.  Support tickets do work as you'd expect although they take some time to be actioned.  You might like to bring issues to light in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mainland/bd-p/Mainland, especially if you're "on tour" and will be finding a lot of issues.

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None of that answered my question, It simply tried to indicate the issue is more on my end in regards to internet connection. Driving to fast across sim borders and wearing to many huds and AO's. One I drive very slowly across sim borderes, I have no problem crossing other sim borderes prior. So If I run into an issue, I look at all options prior to trying to send a report. If there is a sculptiy to close to the roadway it will have an invisible prim that will cause a blockage in the road. When I am driving and I see a sim crossing, and can see ahead into other sim but the road ends at crossing but everything rlse is clearly visibal. I can drive into that sim with no problem but when the road ends the vehicle drops into the canyon at which the road used to lay. This is not an internet connection issue. It means the roads are gone. I can walk to the other end of that sim and see where the road would connect to the next sim at the sim border. Also, I have never seen a mole working, I know they do but I just have never seen one. Yet they are not like me as a mortal Resident like me. Moles are paid by Lindens working Min of 15 hours aweek. I can't be one simply because I don't live in one of the states required by Linden Labs. I don't have a problem with that. I wish to remain a voluntare as Im enjoying my time trying to be useful and helping them out when I do see something that needs attension. The only way I can do this is by sending a report to them and letting them know where the issue is and they will get to it when they can. So back to the original question at hand. How do I send Support Ticket to the maintnance Dept. Of Linden Labs. Not Technical problems but inworld issues?


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What do you think is causing the problem at certain sim borders where you and your vehicle were stuck, and also the road vehicles (did you mean those driverless ones that pathfind their way around the highways?)? I am not really fully understanding your issue, it seems. If vehicles are getting stuck at sim crossings when they should be merely going on to the next sim, then that is a technical problem, which Oskar, Maestro, Kelly and the other Lindens discuss at the Server Beta User Group on Thursdays at 3pm SL time over on Aditi grid. And such issues would be covered on the JIRA bug reporting - dashboard page of which given in the link Irene provided.


Roads disappearing. Hmmm. Let me think. If roads are disappearing that were there before, is it because they have been derezzed? Or were never there in the first place? If the roads are disappearing because of an auto return issue, then I would hazard a guess that the Mole/Linden responsible for laying them did so without wearing the correct group tag.


Inworld issues, such as roads, bridges, general Department of Linden maintenance stuff gets sent to Michael Linden and his crew - Support Ticket submission should reach them.


Please clarify again if I have answered incorrectly again.

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