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Phate Shepherd

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  1. OK, that gives me some anxiety relief, even if it isn't the way I wished it worked. I was sort of hoping you would reply Qie, as 2 of the parcels in question you might have a hand in... 😉 I had it in my head that mainland couldn't be linked together by anyone but LL.
  2. I have 4 parcels on the same mainland region. Two of the parcels consume the majority of the total objects used. Is my assumption correct that all 4 parcels would have to be deeded to the same group to continue to share object count? I'm not quite sure what "Owner makes contribution with deed" means. Does that mean I have to already donate my land area to the group? I want it to always pull 3072sqm from me and get the remainder from a group donation from another person. If they should ever not be able to donate, I want it to pull the full 4096 from me. If that happens will it automatically up my land use fee to the next tier? I assume I must be owner of the deed group to ensure that? I am most concerned with auto-return kicking in during the transition.
  3. Yeah, I think the only way is concierge atm.
  4. If they are claimed cabins though that doesn't really help with the luck of the draw of getting one? Or am I missing something? (this is about the Linden home cabins)
  5. I'm looking for a log cabin home and had found one long ago from someone on here that was ready to abandon their's and was able to therefore help me get ahold of one that had a most perfect location right by the water. Unfortunately I had to release it after many happy months there and I've been trying to get ahold of one again with a location I like but there are not many available to choose from so I keep winding up with ones I'm not interested in the location of. I know it's a real longshot so I'm not expecting any miracles but does anyone just happen to have a log cabin and a good location they are thinking of abandoning anytime soon? Or, does anyone have any tips other than waiting a bit between tries to see if by chance we just happen to draw a better one?
  6. I don't want to force a specific location for the HUD, I just wanted the default not to be the hand. This is in a builders tool where I am trying to automate as much as possible. As for your tangent, that is exactly what I did in my pose tool. It only defaults the position if it detects you have picked a new attachment point. otherwise it leaves position and scale alone.
  7. Is it possible to set the default attach point of a linkset via a script? Digging through LLSLPP, I don't see anything. I want the user to be able to drop a script into a basic cube, and the attach point get set to one of the HUD positions. If I weren't starting out with a raw prim, I'd just wear it to set it, but can't do that in this case. I don't want the script to attach the linkset to the user during the configure process.
  8. Wait.... first we get the option to remove alphas from image uploads that don't need them, and now we get a fix for brace indention? Someone is actually fixing stuff from "r/MildyInfuriating"?
  9. I agree, store names can be misleading.... I guess I'm just old and don't like change!
  10. Some time back, marketplace changes were made, and for a brief amount of time you couldn't search for store names in the main search. It appears that bug is back. For example, if you search for Dust Bunny, it doesn't turn up any of that stores products. Of course you can search the Merchants/Stores tab, but not the main tab.
  11. And grid status updates a minute after I can't login 😉
  12. If you have ever had to deal with BVH files, those routines would be VERY useful. BVH files can use arbitrary rotation orders, and these routines are something I had to ask for help with many years back... and that was just for a single variation of rot to a specific order. Thanks for pointing out the LL reverse order and the check routines that also show a better way to construct a rot from arbitrarily ordered Eulers! BTW, is it LL is using a reverse order, or is it that evaluation order is right to left?
  13. Belated response.... I can tell you one provider NOT to use. Fatcow.com. They firewalled many of the SL regions prior to the uplift to the cloud, and it always took an hour on chat to get them removed (and I had a typed up script to say to them with all the details.) They have since been bought up by one of the big name hosting services and it is no better.
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