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greek Wingtips

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Everything posted by greek Wingtips

  1. i I seen around SL boards that sell the multi good, I would know of a resonable price such board, it would have to show the picture of the goods that are on sale and click to buy and most important the easier to use the better, The ones I seen are the picture in the middle with arrow keys either side to display the next goods for sale and a button underneath to buy. if anyone can help with some names of them or links in xstreet or in world, would be really great help, BTW : i be selling tattoo's and custom neon light boars. Thanks Blues man
  2. Well there we have it from the horses mouth direct, the land I enquired about for sale to AL this was there reply, The land abandon land that I am interested does not qualfiy for direct sale, but if I am am interested they can place this in the auction, WELL WELL What do I think of this well it's very simple, there is so much land abandoned it really is untrue, I am scraping to find the $ to pay tiers every month and here is LL's chance to retain my hight tier rent, but at the same time they want me to pay top $ for abandon land, well my answer to AL is very simple. sit you your abandon land and wait for a better price whiles looose my higher Tiers $ that you will loose and I sit on my 512sq, If this is called bussinsess sence then I feel very sorry for LL's As a bussinsess man myself, when the times are in a resession you lower all your prices not keep them high whiles people find it hard to pay, your loose not mine AL
  3. I recall bring this up once about banning via Pip's s as trolls were causing havoc in an area and when I brought this up no one was in the slightest interested.
  4. I don't really understand your point,was not talking about what people build on or how pretty or grottoes the builds are or they junk it, that each to there own, its nothing new that one heads land facing a sunset then a person next to you puts up a massive blocks your view, that's AL to make rules , I talking about buying land and the land that on offer by AL from what I seen most is north or south facing, rocky or to steep and surrounded by junk, the stuff I seen which is really nice I would pay more than one L$ if it was available so again I saw, as long as AL keep back the good stuff I not touching the crap, and refuse to pay top money some land owners want for land, I happy with my 512 until such time AL brings the price down, ,
  5. Well As that is LL rules, I might as well just sit on my 512 ands not bother, as all the good land if held back, why in a rp game, were I pay tiers I have to be offered land by LL that really is the the worst , whiles they sit on prime abandon land that can be sold to customers, if they feel this will be exploirted by bulk land buyer then limit the amount they can buy, I dont see why I should be offered the rubbish that on offer by LL or go private and pay crazy pricies , I just sit on my 512sq
  6. Yes I did that I put a request for some land on the 15 dec case num 01823 bah bah have I heard anything noooo, if this land had right to buy there and then i would a happy owner of some land right now so what do I do , sit and wait and hope LL let me buy this land or do I look keep looking It does need loking into
  7. After investigation further searches of land I think what LL are doing is completely wrong, holding back abandon land if keeping the price up, this in a world ression is stupid, as I look around for land to by for my personal use, I find two things, either the land is cheap and crap or the land is so expensive I walk away, like most in all corners of the globe we are in a resssion, make the land cheaper maybe more people will buy and then you have more membership right now I not going to buy a 4096 land but settle for a much small bit, as I not going to spend good money for crap or over the top price, LL need to re-think this
  8. I been looking SL to find some LL abandon land and there is so much available but LL have made so difficult to buy, I am aware there is a cooling off period from the person that has abandoned to reclaim, but why can not just simpley just buy instead of filling out a request and what not, this is so silly
  9. well folks pulling my hair out missing folders and when I start up my viewer I get a message on screen sayin unable to load asset, an ideas on how I can fix this, I sent a ticket to sl but no answer as usual thanks
  10. well folks pulling my hair out missing folders and when I start up my viewer I get a message on screen sayin unable to load asset, an ideas on how I can fix this, I sent a ticket to sl but no answer as usual thanks
  11. Am not reply directly to your post just making this my end statement, it really does seem that no one can say a bad word about sl or anything , facts are people are fed up with bugs and crashes and problems, more tend to being fixing things than playing, this is not me makin a personal statement this is me speaking to many people in sl due to my job in sl, that tell me, its not everyone but a fair % of people. for those that want to defend SL its your right ,but the end of the day SL is a bussiness and whiles other 3d virtual are arriving Sl should think about its customers ,and yes I am a customer and I pay for the privlage to play this game and anytime I can stop being that. I not going to ever write in this forum again, aint no point very few answer the question here are for bashing. I just defended myself enjoy your forum folks
  12. First I dont think it is a stupid thread and 2nd I have no problem if an LL employee shared there thoughts in forums if anything it would be a great thing for them to share our gripes and thoughts, it would eliminate many myths, but if I have a gripe or a complaint about anything I should have the right to mention it in here without the fear of anyone attacking me or discrediting me , by all means tear my argument down, but dont get personal if one does then bites back, hope that makes sence
  13. another meaning I found is 2. Personal stake, or expectation of personal gain, that underlies a strong commitment to maintain or influence an action.
  14. I agree with you, whole heartedly , if I read something nasty lets say about my football team that I follow and have a season ticket, I don't have to disagree with the writer but i could write a nasty reply or discrete the writer just because it was against my team is that not a vested interest in some form? , this is what my debate is about, its not personal towards anyone, but I will defend myself when a reply seems personal towards me and with out foundation, one can agree or disagree as much as you want about the debate ,
  15. Dear Amethyst, you make rather sweeping statements to which I like you to set the record, you said "No one on the forums has a vested interest in SL unless they are a Linden" is this something you know as a fact or guessing,and please stand corrected I never suspected or said you have or had an vested interest you implied that what I think, big differenced
  16. Wikipedia not mine "A key factor to consider with vested interest is the level/type of involvement the individual has with a particular attitude object"
  17. well the best contribution from you orca I even seen about answering threads questions has yet to been seen ,but I still have hope for you
  18. SORRY DID I SAY??????you suspect the responder has a vested interest, PLZ READ WHAT I WROTE AND NOT WHAT YOU THINK
  19. If you like to know firestorm is a very great product I switch to its viewer long time ago and like it, my debate is not to attack but highlight the ever growing upgrades at the expence of bugs or not allowing a fully time lapse in beta's before final release,you seem to think its only me that suffers from probs with bugs,laggy,ghosting losing invent and so on, you ask any person in sl and they will tell you the same thing, it has beome more unstable , and people are getting fed up with it, now its no skin of my nose as I can just cut the switch and leave sl, thats my progative but am sure if paying people started to leave sl because they are fed up spending more fixing than playing in sl SL would be concerned, its easy to sign up for sl but its another thing when your a paying customer, you need to remememer that that a paying custom desevers value for money and give me the right to complain ,
  20. Well you answered the question yourself, you tone is in your statement " especially when your comments are misinformed"the question is simple"Do you think employees should give a disclosure with replying "and as for your other statement, I said Vested interested not invested two diff meanings , and as you don't agree with my question and have thought I will endeavour to accuse you of being some way having a vested interest tell me you are not interested in the debate but more of an aggressive reply. I let others judge you as to if you have any vested intestests
  21. Your reply, made me think so I opened another new debate\thread about a vested interest.
  22. I have to admit when I do start a thread in the forums its sometimes is a moan or a dig or a complaint, but I have also given advice too in my threads , but sometimes what I tend to find if its a dig at SL or the 3th party viewers, I find some replies very suspiciously could be persons with a vested interest or employee my question is " should these person when reply disclose if they have a vested interest.
  23. Ren, I started to write a very long and lengthy reply to you,all I say I believe you have a vested interest in SL in some sort shape or form, but please do not be try to discredit me by looking as my previous, if I wish to complain or argue that my democratic right, it also allows others to argue my points too, its called a debate does not matter how its conducted or said, as long as its not rude, slanderous,or defamatory then its free and legal, when YOU use statements and words like " " or "basically entitles" then this tell me you are trying to dictate to me, you have no right to tell me nothing what I can or cannot say, hence why you sound like you have vested interest and if you do , then disclose it ,
  24. thank you for your article but its mr wingtips, I see no mention of a mrs wingtips in this debate,
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