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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Yokor, I applaud you for wanting to create a small community of people just getting started in business in SL. Qa'pla!

    I just wish you'd been around a couple of months ago before I was made an offer (much like yours) that I couldn't refuse. However, when it comes time to "open shop" and you are still offering to help (and have space available) I just might take you up on it.

    Say hello to Thor and Hermoid for me! I miss those two.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:


    I'm sorry, Selene, but I'm a bit confused now. That's precisely what I've been saying, over quite a few posts now. Those are hateful words, so hateful that it's hard to imagine anyone who used them wasn't trying to be offensive. So if someone doesn't wish to cause offence, why would they use or defend terms that they know are offensive, and when they know the alternative? And why would they themselves be offended to be gently corrected and guided towards a respectful alternative? What intentions could they have?

    I'm not sure what we're arguing over at this point. That some cultures are tolerant of and even encouraging of racism? I wouldn't argue with that either, but it doesn't make it right. Or are you making the case that these people don't "mean" those words offensively? Why does that matter when they quite understandably cause hurt and offence to you and other First Nations people?

    I didn't know we were arguing. All I've done is try to answer your question to the best of my knowledge. I never claimed I know what makes every person tick. I can only tell you that sometimes what is offensive to one isn't offensive to another, even if they both have the same disability. This is why I honor the individuals preference over the majority's. I'm not dealing with the majority. I'm dealing with the individual.

    People fear what they don't understand.

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  3. Just now, Amina Sopwith said:

    I didn't miss it, I just didn't really have a response to it. It's quite obviously the right thing to do.

    That's why it's important that people are gently corrected if they use the wrong term. As I was during my first week in my job.

    But some people aren't. As Beth says, the R word is very frequently used as a hostile insult. As Scylla says, it's so well-known to be an offensive word that it's hard to imagine that offence isn't deliberate when someone uses it. Which is why this conversation is important. And as I've said numerous time: if one knows that a term is offensive, and that there's an acceptable alternative, then what good intentions can one possibly have in using or defending the offensive term?

    And if someone is offended by having their words corrected, what good intentions can they possibly have?

    I get that some people will struggle to remember the new term, but the important thing is that people try, and accept gentle correction.

    So are the words squaw, redskin, timber n-word, prairie n-word, etc. The only good injun is a dead injun and so on and so forth. Growing up in an all white family in the deep south, being the only First Nations in school.

    Why do people still use those words? When you can answer that question, you'll have your answer. You don't need me to give you what you already know.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Gadget Portal said:

    They will. I mix and match bento/non bento all the time in the FS AO. 

    Oh good. Thanks. I had to stop asking simple yes or no questions in the support group. Being told to read the blog (or wiki) when a simple yes or no was more than sufficient and takes a lot less time to type out. I don't need a lecture on a simple yes or no question. Sometimes I get the feeling a few of the older support members don't want me asking any questions since I won't rejoin the team. I've been getting the cold shoulder more and more lately.

    • Sad 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    I'm interested to know what this particular disability/condition is that has such a lack of consensus around it.

    You may not ever please every single last person, but stay abreast of what the representative bodies are saying (Google their websites if you need to) and people will generally understand that you are well-intentioned.

    I think you missed the fact that I was talking about dealing with individuals, on an individual basis. I use whatever term the individual prefers. Full stop.

    if I were to stay abreast of everything all of the representative bodies are saying, I'd never have time to do anything else. There are more organizations in the US than I can keep up with, much less adding the ones in other countries. 

    People are too focused on what terms everyone else uses if they fail to see that most people, regardless of what terms they use, are well-intentioned. On the other hand, intentions are rather useless when they aren't acted on.

    There is one thing that hasn't changed in the past 60 years. Actions speak louder than words.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    Why would anyone not use the preferred terms, once they know what they are?

    Some habits are not easy to break for old(er) people. Words and (re)actions become deeply ingrained. It takes time and not everyone is going to be successful. I still call a lot of things by the names they were called 40 years ago yet are called something different today. 

    When the word "disability" is no longer acceptable (PC) what will we call it then? There is a such thing as carrying PC too far.

    Some prefer terms that others don't, so I deal with it on an individual basis. I abide by the wishes of the individual and if I happen to be with two people who are of different minds over it, I let them work it out. So far, not even they have been able to agree on an acceptable, common term.

  7. If I were to use the FS built in AO I wouldn't even have one HUD showing on my screen.

    I'm currently using the AO that came with my VISTA head, so it's all Bento. I'm not real thrilled with some of the stands in it and I'd like to use some of my old stands but they aren't bento so I have no idea if the non Bentos will even work with the VISTA Zoe head and the Lara body, much less in the FS built in AO.

    So, until I finally get a round tuit, I'm stuck with a single HUD showing on my screen. :( :D

  8. 10 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

    I remember in the early days when SL would conveniently install your shoes and hair in the avi's rear --- for your convenience! :D

    In the Us, that would be the trunk. In the UK, that would be the boot. 

    Unless it's a Volkswagon. Then it would either be the hood or the bonnet, respectively.

    I think I would prefer my hair to be installed in the bonnet and my shoes in the trunk. Installing your hair under the hood and your shoes in the boot just doesn't sound very convenient.

    • Haha 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

    When i came to sl it was sink or swim.... the huge grey out building and that wall where everyone sat till they decided to become premium. Now THAT was a learning eperience ,,, lolol   it only took a few weeks to beome premium  ,,, got tired of my avi with the legs somehow getting stuck out the ears ,,,  memeories of days gone by lololol

    That was SL at its most fun. It was scary, too. Most scary fun! \o/

  10. 3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:



    I posted this picture on  Flickr early last year.  This is a dress I found while going through some of my older stuff to decide whether or not to keep it for BoM.  The dress alone has a CI of 2,799,508.  The hair that I paired it with for the picture was another wildly high item that I found in inventory -- it came in at just shy of 250,000.  The gown is truly beautiful and moves wonderfully, but definitely extravagant in the resource usage dept. 

    Old Extremely High CI Outfit


    How in the world did you ambulate in that?

  11. 3 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I wear mine because I'm likely to change shoes or some other bit of my appearance and then have to change my foot position or alpha out different parts of my body.  Even when I don't change clothing, I always seem to discover while dancing that some body part starts poking through unexpectedly.  If I wasn't already wearing the HUD, I'd have to dig around in inventory to attach the thing.  I'm just lazy enough to say, "Screw that" and leave the HUD attached. That doesn't do anything to my complexity and it makes me happy.

    Just don't forget the number of scripts you tote around contribute to lag. Doesn't hurt to keep a copy handy at the top of your inventory for quick easy access.

  12. On 9/9/2019 at 3:37 AM, rasterscan said:

    lol - re ultra policing the forum. About three months ago I crafted a wonderful post with pics and gif clips  of our group tour of the old lands culminating in an impromptu disco in the Queens Head in Belli. It took an hour to collate. It was deleted and I was banned for a day too. I called it 'Boozy Bellisseria' and that caused great offence apparently. I've rarely bothered posting since.



    As you can see, you aren't alone. I really have a strong distaste for walking on eggshells. Seems there is no such thing as a forum that ever does achieve true "middle ground" in moderating. It's always to an extreme. So we either have to bite the bullet or not post. The special snowflakes aren't going to shut me up though so they may as well add me to their block list and be done with it.

    • Like 1
  13. 46 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

    This is mine...….I don't have a clue what that means, except I give out too many likes, and laugh too much, and thank too much, and get sad too easily, and am always confused...…..

    All that in under sixteen months.

    Addicted? Me???






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  14. 15 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

    Piggy backing off of this: the default complexity is 250k for firestorm, not sure about LL default viewer or other tpv’s.

    I’ve already stated I drop mine a little lower than 250k to around 180k.

    So the question is: does anyone drop their max complexity below 100k? I’m kind of curious now.

    Sorry it's not 250k, it's 350k. I've been keeping mine maxed and I'm seriously considering dropping it some but I doubt I would ever set it below 100k.

  15. 29 minutes ago, Eva Knoller said:

    I think this second message happens when the person who had you jellydolled leaves the area, not because you changed anything.

    I don't think so. It happens to me when there isn't anyone else on the region, nor have I changed anything. And it will happen several times. When I'm idle, just logging in or even building. From what Miro Collas of FS support told me when I asked about it months ago, it's just one of the idiosyncracies of SL.

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