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conrad Evanier

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Everything posted by conrad Evanier

  1. Ah i see, well not done much work with weapons but if llSetDamage deletes after contact couldn't you just have the knife rez a invisi prim on contacat to apply the damage? just have the invis position its self with the avi the knife slashes damage then delete?
  2. Hi you just need to script the knife with llSetDamage(amount) if the amount is 100.0 it will kill instantly, so keep it low if you want to use it in fights opposed to just killing avis. llSetDamage(8.0)
  3. an easy way to change the Allowed key would be have the script get it from the objects description, the you could change it when ever you need to with out edditing the script. Use Allowed = llGetObjectDesc();
  4. Hi you can set the perms different on the contents of the object to the object its self if you are the creator of both, so the customer can change the size but can not open your script in side it. the object perms for next owner could be mod /copy and your script in it just copy i do this so people can re size stuff.
  5. This would be for a note card named settings: #SETTINGS NC #Channel -3432 #Pager Channel -8754 This is how i would get the info needed from a nc add more data lines if needed you can change it to integer /float/ key data depending on what you need. This may be a bit rough im doing it off memory lol i use it a lot state loadSettings{ state_entry() { integer found = FALSE; integer x; count = 0; lineCount = 0; for (x = 0; x < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); x += 1) { if (llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, x) == "Settings") { found = TRUE; } } if (found) { llOwnerSay("Reading Settings Notecard..."); readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount); } else { llOwnerSay("Settings Notecard Not Found."); llResetScript(); } } dataserver(key requested, string data) { integer integerData; if (requested == readKey) { if (data != EOF) { if ((llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) && (data != "") && (data != " ")) { integerData = (integer)data; if (count == 0) { if (integerData >= 0) { channel = integerData; } else { channel = 0; } } else if (count == 1) { if (integerData >= 1) { pager_channel = integerData; } else { pager_channel = 1; } count += 1; } lineCount += 1; readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount); } else { llOwnerSay("==============="); llOwnerSay("Channel is " + (string)channel); llOwnerSay("pager channel is " + (string)pager_channel ); llOwnerSay("===============");
  6. Hi you could always use the tp link app, i like this way you just click the link in chat and go any where grid wide. Use the app in a string you could add up to 12 if using a dialog menu. llIRegionSayTo(id,0, "\nTo teleport just click the tp link below:\n\n" + "secondlife:///app/teleport/"+coor1); string coor1 would be one of your destinations like this (region name then coordinates) Tan/219/109/626 You could have coor1,2,3,4 and so on easy to script too
  7. Good point Ela i tried llSetLinkPrimitiveParamFast() setpos, but doesn't look as smooth and floating as the physical version but if you played around you could get something similar. Now where did those boxs shoot off to that i got wrong lol
  8. Hi Tailsy try this one out i have been messing about with it and got it to bob up and down in the air if thats what you're after float h=0.8; //the hight it bobs up you can change thisfloat m = 0.7; //0.1 slow bob 0.9 faster bob lolvector pos; float x=0; vector bob; default { state_entry() { llSetBuoyancy(1.0);llSetTimerEvent(0.5);pos=llGetPos() + <0,0,1.5>;llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM , TRUE);llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS , TRUE);} on_rez(integer start){ llResetScript();}timer(){ x+=m;bob = <0,0,llCos(x)*h>;llMoveToTarget(pos+bob,0.8);} }
  9. Yeh ok indio was just a quick reply lol just to show how you can use different keys within a touch start, i will watch my grammar from now on hahahahaha:smileyvery-happy:
  10. HI you could also have it say different things if the toucher is in your group or what ever thought id put this here never know who may need it touch_start(integer num_detected) { integer x; key detectedKey; for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1) { detectedKey = llDetectedKey(x); if (detectedKey == llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(detectedKey," Your the owner"); } else if (llSameGroup(detectedKey)) { llInstantMessage(detectedKey," Your the in my group"); } else if (detectedKey == partner) { llInstantMessage(detectedKey," Your my partner");
  11. Thanks everyone for your advise i tried everything but nothing worked then i uninstalled v2 and downloaded phoenix that worked but couldnt stand the look of it lmao so i downloaded sl beta viewer and that was fine !! wel im back in world so happy.
  12. HI all i use sl a lot for creation and scripting but all of a sudden when i try to log in i get this error sign, DNS COULD NOT RESOLVE THE HOST NAME. REALY!!!.... funny how all was fine the other few thousand times iv loged in lmao. Iv cleared the cache and even pre set the dns sever address to and BUT still no luck getting fed up with trying now any help would be grateful as need to get on and finish something iv been working on :(
  13. yeh it was the object in contents float text i was wanting to show on the containing prim no matter il find another way
  14. if the object is mod but the script isnt so you cant set the script to running you could drop this script in to it and click to set it to running maybe default{ touch_start(integer total_number){ integer num = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); integer x; for (x = 0; x< num; x++) { string name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, x); if (name != llGetScriptName()) { llSetScriptState(name, TRUE); } } }}
  15. Hi all just wondering is it possible for a script to show the float text of an item in the contents of the object??
  16. Hi he wouldnt have been able to ruin your scripts sounds like he has just changed the perms of the land and no longer allows scripts to run on his land, which for some one renting out houses doesn't make much sense!!. Im sure if you take your items back into your inventory and move to new land where your allowed to run scripts all will be fine again your items will work if your allowed to run scripts on the land so check that before you rent a new place.
  17. TYPICAL lol just when i have made a cool little float text script that can start new lines from chat, textbox dose that all for you lol handy function though, im hoping that llTeleportAgent dosent have land owner perms if it comes out Mahaahhahahaha would put that to good use
  18. Yeh was a daft idea realy it would be used for griefing and not something id want to put out. llTeleportagenthome is a better one to use in this as gets them right away from your land not just off the borders
  19. HI yeh i have done some work with security orb scripts and they are always for the owner of land or group deeded to as use llejectfromland, so what im thinking is orbit the avis instaed. Which leads me to the question HOW do you script to orbit some one? i havnt done any work with orbiting before so am very interested in how its done, i have good weapons hud that can orbit avis so this could be applyed to a security orb enabling it to be used on any land
  20. Thanks for all the suggestions guys im gona go with the same thinking as Darkie, people will have to use the key then its very nice n clear and reliable. And as its so easy to find out a key i cant see it being a problem, il then have a key2name to confirm with buyer who they are sendind the gift to. Yes the new display names are a pain i look at my friends list and forget whos who most the time lmao
  21. Hi all just wondering whats the best way to get a key from name, im developing my vendors to be able to give buy as a gift but have hit a wall with getting key from name llName2Key would be fantastic lol but we dont have that do we lol. Iv tried a few http request set up with in my scripts but most arent reliable and 1 only returened half the key very handy that 1 lmao any advice on this would be great :) oh the name is said in chat !
  22. Ah yes thanks Void i was over complicating that a bit gona go and sort that out now ty.
  23. Nope sorry lol that still gets the name as well. This is the right version and its dose just as i need il put it here incase anyone else is searching for this, partner = llList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ROOT, [PRIM_DESC]),0); this makes a nice easy way to drop a partner or friends key in to a linked object so they can get menus from a child prim
  24. llDumpList2String([llGetLinkName(LINK_ROOT), llList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ROOT, [PRIM_DESC]), 0)],""); ok this works for getting a key thats added to root desription, llGetLinkDesc would be much nicer tho lmao thanks for pointing me in the right direction Acheron:)
  25. Hello all, im creating a script that i need to get info from the root prim description, i have done this with the name using llGetLInkName which is great but i would prefer it to be the description so the name of the object dosnt have to change is it possible? why isnt there llGetLinkDesc lol this script gos in a child prim .
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