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Mitchell Indigo

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Posts posted by Mitchell Indigo

  1. Hello DJ's.

    I am a DJ in training.  I am however still looking for a good program to use for playing music.  Currently, I'm on trial with ingenious software, but it lacks things that are very important.  I am however thinking of getting SAM, now it used to be that you could buy it for $300, but now I see you pay for it by the month.  But they give you different options and I'm not sure of what to do.  I contact SAM and they wrote to me, but due to links in the message, SL won't let me post the message on the forum, so you will have to contact me in world for a response.

    If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.



  2. Hello everyone:

    I am looking for someone who can built doors and a deck for me.  I need a new front door for my house and I would like to have a better set of french doors built for my back door.

    Outside the back door, I would like to have a small deck built as well.  I don't have much in the way to work with in terms of lindens so if someone wants to help out with one or more tasks, please message or notecard me in world.



  3. Hello everyone:

    I was wondering if there is anyone out there who could possibly help me.

    I would like to host social gathering coffee events.  These events would take place between the hours of 12PM-1 or 1:30 PM SLT On some Sundays.  What I would like is a coffee house type of environment.  This would either be inside a building with some tables for guests to gather at.  a counter area where I would rez out coffee makers, beverages, desserts as well.  Or we could host events outdoors where there are tables, and places for me to rez my equipment.

    For these events, I do like to take in tips.  I can either use my own tip jar or land owner could use theirs.  Rates I would take in can be discussed.

    The number of guests could be anywhere from 5 to 25 guests as well.

    If anyone wants to help with this, contact me in world via IM or notecard.



  4. Hello everyone:

    I am looking for a job in second life that doesn't involve doing sex/talk or lots of curse words.  Would be best if it was something that.  I'm just not into working at clubs involving stuff like that, and I'm not a very sociable person either.

    I have hosting experience, teaching at RP elementary schools, working in restaurants, or being a service person of any sort.  I can do a hosting job that doesn't involve the dirty/sex talk, I can be a teacher at a RP elementary school or even high school, work as a receptionist, sell land even though I may not know everything about it but willing to learn, or do restaurant work.

    I am also autistic in real life too.

  5. Hello Furniture Designers:

    I am someone who uses the L I F E Hud in second life, and many of the furniture objects that contain the life scripts in are either not decent quality for me, don't have poses I am looking for, or are just ugly.

    I purchased the scripts that can be put into furniture which cost me $3000L$  So far, I am disappointed because many of the items I cannot put scripts in, and those that I can put them in, it is causing problems with how the avatar looks on the furniture.  So I was wondering if there are any furniture designers out there who would consider working with me in making the furniture work with the life hud.



  6. Hello everyone:

    I am looking to start hosing a variety of events, but will be needing places to host these events.  These are the type of events I am looking to host.

    1.  Discussion Events:  An appropriate facility is needed in order for me to host these events.  I also will need the ability to rez objects too.  It would be nice if adequate seating is provided.

    2.  Game Events:  Just any place where I can rez out board games, card tables and more.

    3.  Social/Coffee Events:  Looking for a coffee house to host social gathering events.  Facility should have adequate seating.  I also must be able to rez as well.

    For all of these types of events, I will need to be able to post events onto second life which means that I will need event posting rights too.

    If anyone wants to offer a place for me to host such events, please contact me in world via IM or notecard.

    Thank You

    Mitchell Indigo

  7. Hello everyone:

    I am thinking about wanting to become a DJ and would have to learn about what it takes to be a DJ in second life, and I know that many of the DJ's here use SAM as their player, however as of right now, I cannot afford the price of a SAM license and was wondering if there is an alternative or something I could use to get going?  If so, please contact me in world.



  8. Here's the update:

    I started getting some demos of mesh shirts as I was told that it's the best way to go.  So far I think they are ok except for the fact that if I wear the alpha layer, my body piece completely disappears.  Now there are different sizes to pick from and XL fits best on my non mesh avatar shape and skin.  Do you think I should find a mesh avatar shape and skin to make it look better on me?  Can the other size shirts be adjustable?  If I wear a size smaller than XL, then I will see skin pieces on my body where a shirt should be covering them.

    And then if I right click on some shirts, I crash.  This happens a lot when right clicking on mesh parts.

  9. Hello everyone:

    I have a problem and need some help with it.  As of right now, there are only certain shirts and pants I can wear that do not show a layer of skin or white underwear between the shirt and pants.  It's driving me nuts because some shirts that I have, I really like but cannot wear them because of the layer of skin.  I'm not an expert with male clothing at all and will need some help in this area.

    Also, I would like a new male skin too and I did buy a mesh avatar at one time but didn't like that it wouldn't show clothes on me and was unhappy about it.  I've been wanting to change my appearance but not having luck there.  I've spent a lot of L$ only to be unhappy with my purchase.  I will be needing help there too.

    Feel free to IM me in world when I'm online if you want to help.

  10. Hello everyone:

    I am looking for a new job in Second life.

    I will tell you what I am NOT looking for.  I am not looking to work in any type of sex or nude like club as that is not my style.

    Now in regards to what I am looking for.

    I am looking to be a sales agent for a real estate company, work in a jazz club, or any type of music club if it's the type of music I like which is 60's, 70's 80's 90's and today's music,  a restaurant, an office person and more.

    I would rather work for someone who pays a wage, but I am also willing to work at a venue that pays tips only as long as there is a high volume of guests and I will also do jobs that are paid by the job or commisions if it's reasonable.

    If you know of anyone who is hiring for stuff like this or if you are looking for employees, please contact me.

    Thank You

    Mitchell Indigo

  11. Hello everyone:

    I am looking for a new job in Second life.

    I will tell you what I am NOT looking for.  I am not looking to work in any type of sex or nude like club as that is not my style.

    Now in regards to what I am looking for.

    I am looking to be a sales agent for a real estate company, work in a jazz club, or any type of music club if it's the type of music I like which is 60's, 70's 80's 90's and today's music,  a restaurant, an office person and more.

    I would rather work for someone who pays a wage, but I am also willing to work at a venue that pays tips only as long as there is a high volume of guests and I will also do jobs that are paid by the job or commisions if it's reasonable.

    If you know of anyone who is hiring for stuff like this or if you are looking for employees, please contact me.

    Thank You

    Mitchell Indigo

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