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Kenbro Utu

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Posts posted by Kenbro Utu

  1. Syo Emerald wrote:

    What kind of freaky thing is that?

    When I purchase something on the marketplace it doesn't look like that.

    Oh, and the MP says its 1900L$ not US $ and thats the only thing that matters. By the way: I would never buy something that has an advertisement that came completely out of photoshop anyway. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

    He was already warned against that in this thread, I knew I had seen that pic before...

  2. Meldina Ashbourne wrote:

    my only fear would be is that some people (not all people) are down right nasty and disrespectful, and putting it out to the public, you never know who, or what kind of people may show up as you haven't had the chance to talk and get to know them beforehand

    The nice thing about hosting an event on your own sim, you have total control who stays or leaves.  You may get some trouble makers, but that is just SL.  Freeze, Ban, Mute the dolts, and chat up those who stick around after the event, they will do so because they find something they like about the place.  Get a handful of people, regular events, form a group.  It could work.

  3. Lscombat wrote:

     do any of you think this a good idea 

    No, very bad idea.  That "empty" land could be bought by someone.  What happens then?  Do they get less prims for their tier, or does LL take away the prims you bought and return your objects because you now have too many prims set out? Prims are distributed by amount of land, so the only way to get more prims without upsetting the balance is to buy more land.  

    Now there are sims where extra prims allowances are given, and in order to do this, land must be set aside that can never be occupied by anyone, but then again the initial cost of the land is usually more. 

  4. Cradom Denimore wrote:

     me to go to Marketplace in my browser.


    Now you use the word "browser," instead of "viewer."  There may be others experiencing what you are you, and need help, but they won't get it because even when asked you become increasingly vague about what is happening.  When you ask people for help, at the very least you should read their answers and respond with the information they ask for.  

  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    You should report it if you are pretty sure one of the particpants was a RL minor or was roleplaying a minor.  It's best if you have a log, but it's not necessary.  If you overheard something give as accurate a report of what you heard as you can.  Include why you think it was age play, the user names of the avatars, the location, date and time.  If you can include a pic that'd be good too.  If you can't fit it all in one AR, file more AR's and reference the first, then continue the information.

    Assuming the OP is talking about sexual ageplay...  No mention was made of such.  Nonsexual ageplay need not be reported.

    • Like 2

  6. Sorina Garrigus wrote:

    If the game permits pay-to-play, it would be subject to the Skill Gaming Policy.

    yes they said that. A game that is not set to permit paying to play and money within is not. THEY DID NOT clairify if a otherwise. You CLEARLY have very litlte knowledge about games in SL. nor this policy. If the ACTUALLY clairify this, it will be posted in the FAQ.

    I have not been involved in this squabble, though I have read every post.  It finally got to the point that I just had to weigh in. My job is performing quality assurance on medicolegal documents, so I have a fair amount of knowledge about grammar, sentence structure and subject matter.  You are demonstrating a clear lack of understanding of the policy.  The worst thing though, is your refusal to learn from the instruction of others who do have an understanding.  

  7. SweetSheath wrote:


    Her name is legal and not to be adult rated, BitchyProd is also legal... Nothing is Mature or Adult in proposed production!

    Has nothing to do with legality.  It is simply a rule.  LL allows you to use their service as long as you follow their rules. They can tell you what names you can and cannot use.   Defamation and libel?  That is just funny.

  8. Tari Landar wrote:

    For the OP...

    I think it's wonderful you have your beta testers coming here to your rescue, however, I can imagine they didn't actually read the thread at all, or anythign you said. People here responded based on the information you gave. 

    Precisely.  This is what the OP asked:

    TheG0t wrote:

    Now I am working on the bite system, I know many  hate the word after other games had some bad spammy result's the way it worked.

    Any input would be a help.

    Thank you


    The OP got exactly what he asked for, what people thought about a bite system, and the OP was the first one to bring up the "spam" factor.  


  9. Vivienne Schell wrote:

    "Much of the peformance penalty is the unavoidable consequence of opening SL to creation by others. I think the benefits are worth the costs."

    Not sure if SL is worth the cost of a high end PC for the average american housewife. 

    It's not my conversation, but it just bugs me how far you missed this point.


    The "cost" being referenced is the performance penalty, not the monetary cost of running SL.  The "purchase" of the cost is that SL is open to creation by others.  

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