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That is an excellent example of Impedance and sources of it.

Brings new meaning to the potential of Earth. A giant battery just waiting to be tapped.

This force which attracts should be used as a mechanism.

I wonder if the saturation point for Earth can be calculated. How much positive power could we send into the Earth before it would lose all it's negativity?

If the ground on Earth is grounded, does that mean that the Earth is Negative?

A unit of positive potential will tend to move into the ground or soil, or Earth. The Earth accepts the energy.

If this were to be reversed, the Earth might send Energy instead of receiving it.


These photos may show the same objects, only the scale has changed. 








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Knowl Paine wrote:

Insincerity, is probably one of the things I despise the most. It is a root on the tree of corruption.

I am well aware that chemicals are compounds of elements.

The Body synthesizes source elements, when the elements are not present in the body.

The Brain does have synapses that can receive Gold, Silver, Heroin, cocaine, etc. Label them however you wish. 

Why you wish to dismiss this, eludes me.

The entire Tobacco settlement in the US was about the Companies adulterating the cigarettes so that the synapse receiver in the brain would be reshaped, and only accept that Companies nicotine shaped molecule. Those "scientist" brought new meaning to
in the human brain.

I think that we are having two conversations here. I'm not asking people to quote text books. Being right or wrong is not measured by spelling or proper use of terminology. This is an exercise in expanding consciousness.

We can have it all in one, or we can discuss the many micro processes occurring. Once we get down to the root, the real nitty gritty, we find an electron revolving around a proton and neutron.

There is no punch line.

I care about people, I guess that could be viewed as an agenda.

If I am in error, or off-base, I prefer to be corrected. I want to move forward in Life, not backwards. :smileyhappy:

If there is a game being played; I'm not in charge. 


OK Knowl .. if youre sincere i apologize ..

i just dont want to waste my time explaining legit chemistry & biology if youre flaky .. if you really want to know how living systems work .. then im glad to engage in the debate .. but i dunno ..  you say things like:

"The Body synthesizes source elements, when the elements are not present in the body."

Uh.. no. The body doesnt "synthesize" elements. Lite elements are fused in the core of stars & heavy elements require the tremendous heat & pressure of supernovae explosions for their fusion.

Then you say that the brain has no receptors for heroin & cocaine. Yes it does. These aren't the natural substates but they indeed do bind to postsynaptic receptor sites & promote or inhibit action potentials in those neurons. The opiate receptor was discovered by Candice Pert, for instance. Its natural neurotransmitter is endorphin, a polypeptide. Plant alkaloids just happen to fit these receptors.

Then you go in2 this bizarre rap about radioactive decay of Ag isotopes somehow "activating" viruses in the cerebrospinal fluid. In the 1st place theres very ltl Ag in the body. It has no biological function & is there in minutes amounts. In the second place, all but a vanishingly small amount of this Ag consists of stable isotopes. In the 3rd place, there shouldnt be any viral particles on the CS fluid. In the 4th place, what do you mean by viruses being activated? & in the 5th place, unstable isotopes of Ag have half-lives on the order of mircoseconds to 2 - 3 days. There just arent any there anymore.

So .. im not sure what your agenda is. It sounds like flaky pseudoscience to me. If im wrong i apologize .. but it doesnt sound to me like you even know what youre talking about .. or that you have some flaky agenda youre setting us up to hav2 hear about .. if youre actually curious about chemistry & biology ill be glad to help but otherwise .. bug off


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Knowl Paine wrote:

That is an excellent example of Impedance and sources of it.

Brings new meaning to the potential of Earth. A giant battery just waiting to be tapped.

This force which attracts should be used as a mechanism.

I wonder if the saturation point for Earth can be calculated. How much positive power could we send into the Earth before it would lose all it's negativity?

If the ground on Earth is grounded, does that mean that the Earth is Negative?

A unit of positive potential will tend to move into the ground or soil, or Earth. The Earth accepts the energy.

If this were to be reversed, the Earth might send Energy instead of receiving it.


These photos may show the same objects, only the scale has changed. 








It isn't "only" the scale that's changed. The cute li'l atom drawing (which is not at all representative of how the atom would look at any instant in time, thank you very much Drs. Bohr and Heisenberg) is governed by the weak and strong nuclear forces and the electromagnetic force. Gravity hasn't much sway here. That the model looks like a solar system misleads us into thinking that similar forces apply. They don't.

The weak and strong nuclear force operate only over the tiny distances inside the atom. Outside, their effect is immeasureable. The electromagnetic force is so damned strong that you don't see it operating over vast distances, except in fairly weak examples, like electromagnetic waves and celestiall body magnetic fields. We would never see a large collection of electrons in one place because the repulsive electrostatic force would spray them apart. You similarly won't see large collections of protons in one place (beyond what can be held together by the nuclear forces) because of their mutual repulsion. And you furthermore don't see large collections of electrons in one place and large collections of protons elsewhere because of the massive attractive force between them would overpower anything in their path.

For example, if I had a teaspoon of electrons in the galley of a battleship (ignoring the tremdous energy you'd have to expend to squish them all together into such a small space, which would increase the mass of the teaspoonfull to billions of tons) and a matching number of protons  in a small container on the Moon, the attractive force between them would lift the battleship out of the water. (Never mind that the battleship would be torn to pieces by the electrons).

Because of the tremendous attractive forces between electrons and protons, you rarely see them far apart. From a distance you feel no force from them because their numbers are exquisitely well balanced and their charges cancel each other out.

The only force which we see operate over the large distances of your solar system example is gravity, which is fantastically weak compared to the other three forces. So, while your two drawings seem to differ "only" in scale, that difference in scale changes everything. The mechanics of the two situations are entirely different.

So the entire concept of positive and negative only works over very small distances and at very low energy levels. Planets and Suns are neither positive nor negative, and currents don't flow between them. Matter (which is equivalent to energy by Einstein's famous e = mc^^2) may flow between them, shepherded along by gravity, but that's it.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Yep, those lipids are the fats, which like transformer oil, aren't as conductive as the the polar molecules and ions that drift about in water. Ever see one of those body fat bathroom scales (which are terribly inaccurate)? They try to determine your fat/muscle ratio by measuring the conductivity of the lower half of your body, through your feet. If you are heavy and not very conductive, the scale presumes you are a big ball of fat. If you are light and conductive, it presumes you're lean and fit.

But the state of your feet makes a big difference. If you rub an oily skin cream on your feet before stepping on the scale, the impedance of the foot/scale interface will be high and it's gonna think you are fat. If you soak your feet in salt water before standing on the scale, you'll make a good, low impedance connection and it will think you are thin. It's important to know things like this so you can convince your hubby (okay, ex hubby) to soothe his dry feet with skin cream before getting on the scale, while you (okay, me) soak your feet in epsom salts.

Keeping your composure during the discussion that follows the weigh-in is another matter altogether.


Is there no limit to your nefariousness?


ETA: You'll probably start asking to be addressed that way; I should have used something different.

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I do have a genuine and sincere interest.

I've read all your words, none have been wasted upon me.

I think you misread, I said that the Brain does have synapses for heroin and cocaine.

I have no problem admitting that I am not an expert on radioactive decay. I may be over generalizing.

The Silver does not activate the hiding Virus, it kills it, Silver does this mechanically. The Silver only needs to be in proximity.

A metal detector has a limited range, metal objects emit an electromagnetic field. The field is made up of particles that extend beyond the physical boundaries on the metal.

Elderly people get a condition called Shingles, shingles is chicken pox that has come out of remission. The virus was hiding in the spinal fluid. The virus migrated into the spine when it detected that an antibody was trying to kill it. Introducing Silver into the blood stream will force Viruses out of remission and the virus will have to deal with the immune system, if the silver doesn't kill it first. Silver particles physically penetrate or rupture the membrane of the Virus.

Same agenda as before, ask questions, be willing to learn, have things make sense, not feel like I am in trouble for stating what makes sense to me.

I do not believe that we exist in a realm of shortage. Power is everywhere, one only needs to find the potential to access it.

Any comment on the Tobacco settlement? Manipulation is sometimes required, like in Courts, or in Politics. The level of manipulation with the chemical engineering to modify  people's brains, is extremely sinister. 


I respectfully decline your offer to Bug off. I don't believe that my statements warrant indifference.  

I welcome and respect your presence and contributions.


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If the Earth is neither negative or positive; why does the Earth have a positive frequency 7.8Hz ?

I was reading that it has increased to 12Hz, but I cannot confirm the current resonance.

I have to disagree, stellar objects are polarized and close proximity could cause a energy transfer.

When thinking about what would happen to the Earth if there was an energy overload, the most obvious place for the energy to go, would be the Moon.

Light can be powerful.

Science says Impedance is all these little things, but when closely examined, it appears that all the little things are what is shown in the photos. They are elements.

How would you surmise that Science discovered the eating Lithium makes insane people docile, or healthy people docile.

I'm happy that we rarely see electrons and protons far apart, an atom bomb might be an example of when that occurs.


Countries around the World are spending Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars; To satisfy curiosity?

Nasa has several cameras watching the Sun 24/7 because it is idle.


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Ok Knowl ... sorry ...

AgNO3 kills Niesseria, the gonorrhea spirochaete .. im not aware of it having any antiviral activity .. nowadays tho, antibiotics are preferred over AgNO3 to prevent gonorrhea infection of baby's eyes ..

Viruses aren't motile .. they don't migrate into the cerebralspinal fluid to escape the immune system .. some viruses  ~notably the rabies virus~ uses the neuron's cytoskeletal apparatus to migrate but this is rare .. the varicella zoster virus becomes lysogenic in neurons .. specifically in the trigeminal root ganglia .. & can become lytic later in life due to stress or a herpes infection ~causing shingles as you say .. most viruses don't have a capsid .. the VZV is an exception .. having a glycoprotein tegument surrounded by a lipid bilayer .. im not sure how elemental Ag would physically disrupt this capsid .. maybe it does but i doubt it .. antiviral agents such as acyclovir are used to treat shingles .. not Ag

Sorry for doubting your motives ..


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Knowl Paine wrote:


How would you surmise that Science discovered the eating Lithium makes insane people docile, or healthy people docile.



Li is very similar to Na .. if you know how action potentials are transmitted down the neurolemma .. you know that Na is involved ... Li passes thru the passive Na gated channels but doesnt fit the Na-K active transfer pump .. hence it accumulates w/in the neuron reducing the cross membrane electrochemical potential of the resting neuron .. this is how Li works in the treatment of bipolar disorder


EDIT: you know Knowl .. i like your curiosity but .. rather than in engaging in idle specuation about stuff you dont know much about .. you ought to go to school & major in biology on the cellular / subcellular level .. take 4 yrs of chemistry & @ least a year of calculus required physics .. along w/ your biology classes .. that way youd understand all this stuff MUCH better than you seem to .. ;)

Best wishes..


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I could provide some source data if you would be interested. I would send that in a PM. I would prefer to stick with what We say, instead of going round with what he or she said.

Hospitals also use it on Burn patients, and for many years Milk caps were made of Silver to keep the milk fresh. Bandages at the stores offer silver strips inside, maybe you've seen them.

Multi vitamin Centum SIlver did not choose the product name to make a mockery of the fact that the majority of it's customers have Gray hair. It contained silver at one time, before the FDA forced it's removal.

I'm not saying it's a cure all, or that it will change the entire World. I can say, that it could change things for people who are suffering.


I really do appreciate your participation :smileyhappy: 

Balance, counter balance, a quality source of Impedance :matte-motes-smile:

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How did they discover that? Somebody ingested it. I don't know why you don't want to say that.



It's not idle speculation. I've constructed several virtual models and prototypes. I've listened to thousands of hours of lectures.

Chemistry would be fun.  

Tens of thousands of Students will graduate with degrees in those fields. Change should be happening any second now. Wait for it.

Does our shared curiosity, makes us Bi-curious? :smileyvery-happy:

Knowing what I know about intellectual property rights, copyrights, vested interests, non-disclosure agreements, non-compete clauses, I would prefer to go it alone.

The obstacles are funding, political, monopolies,... idk, same obstacles for every other person. 

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Parhelion Palou wrote:

What a wicked & wonderful idea! If only I had that type of scale (and someone to try it on). Did you try to convince ex-hubby that the results indicated a fat build-up in the head? 

In the ten years we were married, I think there was ample evidence that his head was no fatter than mine. His lovely new wife does like to cook, so I can now claim to have smaller boobs than he.

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Ah so this is where you have been Maddy balancing the + and - to explain neutral. Sorry folks she gets away from us now and again so we have to come find her and bring her home:P


This was quite interesting up to the part about his boob size eeeeeeww:)


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