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Deathly Fright

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Everything posted by Deathly Fright

  1. you always say what I mean to say in such a better way do the same with just a name prize chair, so if you're giving away the items in a name chair, have a conveyor that you can buy from as well, which does have better odds at getting the rare. if I was still a creator I'd even charge more for each conveyor purchase due to the odds.
  2. how does a maker that implements this rare via update idea enforce that people are only buying it based on the item they're selling?
  3. put the gatcha in a name prize chair and is it gambling? as in, you can purchase on of the items that the chair would give by name prize.
  4. actually remove my thing about being able to resell it, that makes it needlessly complicated... just get a rare item generally via an update script
  5. @Patch Linden here's another thing to email LL lawyers about lol
  6. this made me think of another scenario that could also be considered a gatcha... what if update scripts (where you get a free update for an item you own, which checks for a new version when you put it on) didn't update everybody. what if they only updated random purchasers who then could also resell it? nobody would know who if they got the updating version until the update went out
  7. less new items is a better way to put it, yes. thank you for taking the time to type that long explanation, but for me I would want to make clothes as I used to, just this time with mesh. pushing prims around was easy, as was texturing. getting everything for a dress I have in mind and then rigging it etc is so complicated now. I don't have time to learn the whole new skill of 3d modeling. I have looked into doing it and have even tried my hand at blender but it's such a giant learning curve. you obviously love SL as much as many people here, including me. yes the number of people still active is very important to keeping this thing we all like alive.
  8. I don't think anybody disagrees with you about conveyors still being predatory. however, if considered that they fit within the law and how LL thinks it applies, they should be allowed. I have been arguing for conveyors, mostly out of my curiosity about the rules and how they will be applied. but my main worry is about creators not wanting to continue, or not seeing how they would be able to make money, and just leaving SL. due to mesh and rigging it harder then ever to start being a creator. it's not like it used to be before sculpties and mesh where anybody with a client and photoeditor could make things and have enough money coming in to maintain a store. less good creators making things, less people want to stay and spend money in SL. leading to less creators because of less people, and then SL itself death spiraling. if conveyors can fill the gap that creators need to keep making things, then even though I won't use them either, allow them. the other benefit is that cheap commons mean cheap resale. almost so cheap they are freebies, this allows new people to get a nice avi for cheap meaning new people stay in SL despite it's worts.
  9. while I would agree generally, this isn't the case when it comes to money and business. for example, gatchas are gambling, but were/are allowed in many places gambling isn't
  10. look back a few pages on how I have been treated for arguing for the new conveyor system
  11. thanks for the update Patch... is this in reference to the hovertext "non-gatchas"?
  12. it does not matter why people would bother. what matters, as some have pointed out, if it fulfills the rules and laws. I totally agree with you that this new "not-gatcha" would still be done for money and still be a gatcha without the name. like I said, I'm playing devil advocate here. I see a lot of creators that rely on gatcha income. I personally don't think they will stick around, so I'm making an argument for a way to keep gatchas but keep them legal. I don't care if gatchas go away. I don't ever use them, nor does my little store.
  13. I know they had to.. but I'm asking specifically about what he said here... that part, if true, is exactly what I'm asking about... so knowing how a court ruled would be good to know
  14. the point is that it's just a random vendor, serving out random things. the blind part of gatchas is what makes them gatchas. You know each time you buy you know what you're getting.
  15. the language that was posted doesn't seem to show that, but I don't know. "if the output is unknown (chance based in any way)" because the output is known. I guess this would have to be clarified by LL. I mean I agree that it is not in the spirit of the rule, but there are many things that happen that aren't in the spirit of the law or rule created.
  16. sigh I hoped you have an actual thing to link me.
  17. the output is known.. it's in the hovertext and the sales window where you pay, so you know. you just don't know the next item
  18. ooooh this looks interesting... can you show me where and how?
  19. no you didn't miss anything. just because you don't want the item just means you don't agree with the store policies on how they sell. there is nothing blind about it now, which means no chance is involved.
  20. it's in the hovertext and the sales window where you pay, so you know
  21. then you wouldn't ever want a maker to be able to make a vendor script that chooses random items? even if it's their whole inventory and that's how they'd want to do things.
  22. sorry.. I was probably unclear. in my scenario a maker is selling all of their items randomly through one vendor. they have never made gatchas. this is dumb and they wouldn't make much money, but they want to do it like that. we can't stop them. what is the difference between that and what is shown in the video other then the inventory is smaller?
  23. please answer this question I just asked above:
  24. actually I have a question... what's the difference between a person that is selling a ton of their items randomly through one vendor and a ... random vendor (previously known as a gatcha but tells you what's up next)? sure the person selling all their inventory like that is dumb, but there's no difference.
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