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Raven Delgado

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Posts posted by Raven Delgado

  1. ah thAnks guys i kinda wondered if was lAyers of mesh or just a script thanks. yes she is too expensive nice but very pricey i will make some when get time but will not charge that much i just do it for fun, i have tons of mesh again her stuff looks nice Laylas but would like everyone to be able to afford such  thing , so thanks again just wasn't sure if script or layers now i got it thanks again first i gotta get my beach mansion done lol

  2. Hello every one, I have been searching for the script that strips mesh clothing in a 10 Stage Strip or less to put in my clothes, I can't find a scriptor who knows how this is done, if any one knows some one or where i can buy this script pleAse message me in world, thank you in advance- just removed like old days I'am not looking for- i need clothes removed in stages , like a sexy stripper opps & done by a click with public or private to strip you-thank you :) be blessed

  3. @Chic Aeon you are sadly right, i took a mesh jewel & attached to fitted mesh skirt & skirt stayed as should & jewel sadly did its own thin as i moved, i just don't understand how people can make belly rings for mesh body and it stays there but if i connect jewel to belly it has a mind of it's own ugh, guess i will stick to making mesh furniture & old fashioned TGA file clothes ha, i have read so much on net & still won't work, i'll leave mesh clothes to the professionals :(

  4. thanks every one, i only have DAE file on skirt not the jewel sadly, i only have full permission as far as rezizing and stuff not dae file for that but thank you all i will try again & pray it works, tired of jewels floatin around lol

  5. I hope i can explain this well enough, i have a fitted mesh skirt (not made by me) but have full rights to it, i would like to add a nano prim to it for decoration, when i do it jumps all around my body, does not stay where i wanted it, i wear Maitreya  Mesh Body if that helps, example i attache to belly & it goes inside belly up, down just simply does not stay put lol, has a mind of it's own, also can not attache my prim belly ring with out it going inside me or up or down, any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong, again I DID NOT CREATE THE MESH SKIRT, i just simple want to add jewelry to it to make it look different, thanks in advance

  6. go to firestorm, its alot like phoenix and i hear they are making it mesh compatable soon, so we just have to hang in their i know they were tryin hard to keep it like phoenix but like everything else LL farked that up too, but it is close, an they have a really nice tutorial video on how to make it look really close to phoenix........im only using it so i dont see doughnuts or id stick to phoenix the best viewer i have found............and if you think your better then old phoenix users anyone reading this piss off atleast i dont have to use LL viewer and show them support for a crap viewer as i keep paying their bills monthly,

    i will continue to support the phoenix/firestorm team

  7. LL needs to fix what is wrong in all viewers before adding new options, i hate the new viewer i was forced to use  i miss phoenix it was so  easy to get around, im on firestorm now waiting for the mesh to come in only so i don't see a world of doughnuts as u say lol, i refuse to give into LL and use there viewer,  i pay their bills monthly as u say to keep their lights on and im sick of all the having to change viewers constantly because they add new stuff just trying to make another buck, in time i know firestorm will have mesh and thats kewl to see stuff but i also refuse as a merchant to buy mesh products as they want more then they charge for sculpties and your waisting your lindens because you can bet you won't make a good enough profit off them, charging 3k for a mesh tshirt that u can only sell for100L if you are lucky will take forever to get that 3k back in the bank, think about it people.......yes it is kinda a neat feature that other 3D games have had forever but is it really worth that much linden? personally sorry to my faithful purchasers but i will not be going with the new mesh look id rather keep my prices low and still have u looking great the old fashioned way ;)....and ty to the firestorm makers , i know you did the best you could to keep it looking like phoenix and it was fault only by LL that it is a bit diff.........as you had to follow their rules and regulations....... again ty for keeping me off LL viewer

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