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Dillon Levenque

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Posts posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. Deltango Vale wrote:

    Ha, you mean
    Linden Lab just doesn't get SL

    You and Mags are free to quote me for your signature lines if you wish.

    If I were not using my signature for advertising, it would be:

    "If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time." - Dave Mustaine

    LOL, you remembered! Actually I think the exact quote was, "Sometimes I think LL just doesn't get SL", and it was while we were talking about something  during the start of this version of the forums.

    There were threads like Scylla's "Unqueering" and such. It looked as though one of most wonderful things about SL—the tolerance among most residents for lifestyles they didn't understand—was to be swept away. I'd have to say based on the evidence so far that we were both wrong, but it was such a beautifully funny line. I'm hanging on to it in any case.

  2. Void Singer wrote:

    cheese snacks in the green room, and Bass Ale, heck, Tulamore Dew if you want it... of course I'll need full access... to make sure the stars are well taken care of

    Well, that seems reasonable.

    I thought for a few terrible moments that Tulamore Dew was a brew I'd not heard of; I see that it is whisky, not beer.

  3. Mags Indigo wrote:

    Deltango Vale wrote:

    I'm so glad you posted this. It is the key to understanding the true value of virtual worlds: the power of metaphor.

    Second Life is
    90% percent reality at 10% the price

    I want that quote - I love that quote...

    and it's true too :smileyhappy:


    Deltango does that a lot; I've thought for some time she should open a side business creating Forum signatures (I already have mine that I got for free before I suggested reimbursement and I'll use it eventually).

    I somehow missed that article but I agree it's quite interesting. And I'm not at all surprised. It is certainly true that when I do something in SL that works out well, or makes other people happy or me happy—hopefully simultaneously—my RL self feels better for it. Our virtual selves mean something to our actual selves.

     ETA that what Jaylin said about the reinforcement of working with a group is probably also a big part; and yes, why not in SL?

  4. Suella Ember wrote:

    (although they are doing a grand job of self destructing at the moment anyway. Plus
    we don't really care about them anymore
    as we are in the dizzy heights of the Premier League and Europe while they languish down in League 2 :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:)

    Yes, all the Potter fan comments I read made that point, usually followed by "but we hate them anyway" or words to that effect. Agreed; they are now my favorite English F.C. I guess if I have to have an English football team it may as well be the oldest one, right? Just don't depend on me to know what's happening.

  5. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Above water it just looks like a little platform in one of the lakes. A hidden dorr inside of it and suddenly you're in this complex. I think the spider was 38 prims or something... only reason I never used him myself.

    I think the sim names was Frodes.



    Thanks, duly noted. When you first mentioned where it was  you used 'reservoir' and 'giant underground complex' in the same sentence and I was wondering if I'd step into a clearing and see a small white house with the windows boarded up :smileywink:

  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    If you have the prim space to rez it, there is a pet spider available for free if you can find it hidden on some linden park builds on mainland and zindra.

    Last saw it in the giant underground complex reached through the reservoir in Zindra.


    Really. I haven't been much to Zindra but I'm sure the reservoir can't be hard to find. How large is this spider? I have a fair amount of prim space on account of I bumped my plot size a while back but have been too lazy to build anything yet. And thanks, btw.

  7. Suella Ember wrote:

    Live and let live!


    I bet you don't feel that way about Port Vale.


    ps: I so love Google; I can find out stuff about things of which I know nothing, almost effortlessly. I of course knew you were a Stokie because you posted about that. I'd never heard of them before. Now I have youtubes of Delilah. One of the things I like best about SL is the global mix.

    pps: I had to wear red hair for a bit in a thread I've been working on and I had an insane desire for cheese the whole time (but fortunately I was clever enough to carry on).


  8. Melita Magic wrote:

    No, sorry, I wouldn't want to breed giant spiders in Second Life. I'm sure some would, though. Go for it.

    "Post was actually inspired by a recent convo I had with someone who was breeding. He was hoping to get 'a good one' so he could sell it for big bucks. Meanwhile half his club had been transformed into a meeroo habit and the things were everywhere. 500L a pop for the unwanted ones. I nearly bought one out of sheer compassion, till I came to my senses."

    Well that's the thing. If it's a highly trafficked place, put them somewhere else, or at least, in a sky pen.

    I didn't put any at Changing Rooms for instance just in case they might cause lag. That's a place designed to let people get in and out and do what they need to do there, without hassle. I don't consider it open for roo farming.

    I don't think they
    cause lag, I've seen them wake up (when an avatar is near) and fall asleep (I get the notice after I go), and even turn off automatically once when the sim slowed. But in general the sims seem totally unchanged or unharmed. But I only have a few, and most are in the sky pen.

    If I had a shop or club and filled them with it, like the USS Enterprise filled with Tribbles, I could see where people could get skeevy.

    It is a fad. But they are also very cute. Time, and customer service (COUGH) will tell, if this remains a fad or develops and gets better and better for its customers.

    I could have picked any one of a number of posts to reply to in this thread, Melita. I picked yours because it covered the most ground. I'm just starting to look around at the new GD section and saw this one had recent activity.

    I saw your meeroo thread (I still have not actually seen a meeroo, but then I've been kinda busy) and I have to admit they look cute, but breedable animals is probably not something for me given my limited inworld time. On the other hand a pet tarantula sounds pretty cool. I've seen them in the wild and found them fascinating. I can't say that at home because if I start talking about tarantulas certain family members yell, "Shut up! Shut up!". Arachnophobia can be such a crippling disorder.

    I loved that you invoked "The Trouble With Tribbles". Did you see the Next Gen one that used part of that? It was (duh) not as good as the original but the one scene where Worf gets queried about Klingons by his Terran buddies is very good.

    Most of all I wanted to comment on how funny everything in this thread has been, from Eileen's OP to the current last post. I don't have the forum background to know, but this looks a whole lot like some of the good stuff from the original GD forum to me.

  9. Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

    Dillon Levenque wrote in part:

    ... There were no mind-altering drugs in evidence ... 

    Oh, I'm sure there were a lot of those
    All naturally produced by your body and brain. All you need to do in order to produce some mind-altering chemicals is to
    . Being blissfully happy works even better of course. But even a forced smile will give you an endorphine kick, and it will do the same to everyone around you.

    Smiling now, ain't I? Thanks :smileyhappy:

  10. Thank you :-). I hadn't expected this to turn into the 'loving embrace' thread but it seems that bliss is a common theme in that regard. Who knew?

    I love the picture and I thank you for posting it. A friend of mine used the expression uber-cute about something; I'm pretty sure she'd use it here.

    Thanks so much to all of you who have given me, and everyone who has looked at this thread, a little slice of your happiness. I only started this because i was feeling so good; there was no selfish intent. But the result has been that I've kept that feeling all along just seeing what all of you have written. I hope there's more when I come back and look tomorrow, but if not I will still have this little treasury of warmth.

  11. Randall Ahren wrote:

    It's a quote from a book entitled "Ilusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach. A more complete quotation of the relevant portion is:
    "Richard, don't forget what you did today. It is easy to forget our times of knowing, to think they've been dreams or old miracles, one time. Nothing good is a miracle, nothing lovely is a dream. "

    "The world is a dream, you say, and it's lovely, sometimes. Sunset. Clouds. Sky."

    "No. The image is a dream. The beauty is real. Can you see the difference?"

    I think what it means is that beauty is something we create. It's a matter of perception. If you perceive something as beautiful then it is for you. This brings up the question of what is meant by insanity. To those who cannot hear the music, the dancing man seems crazy.


    Wow. I've never read it, nor have I heard of Richard Bach. Wiith the added lines I think I may be less in tune with what he meant than before. I think I need to read the whole thing to put that in its proper context. But if your interpretation is correct (and that's how I interpreted the quote when you first posted) then yes. I believe someone did say something about 'the eye of the beholder'; might be a boring old expression but that doesn't make it any less valid.

    When I said I wasn't quite sure what you meant I was talking about "You had me at t-girl". I have the idea that you probably meant that none of that matters; it's who we are and how we think and how we treat each other that is important. But that's just what I think. To be perfectly honest, I just liked the line and from where I'm standing it needs no explanation; it can stand on its own merit.

    If I ever run across you inworld I'll maybe ask for an explanation but only if there's a good restaurant nearby. I get the feeling you are a philosopher and I sometimes have trouble keeping up with them. I like to be able to fall back on things like, "My, this is really a lovely chardonnay".


  12. Lillie Woodells wrote:

    Dillon and everyone else who gave shared such wonderful, touching, funny, and special moments, thank you!  Your sweet words and open hearts brought tears to my eyes.

    We each contributed in some way to making that night what it was.  I know it would not have been the same without my dear friends gathered around me.  I have had a few moments like that.  Friday night was one of them.    One moment that touched me deeply and sticks in my head was a lazy afternoon, leaving my pc logged into SL while my av laid with her head in the lap of someone very special and dear to my heart.  It was a beautiful moment to me.  I will never understand why, but I cherish it.  

    Thank you my dear friends!  (I'm sorry my words are not very sophisticated tonight)

    love you all!

    Sophisticated is not required. And besides, if you look back to Page 1 you will see that Valerie, as one would expect, has combined sophistication with heart in a way that none of us can match. There is just something about those French girls.

    Thank you, for inviting us over. But more to the point of this thread, thank you for the vignette of your av with her head in the lap of a special person. That's even more to the point of the thread; you weren't even actually at the keyboard the whole time, but in your mind you knew where you were in SL and why. Lovely.



  13. Quinn Morani wrote:

    If you're sappy, Dillon, I'm sappy right along with you. I am sorry that I only just now saw this wonderful thread. I don't think Lillie had any idea Friday night, when she invited me over to listen to her sing and said to bring Maddy and Celestiall along, that it was going to turn into the magical evening that it did. I didn't want it to end.


    Quinn, everyone already knew you were sappy; there was no need to mention it here. Thank you for posting and I have taken a peek at your flickr pictures too; I love that you put the chat stuff in there (I even saw the 'magical' comment!). And you are absolutely right: Lillie was beyond lovely.

    The good news is—I just got all caught up! I've answered everyone who posted since I last had a chance to get online, and by the way thank you all. Your contributions have kept that good feeling I had when I wrote the OP going in me and I hope in everyone who has read your posts. It's a special place we have here.

  14. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

    It was a very special night indeed, Dillon, and I love your post! For me, one of the blissful moments of that evening was when you and I brought out our katanas...now that is going to sound odd to anyone who was not there, but you know what I mean! 

    I am blessed with many blissful moments in SL, too many to post photos of them all, but here is a very recent one. :smileyhappy:


    I've been looking at that picture in my 'Reply' section for about three minutes, trying to think of something to say.




    That was the best I could do. Sometimes a picture is not only worth a thousand words, but makes words irrelevant.

  15. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Maybe bliss is too 'strong' a word for me.  I have shared with friends several experiences in-world that I was able to walk away from with a little better understanding that SL was a pretty cool place.  I have met some good people.  Within that framework I have found bliss.

    Two wonderful and serendipitous group events, although unrelated to in-world, have had tremendous impact on me and how I experience SL; that certain enjoyment that is so difficult to explain, yet so palatable, even to this date: "hippiestock" and "the church" get together. 

    The church was/is still one of the most memorable group events of the forum.




    Thanks, Storm. I was still too shy to ask to be in that picture but I loved watching it happen; it just grew and grew and yes, even though it was just a thing on the Forums it was pretty special.

  16. Mags Indigo wrote:

    I have had a few such moments in my SL - though sadly not lately.

    I remember when escort clubs (like your Las Princesas) were not wholly about sex but about making friends and being in good company - that was before voice and cam made it all a bit too 'real'. :smileysad:

    Thanks, Mags. You are imagining the club exactly as it was. There were no poseballs and it was considered gauche to actually say things in open chat to someone about an encounter. Of course the regular open chat would make a sailor blush, but that was all just us having fun. I can tell from what you said that you know exactly what I mean.

    I'm glad to see you back on the Forums after a couple of weeks away. We missed you.

    Edited for spelling

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