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Polyhistor Serpente

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Everything posted by Polyhistor Serpente

  1. What I would like to know is what he did to antagonize those people before he started recording. I've seen the person that posted this video in public places and actually first hand observed his antagonistic behavior along with the use of annoying following objects with accusatory text on them until people reacted on a few occasions. I've always said that those self labeled anti-griefer groups are as bad or worse than the problem they claim to combat.
  2. After having glanced at the video I can see you found some griefers and responded to them by being a griefer. Also it is in poor taste that you are saying slurs typically used to insult people's sexuality shortly after the 8:25 mark on the video.
  3. This needs to be fixed. There should either be official business accounts or a way to officially allow certain people to access an account with permission. At the very least there should have been some dialog before trashing the marketplace.
  4. I think it is great they are trying to do nice holiday things we can interact with and maybe say hi to people dropping by to visit and take part. Just a random idea and all. Why not just add holiday options to the mailbox menu in the future, if possible, to opt in or out of participating and have them rez right next to the mailbox?
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