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Lucia Nightfire

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Posts posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. 8 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    If LL were to start tinkering with profiles (and I think there are way more important things for them to be working on), I'd rather they work on the possibility of making it where one can have more than one partner. This is a request that has been made many times, and I think the idea to be more inclusive of poly and other multi-person relationships is a higher priority than Sims badges showing our financial status to everyone. 

    If multiple partners was ONLY a Premium Plus perk, would you indulge?

  2. 20 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

    I would just like to note that the LOD switching distances are calculated differently for rigged Mesh, and that ripples through in display-weight/complexity calculation and what people can see, but too many Creators seem to neither know nor care about this.

    Many do know as they LOD starve their content to save on upload costs. Costs that would have been recouped on the first sale.

    I have engaged many creators on this LOD starvation tactic and the majority have actually told me they do it to save money on the upload cost and because it won't look like crap when worn, only rezzed. With unrigged mesh, many typically use the same LOD triangles for Medium as are in High, while some further do the same for the Low LOD level. I have tried telling them the uploader in most cases offers sufficient triangles by default.

    There are still many that have told me they haven't a clue what triangle values to use and just type in anything or leave it alone.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ziggy Starsmith said:

    Sounds like some rogue Lindens in their alts having a laugh. Seriously this is some powerfull griefing unless it's the Landlords alt.

    No. It sounds like someone who was already in the same rental land group using their limited land group abilities to add the previous tenant to the banlist and/or return public rezzed objects on the parcel.

    You get this sometimes with land rental groups that do not use a group per tenant and instead, use an umbrella group for each and every parcel and good faith that everyone will abide by the rental terms and not go rogue and crap on everyone in the group and the parcels they rent.

    Stacked rental regions are where this is abused a lot for other reasons, particularly prim usage.

    • Like 7
  4. 8 hours ago, Mr Amore said:

    Is it a game, is it a movie, is it a teaser for some future UE5 metaverse.


    Some technology highlights begin from 8 minutes in.

    Calling it an 'Unreal Engine 5 Experience' sounds like a shot across the bows. Even if Epic release some form of metaverse with interconnected Experiences, it will serve a different demographic to Roblox.



    All I want to know is, Do they reenact the Niobe & Persephone kiss scene? 😉

  5. 5 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    Thanks to Philip's Love Machine, employees still believe they can pick and choose what they work on. Who wants to deal with MP complaints? No one. The same applies to all of SL.

    This is also why we deal with many year old bugs. Certain developers have created then been made aware of said bugs repeatedly by the community, but they're not interested in prioritizing fixing them and have publicly made every under the sun not to as well.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, ElderDrgnWzrd said:

    If I can send a person a message and it doesn't tell me whether they are online or not does it mean I am blocked?

    If i look at said persons profile and do not see the red offline or green online am I blocked?

    If another person who knows said person can see an online or offline status on profile am I blocked?

    Try to buy something from their Marketplace store. If you get an ambiguous failure message, you might be blocked, heh.

  7. 4 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    That's because I never figured out a faster way than to exhaustively sample every 16m cell to see if it matches an already indexed parcel.

    Do a "statistical" scan protocol.

    Scan every 128x128m.

    Then, scan every 64x64m ignoring the vectors(both axii multiple of 128) you scanned previously.

    Then, scan every 32x32m ignoring the vectors(both axii multiple of 64) you scanned previously.

    Then, scan every 16x16m ignoring the vectors(both axii multiple of 32) you scanned previously.

    Then, scan every 8x8m ignoring the vectors(both axii multiple of 16) you scanned previously.

    Then, scan every 4x4m ignoring the vectors(both axii multiple of 8 ) you scanned previously.

    Keep track of parcel keys and total sqm and once you hit 65536 sqm, you're done.

    I typically add a <2,2,0> offset to each point to ensure there is no weirdness with borders.

    Keep settext updates to a minimum as updating settext per vector really draws out the process time.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Mr Amore said:

    Over the past months the big publishers have been preparing their consumers for the NFT era. And so it begins (BBC article).


    In a world where people pay thousands for another man's used trainers (and display them in some living room shrine), NFTs are set to become hugely profitable. It's strategic that Ubisoft's 'digits' keep record of every previous owner, it gives value to worthless items for having been associated with celebrity streamers in the past.

    These are closed systems and not as we envision NFTs for the 'metaverse', where an inventory could cross boundaries from metaverse to metaverse. But all eyes in the industry will be upon Ubisoft's digits now.

    Ubisoft is already crap, so NFTs are right up their alley.

    • Haha 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Chase01 said:

    How can I clear my viewer cache when I can't use anything on my HUD on login?

    On the login/splash screen there should be tabs at the top left corner of the viewer to access preferences.

    If clearing cache doesn't help, there might be a problem with either contents outside of your Library folder or you might have a large, flat inventory, both of which Support might be able to help with.

    • Like 2
  10. 28 minutes ago, Zia Underwood said:

    I have been trying to get answers all day.  It seems this mornings update caused several mobile clients to fail.  Including the much beloved Lumiya.  Is there any word on what caused it.  Or on a fix incoming?

    Ive been concerned for years now that LL would eventually break support for the viewer and leave us with the sub par alternatives and cash grabs that remain.  Just hoping that day isnt today.  5 years without support and its still the best option out there.


    Would have been great if they could have created an incident report.

    • Like 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Do you think account hackers go after those residents who have no PIOF? They use the same info you do and though you get the opportunity to protect yourself from a*e pl*yers and such like, it is at the expense of making residents more vulnerable to those who break into people's accounts. After a friend was recently hacked, I am personally getting more careful about what account I store my Lindens on and for which one I purchase the preponderance of products for. If I was to be interested in your products or those of any other adult product content creators, it would not be for my account with the PIOF listing since I realize that it puts a target on my back for those who engage in account hacking for fun and profit. From that perspective I would not even be that happy with that info being accessible through user created scripts since then anyone could still gather a list of accounts that are most likely to have L$ in them even if that info is not listed right out in the profile. I really do not think your right to feeling safe that your products are being bought by those you think are worthy of them, trumps my right to to privatize my financial relationship with LL.

    In that regard, any Mainland or Linden Homes parcel owner or any skill gaming region or Premium sandbox visitor also would also be just as easily "scraped" or targeted.

    Sadly, I do not have an answer that will satisfy all parties.

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