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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Posts posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. I never ran into this issue myself and I do not have an Apple system. I would wait around for some more responses. If you can't wait that long, just use Google to find out how to disable it.

    This might be helpful, assuming you use X Lion or similair.

    If you want help, please post your second life details, you can find them in the help menu (of your viewer) -> about second life.

  2. songbuddy wrote:

    A perfect example. I have no idea what mainland is or does ..  there's nothing about it in any instructions etc that i've seen. I assumed there would be all kinds of houses and dwellings i could buy and furnish,but all i was pointed to was the premium houses. I got the distict impression that the only way to get a dwelling was to upgrade to premium,which i did,and was mightilly disapointed with the choice. Needless to saycancelled the pfremium.  i quickly  I kinda get the impression now that the site owners deliberately steer you toward their homes in order to get you to buy premium.

    Where to begin? :) It really is quite confusing.

    There are two types of regions/sims. The one is owned by Linden Lab itself (this is mainland), the others are owned by residents like you and me. They are (of course) all placed on servers owned by Linden Lab.

    People can "buy" the non-mainland sims and become "Landlord", taking pretty much the same role as Linden Lab on mainland. Those people pay monthly tiers to Linden Lab. They also often rent out land, which is important to you as now non-premium member.

    You can get part of a region and do with it what you like, within the rules set by the sim owner. You can buy your own house in any inworld store or on the marketplace or (much more fun but for most very challenging) build your own.


    You can find parcels for sale either inworld or on the forum pages.

    You can find houses and furniture (and pretty much anythig else) on the marketplace.

    Specific questions you have about, well, pretty much anything, you can ask in the answers section. Why they didn't call this "questions section" is beyond me btw.

    You can look for others who feel a bit lost and friendless in the make friends section.


    As for your new experience in this lalaland we call Second Life, you might want to think of it as entering a new country instead of playing a game. People might appear hostile, everything is different than what you are used to and what you expect, and flaws are more obvious to you than to the people who are used to them (and have often embraced them).

    Incomplete as it might be, I hope this helps you on your way.


  3. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Yes, I guess what I mean is to receive the value of those free house prims as stipend (which they could apply to either a Linden or other home.

    I think we all agree the value of those houses is pretty low compared to the tiers or rent we have to pay. The couple of cents that would represent them wouldn't put a dent in your expenses I think. For some, every little bit might help though. That much is true.

  4. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Would be nice if LL gave the option to receive a larger stipend in lieu of a Linden Home. Would be a shot in the arm for builders of small homes. 

    People can choose not to take a linden home and take their free 512 sqm on mainland, that's what I did. I as a builder wouldn't buy a house of course, but many people would (and do/did) I suppose.

  5. Not sure if it's the best way of scripting, since I'm not that experienced with that, but I've made an object once to control avatar speed and it uses SetForce instead of ApplyImpulse.

    You still take the forward and backward controls, but don't use the level. Instead it uses start and end (which are based on level, ~level and edge). Seems to work pretty well...

  6. I know nothing about Blender, but in 3ds max the workflow (or a possible one) is much much easier than the one you describe, so I was wondering if that could also be used in Blender.

    In 3ds max you can simply make a line, in any shape, then give it thickness. The line stays modifiable. This of course only works for legs which have the same thickness along the entire length. Otherwise you need to do it with a path and sections too.

    EDIT I wonder if this method is what Dree Eames suggested.

  7. Nalates Urriah wrote:


    This is a problem that will only be solved by education not imposed limits.

    I don't see why. Originated from a technical limit, LL managed to put a cap on maximum objects to be linked, they also have a triangle per object limit. Number of triangles/verts per object is available to "the system". So how hard would it be to make it impossible to limit the geometry on each LoD that can be linked? If you combine that with maximum amount of geometry to be worn in total, there is a hard limit.

    Make this limit more strict for rigged items. The body I was recently talking about is the same Coventina mentions. The body is what generates the drop in framerate, not the insane 1.4 million triangle hands.

    Size (and LoD switch) might still be an issue, but I'm sure that can be added to the mix.

  8. I wouldn't call that very odd. Some avatars have 1000 times more polygons than pixels on screen. That's amateur building for you. The thing that makes SL so nice for builders and so crappy in performance.

    If you want to know for sure it's the insane amount of geometry killing your performance, open the develop menu then show info -> show render info. It will tell you exactly how many triangles and vertices are rendered (kTris and kVerts). (opening the render info can kill your performance by itself, so be aware of that).

    btw, that 250 Mbps is certainly not what you get from the LL servers.

  9. 3ds max works just fine for SL.

    Some things that need extra attention though:

    SL doesn't like 3ds max material or object names with spaces in them.

    You need the correct fbx exporter (from the top of my head, 2013.1 or 2013.2 and up will work)

    Either 3ds max or the exporter doesn't write unused bone names, so if your hair is rigged you need to add the missing bones to the dae file.

    You can find a complete guide here.

  10. I would say that resetting everything should do the trick, but it obviously doesn't.

    One reason I can think of and one possible workaround to fix it....

    Since you animated the object, did you by any chance reset and delete history in the last frame only? In that case the exporter might pick up the first frame, which is still your flat plane.

    A possible workaround is to export the object from Maya as obj or something and import it. It's a solution I do not like since it doesn't address the issue, but it might work nonetheless.

    I hope any of those two will work, good luck!

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