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Robin Kiyori

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Posts posted by Robin Kiyori

  1. I think a political sub fourm would be helpful. There's a very useful saying that the personal is political. Second life is very personal to each individual so of course politics will spill over in here.  Trying to  shove it somewhere else isn't working. It may never well work because what is deemed  "political" to one person is very personal and  relevant both to second life and  the first life of said person.

    So it would be a good direct action to section it off to it's own little corner so those that want to avoid it,, which there seems to be quite a few, can.  While those that want to discuss those issues and how they effect second life can. Of course people will people.   The Lab needs more moderators regardless of what action they take. But it's clear that political talking isn't going to go away. Even if they did try to ban it.


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  2. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Or in this case, a bad gimmick. Gacha and things sinilar to it are  gambling mechanics that depend on peolle like me who through adfiction, neurodiversity both or other reasons to sell tat and maybe the odd actually nice thing.


    So I am not gonna lose sleepbif some gatcha malers cannot sell things normally and wind up leaving.

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  3. Most bodies really,  I prefer an Androgynous look, so hyper Masculine or Feminine bodies are a no go. my  main body being Maitreya + Flatchest for now.  My dream body would be something that could reasonability fit masc and fem clothing depending on shape.  But not really found it. all those that come  close have mucked  UV maps so you can only wear  skins made for that body, lessening it's  use.


    It's a bit hard since there's so much  clothing and apperance wise I just can't use, but  such is life.

  4. 11 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

    Uh...  okay, maybe that's some sort of missunderstanding due to me not being a native english speaker, but I was under the impression that food labeling is the act of labeling the ingredients present in a food product, the date and place of manufactoring.
    I believe anyone that has a severe food allergy that gets triggered with even trace amounts of the allergen would beg to differ with you, in that case. People with diabetes would need to know what's in it. I believe not dying *are* positive health effects. Being able to see if and how many carbs and sugar is in food is helpfull for people trying to lose weight, I can attest that because that's what I do - and I believe losing weight is a positive health effect as well. 
    As for date and place of manufactoring - those become important when a charge is contaminated with something, which is something that simply can happen from time to time. That makes it much easier to determine the source which is benefitting the manufacturer as well.

    Yup, Food labeling is how my  Dad, a diabetic continues to live alongside our country's freee healthcare so he does not have to face poverty  just get the medicine he needs. It. and honestly, this may sound harsh but  if your business can't even afford to label things correctly. then  How they heck can you afford to do the more  costly things like paying employees.


    As for Bezzos,  I cannot stand the man when he can afford to this kind of  fivrious *****, but  can't let his workers unionise,  get an actual living wage, or even the basic ability to take a  piss when they need to.  I've seen through my friend who works there how bad it is. Like he could throw enough money to end so many of the worlds' health and food crisis and  still have more money then anyone else in the world. Which is really the issue. No single  person have more money then  the entire rest  of the world's  population. Something went  very hecking wrong there.

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  5. Temporary return to say that I am kinda unerved by the degree of misinformation and ableism towards NPD sufferers.

    They aren't inhuman monsters or 100% always absuers. Or completely in love with themselves. Or any other werid misconception. They are just people who have a mental disorder. They are as varied and multifaceted as any other person and like many other mentally ill person more likely on average to be victims of violence and abuse.

    Not to say there aren't any NPD sufferers who aren't also awful people because anyone can be awful. But to claim evey single NPD sufferer is inherently evil is wrong.


    [Goes back to the void]

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  6. Yet again a certain someone decides that they speak for the "poor defenseless" people that know no better, all while engaging in horrific abelism and being condescending to the people actually affected. Showing that they don't really give a ***** about the issues they claim to champion.


    I'm apart of no clique, I've even at times agreed with this person on points. But ***** it.  I'm tired of constantly being  looked down on. Autistic people don't need to be fricking coddled.  even those "low functioning"  people are far more capable then you or society seem to care to aknwoledged. It's a cognitive brain development thing. Not some magical process that turns us all into innocent  uwu babies who need to be protected from everything.

    But hey at least the  op was answered, just not in the way poor  op wanted.   Thiis fourm isn't too nice.  It's pretty much needs to become nicer. Because gods forbid you be neurodiverse, disabled or another kind of minoirty on this hellsite.

    I guess you can consider this my flounce. 🤷‍♂️

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  7. Oh duck me...


    When I said sometimes us autistic folk can get wires crossed and how it can make communication hard, I did not  want nor mean for it to be miscontruscted as an excuse to be abelist.  (and don't get me started on how  "functioning" labels are load of rubbish. We'll be here all day on that little train).  It just meant that sometimes miscommunication happens. Ya know like how it happens to any other person.

    Also comparng adult autistic folk to children is scummy. even if  unintentional. 

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  8. Toys: I had a few favorite as a kid,  legos, barbie/bratz, etc.  But my most treasured toy is something I have to this day and he is still well loved.   My  first every cuddly  toy, a pink small teddy bear creatively called pinky. I have had  pinky since I was a baby. Like me  Pinky started off called a girl but is now a very well loved and cuddled man of  his 30's. Should I ever be blessed with children. Pinky shall accompany them in their life and hopefully be just as loved!

    Games: Mortal Kombat,  Tekken, Kingdomhearts. Mario. My Dad started me gaming when I was young.  But it was those series' that really sparked my  interest. Probably explains why I can go from macabre to an utter fluffy goofball considering a young  Robinling probably shouldn't have been  allowed to play the ultra gorey fighting game when so small.

    Books,  however where my  biggest love. From Black Beauty, scores of YA-books when I was..well a young adult to to indeed like nearly everyone  of my generation. Harry Potter. Like Owar I got into it when around the age of being able to get a letter to Hogwarts.  Of course these days that warm affection for the wizarding world has soured over time for reasons I don't really want to get into.

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  9. Let us not make the forums even more prone to the angries then usual. While it's (thankfully) mostly calm and way better then it apparently used to be. But when things get ugly. boy do they get ugly and it can kill engagement rather then encourage it.

    As for Scorn-laughs and whatever, It certainly can happen. I've had my fair of  it happening. usually over the silliest of things. But it's certainly not a major harassment.  I just don't tend to pay it much attention. Though I can understand why some might consider it since it can quickly fill your alert messages pretty quickly.  Plus sometimes text and reacts can be pretty hard to read.Espically if you're autistic like me or just have a hard time with social cues. It's not matter of anyone particularly being wrong but rather different communication styles clashing. sometimes however...


    ..Some people are just calling fowl when they are the real source of harassment and bad vibes. Projection is strong with those ones and  eventually as the cool kids say. They will get "vibe-checked" and get hit with reality.  Or a mod's ban hammer,  either/or.

    Also geeze, while I'm glad the main source got their posts scrubbed off the thread. some folks really gotta lay off the ageism. I think there is one thing all of us can agree on through experience is that stupidity knows no age.  It's not restricted to just the young or just the old. 🤣

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  10. Alright time to actually word.

    I'm loving this theme and how different it is. While Beli is lovely and clearly well made. Allot of it just blends together in a sea of beige and  wood in aesthetics. Which is great for people that love the more contemporary/modern/actual real world suburbia feel of most of the beli homes. It can be pretty hard for those that prefer something a bit different. I often felt out of place with my more fantastical or sci-fi leanings.

    But with this new theme, I feel very inspired and have a use for all of my shiny-pretty landscape and  garden things alongside furniture.. Rosebrooke in particular has my interest, so big!

    So all in all, I'm excited but also, Oh no, I love it. I had just recently settled on a mainland land plot and got all cyberpunk for my robot self!


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  11. Unisex bathrooms are a non issue made an issue by transphobes because they only just twigged on to the fact that [gasp]  Trans people also need to pee.

    That they then pretend it's a "safety issue" is an insult not just to the trans women who are the main targets. But those who have actually been assaulted in bathrooms. (Many being trans themselves!)

    First it erroneously assumes that (cis) women can never be the assaulters, or (cis) men can never be the victims. (It is almost always framed as male folk doing the crime to a female victim.)

    Second, that they somehow think it is easier to just claim to be trans then just...either go in anyway or the must simpler,  pretend to be a staff member. Or the other more common factor. Attack the (perceived) trans woman for "invading" a female space.

    It's bigotry pretend to be concerned for victims while doing nothing to actually tackle the issue they claim to be heralding. But plenty of work and effort to make it unsafe for trans people or those who don't conform to ridgid gender sterotypes.


    Just ask the butch women if they feel "safer"  now in bathrooms.

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  12. Or you can stop jumping at conculsions. At no point did I or anyone say that we want to exculde anyone that isn't part of our marginalized community.

    What people do want and this is important.
    Is a space to meet people with similar experiences and support networks. Especially in these covid times where our ability to find these experiences in real life have been deminished due to lockdown. These spaces do not, contray to popular misconception exculde people outisde the maginlised communities. Often times they readily welcome others as dear friends, family and allies because we can't change the current real life world without suppirt both within and outside our communities.

    In fact allot of us long for the day when these communities are no longer needed. That we can exist anywhere anytime with out worry.


    But that isn't the world right now. When people can't even show rightful anger at their own people being murdered or ***** even politely ask to have more fictional characters without being harassedor threatened with violence.
    It's sort of still nessarcy to have at least one place or space where we can just breathe and talk about issues without harassment.

    And no Second Life isn't guilt free from this. I have been harassed for my gender and disability, others for their race. Sl is part of the greater whole. Flaws and all.

    Instead of blaminnthe victims. Maybe we should idk. Look at the rwal reason the worlds getting more wonky. Like the big  golbal pandemic. Ecomonical inequality.

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  13. I swear, everytime someone from a marginlized indenity or community  tries to innocently ask about where to find places or groups with similar experiences or indenties as them. Quite a few in this fourm go absolutely hog wild and derail it with how "omg it doesn't matter ur just racist/the real bigoted one omg!1111" and turn the thread into a cesspit of fighting over nothing.


    Which ironically just proves WHY we seek out these spaces. Because if some of you can't even handle such a non issue. How the duck are we supposed to feel comfortable talking about the actual issues we face?

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  14. As someone who is frquently a robot or non human, BoM is a godsend. From being able to have allot of tattooes to make any skin instantly robotic or scaley or feathery, to not having to worry about either tinting a third party apendage or hunt for a ballion different appliers while saying a hail mary so the uvs match. I can just slap on my skin and boom. Ears, arm weapon mods, etc all have the same skin in one go.

    All while having a much lighter load thanks to not needing as many onion layers.

    Plus alphaing is infinately more easier with maks then having to click on the very fincky and tiny alpha slices on onion layer only mesh bodies. A godsend again for me as I wear male, female and unisex clothing. No more poking out butt because the alpha slices don't cover what I need covered!

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  15. People that make light of abuse, peopke that make fun of Turams and those that suffer from it. People that continually think it's their right or worse ""fun"" to continuslly harass, hurt and  stalk others for..a laugh? A moment yo forget their own meaningless lives? I don't know.

    People who are so hate filled, so closed off from basic decentacy that they will happily  further torment peoplethat are already in needvof help then do even one single second of self reflection.

    People suck. I am going to just stay in bed and grump.

    • Sad 2
  16. All about  a handful are the  opposite gender to me. by the nature of of my gender being outside the binary. It doesn't bother me at all as my friends are accepting and It's good to have a range of people of various identities.  My friend list does screw more femm-algined though. But  there's a good number of  masc-algined folk there too.

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