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Luna Bliss

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Posts posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Well I can say for sure this merchant doesn't sell empty boxes.
    The rez-faux rezzer would work in the sky or on the ground, but you really need the linden terrain for it to look right....it would look very odd without the terrain and from what I can see patching in with prim terrain would be difficult.

  2. Not really...some people purchase a system from someone else while others create their own scripts to package items.

    The question is more whether the prefab sim you buy will rez in the sky too. The creator will be able to tell you that.

    Perhaps you could post the MP link to the prefab sim here in the forum? Then maybe people could vouch for them in terms of at least not being known for selling empty boxes on the MP.

  3. If the terrain and design are more complicated you would run into a lot of problems by trying to rez it in the sky.

    If it's just buildings rezzed on flat terrain it MIGHT be able to be placed in the sky, depending on what type of rezzer was used when packaging the sim up.

    Best to contact the creator with these questions as we don't know the details on the complexity of the sim or what packaging system they used.


  4. That can work for a simple sim, but for a complicated sim there would be texturing issues - how the component prims blend in with the terrain is important (prims for walkways, waterfalls, etc.).
    Plus, the sculpt would need to be phantom and so you'd need to put collision prims everywhere. But again, really only an issue with a more complicated sim.

  5. If it says it needs a .raw file then it's doubtful it could be rezzed in the sky - unless the prefab consists of mostly structures and only needs a very basic prim terrain (like flat ground with a few bumps).

    Even this, however, would depend on what rezzer they packaged the prefab sim in - it might only work with the ground coordinates.


    If it's a complicated nature sim it would take a long while to create prim ground for the rest of the components (plants, waterfalls, paths, and more).

  6. .raw files can't be stored in your SL inventory, hence they can't be sent to you via the MP.

    A .raw file is just the shape of the land, and the only way to change the shape of your land automatically (all at the same time) is to use the Estate controls and download the file from your computer - so that's why it must be sent to you via email.

    I use .raw files for most of my prefab sims, although I do have some that utilize prim ground. I ask my client to download the .raw onto their land and then I come and rez the prims that fit the land from my 'magic box'...or else I provide them with the rezzer.

    Best to contact the creator and ask for references with expensive purchases.

  7. Toy, Nikita - perhaps the reason some larger merchants don't do anything right now is because they are worried that (as this group plans lawsuits and sends letters to the Federal Trade Commission with copies sent to Rodvik) one day they will be unable to log into SL. Didn't that happen to someone who filed a major lawsuit against LL?

  8. Luna Bliss wrote:

    TY, yes I was able to join when I went in-world.

    I was just a bit shocked that the link posted here didn't work..

    Awe Thor wrote:

    "You're shocked when something LL is involved in doesn't work?

    Yet you don't seem to be a n00b . . ."

    No I'm shocked about what the fact that it doesn't work implies, or could imply, and it is something far beyond a technical glitch.

  9. 60 times?!  The thing has gone berserk.  HAL????   We need to get Hal on our side ;0

    So far 10 charges for me for just one subscription - even 2 more charges since I chose not to renew it - at  almost 4 usd a pop that's 40 usd today.


    Looking forward to more renewals coming up :(

  10. LL really needs to clarify this. If they don't I think we can only assume the worst.

    Two clients of mine already decided to purchase sims elsewhere for their projects due the new TOS, though one really wants/needs the advantange of the large populus here. After contacting their attorney one said he's convinced the TOS means what it says - that LL owns all the content in SL now and can do what they please with it - and he's not willing to spend the time/money to develop sims here when the content won't belong to him.

  11. I'm basically a content provider in SL for nearly 10 years so feel assured that I will be around and your land won't poof.

    I have 2 sims that I just don't want to let go of, so I rent them out.

    7500 Prims on 32768sqm

    I can change the texture for you if you're the first one to rent the first half, and place a nice sim divider between you and your possible neighbor.

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