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Second Life Destinations - What's Lost Spirits

Linden Lab


Discover a hauntingly beautiful region of lost dreams and surreal landscapes at What’s Lost Spirits in Second Life.

Long time Second Life resident, Stabitha aka Sam, has created a nightmarish place, a place of surreal art to explore, and a space where one can maybe confront one’s own anxieties?

Sam explains: 

“What's Lost Spirits is a mix of RL experiences, such as the entry point and the mansion, and the recurring nightmares that followed those experiences. I have and have had, very lucid and vivid dreams all my life. I visit the same variety of places over and over again in those dreams, the feel of the places never changes but the buildings do over time, as well as the people. It is because of them that I decided to build What's Lost Spirits. 

I have a whole world in my head and Second Life gives me the perfect canvas to get that out. Eventually I will have stories that will go with the areas and characters and I plan on hopefully making them into a graphic novel of some sort. That will take years though. So for right now it's an ongoing work in progress.”

Sam has indeed already written two short stories, although she is not sure they are quite finished yet: “The first one is called ’Sam's Story’. The main character has the same name as me. Coincidence? Maybe. It is about how the nightmares started, it is a real life experience. The second is called ‘Terror’. It is a short story that has to do with one of the nightmare characters.”

If you like Sam’s style of visualizing her dark thoughts in the virtual world, we recommend a visit to her store which features some hand-picked (and hand-crafted) imaginative items, perfect for the season. Happy Halloween!

Video Production by Draxtor Despres

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