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Voluntary Regulatory Information Submission

Linden Lab


As we promised in our town hall meeting about Tilia and its relationship to Second Life last week, we have been working on a way for Residents to voluntarily submit additional information that may be required to process credit prior to the August 1 Tilia launch date. That option is now available on your Second Life account billing information page!

billing info.png

For many of you, we may already have all information required to process credit from your USD balance, and you will be able to see that you are good to go from the green check mark.

good to go.png

For some of you, we may need to collect some additional information before you can process credit from your USD wallet after August 1.  You’ll be able to see that from the red X in the same location.

additional info.png

And from there, you can click on ‘additional information’ link to proceed to the information request form if you would like. You are under no obligation to do so at this time. 

As registered money services businesses, Linden Lab and Tilia are required to comply with applicable U.S. laws and regulations. As part of our ongoing risk management process, we must obtain, verify, and record information about our customers for whom we offer financial-related services. We take your privacy and security seriously, so your personal information will continue to remain protected and will only be used for purposes that are outlined in Linden Lab’s and Tilia’s Privacy Policies.

You may learn more about Tilia and its relationship with Second Life and Linden Lab from our FAQ.


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