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RooDee Dreamscape

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Everything posted by RooDee Dreamscape

  1. How can i view my linden spent inworld more than 30 days ago ?
  2. thank you . How long does it usually take to show up on ones account?
  3. My group is a cost. so tonight i gave someone the money to join. I am the owner of the group, but i did not get any of the money i gave him and yes he did join no doubt. any answers ???
  4. The beautiful Sim Romantic Castles is now for sale. All buildings and raw files goes with the sim. Everything you see goes with the sim. Please come and have a look. Sim is Romantic Castles. The cost is $300.00 USD or 228.94 GBP. Tier is due in 10 days. This is beautiful sim and a must see!!! Contact redsummer Diamond if interested. If redsummer is not on line you may contact RooDee Dreamscape if you have any questions.
  5. please respond with a naote card i am very interested in buying your sim ,, thank you roodee dreamscape or dixy dreamscape
  6. READY TO BUY A FULL PRIM SIM ASAP. THE PRICE MUST BE RIGHT. READY TO BUY TODAY. Please contact RooDee Dreamscape please leave a notecard my im's are capped daily. ALSO CONTACT Dixy Dreamscape she has my RL phone number and is online much more than myself. thank you very much RooDee Dreamscape Dixy Dreamscape
  8. do you still have the sim for sale ? roodee dreamscape
  9. please know even if you buy a grandfathered in sim the cost is the same to keep it grandfathered. a one time fee of $600 usd through LL. please remember to count that in when u make offer on sim/regions
  10. I want to buy a full prim sim, at least 8 days left on tier due to having time to grandfather it in through LL. Will pay 200 usd and seller pays transfer fee's per uaual via LL. Please contact RooDee Dreamscape ( please leave note card im's get capped ) OR ... Dixy Dreamscape
  11. I sent you a notecard. PLease let me know if you're still interested in selling the sim thanks, RooDee Dreamscape or Dixy Dreamscape
  12. it doesn't mattered if they are grandfathered in, once sold it goes back to the 295 usd unless you pay 600 usd to LL to keep them grandfathered. I want to buy one for no more than 200usd and owner pay transfer fee per usual via LL please contact RooDee Dreamscape or Dixy Dreamscape please leave a notecard but u can also im , one of us is online daily.
  13. I want to buy a full prim sim. If you want to be rid of your sim for the cost of transfer fee . Meaning I will pay 100. usd for the transfer fee via linden Lab through a ticket Please Contact RooDee Dreamscape or Dixy Dreamscape
  14. My avatar is now doing an animation of " walk like an Egyptioin dance" I have rebaked, stopped all animations and went as far as to do my avie from beginning .. still dancing .. what to do ..? I have tried all the answer's that were given and done the charactor test twice.. relooged several times, detatched everything one at a time. This happened what i gave back the mask on Paleoquest.... stilll doing the walk like an egyption :/
  15. Moon Park ENE 131,103,21 Moderate Homestead 65536m. $100.00 USD OR L$28,000 Per Month. Prim Count 3750 this one will go fast. Low Lag in a great region !!!! Use you imagination for this sim to be the home you have been waiting for! Contact RooDee Dreamscape
  16. I would be interested in buying ur homestead
  17. my parcel has been reclaimed by sim owner off and on for the last 2 months. though i was paid up here is his reason.. [2013/02/28 13:30] sergiofun: (Saved Sat Feb 23 00:58:30 2013)hi oo im me plz when you get on ,,,, i need to use this parcel ,, sorry but lets talk [2013/02/28 13:30] sergiofun: (Saved Thu Feb 28 11:13:20 2013)ho roo i didnt get a responce from you but i need this land sorry maby we can work somthing else out so i need to know what i can do ?
  18. beautiful Homestead for rent 125.usd per month. please contact RooDee Dreamscpe also have parcels for rent on a full prim sim
  19. ~~~DreamsCape Novi~~~ has parcels open for rent or sale. Beautiful beachfront available. please im RooDee Dreamscape for information and land marks.
  20. please im me, i have an interested client asap .. RooDee Dreamscape
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