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Evilynda Baphomet

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Blog Comments posted by Evilynda Baphomet

    Viewer 2.4 Released!

    Ariaias may not be spelling bee champs, knowledgeable about proper wording and all the other things you you think yourself to be, but they have a valid point. For those of us that are common everyday people and like to play SL the new viewers suck. I am not ignorant about the workings of SL I have been here over 5 years and I still am of the opinion viewer 2 sucks. If the Lindens had a viewer that was people friendly then maybe so many would not be bailing on SL and finding other games. after all it is a game to be enjoyed by all geek and "ignorant gallery" alike. You must not of had a very nice Christmas to be so mean the day after. Try to get your point across without getting so nasty. Now welcome to rip me up.

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