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Kathmandu Gilman

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Everything posted by Kathmandu Gilman

  1. This is what i used and it is supposed to save the settings, like I said it was in the comments section at the bottom of the page: @ECHO OFF Color 0a ECHO Please leave this window open. CD .. ECHO. ECHO Copying settings to C: drive.. ECHO. XCOPY SLSave "%APPDATA%\SecondLife" /H /R /E /Y /I CD /d %~dp0 ECHO. ECHO Sarting SecondLife.. ECHO. START /wait SecondLife.exe ECHO. ECHO Deleting SL cache from C: drive.. ECHO. RMDIR /q /s "%APPDATA%\SecondLife\cache" CD .. ECHO. ECHO Deleting settings folder from flash drive.. ECHO. RMDIR /q /s "SLSave" ECHO. ECHO Copying settings to flash drive SLSave folder.. ECHO. XCOPY "%APPDATA%\SecondLife" SLSave /H /R /E /Y /I ECHO. ECHO Deleting settings from C: drive.. ECHO. RMDIR /q /s "%APPDATA%\SecondLife" CLS EXIT
  2. Ok, I managed to get this to work: Portable SL http://www.travelinlibrarian.info/2007/01/second-life-portable.html I ended up using the bat file at the bottom of the page in the comments section since it was the newest version. I used the Emerald viewer to ensure the version I was running was what was on the flash drive by changing Secondlife.exe in the bat file to Emerald.exe wherever I found it, may need to change other things but I'm not that up on doing things like this but it worked well enough. Need to test it on a computer that's never had SL on it to make sure it works completely as it should.
  3. So... I have a flash drive in one hand and a blank computer screen and I ain't that bright. What do I need to do to get SL to run off the flash drive, and tell me like you are telling a 6 year old and use small words.
  4. Probabaly not the easiest way but once it is set up it can be pretty self contained and portable. Install Ubuntu on the flashdrive as a live CD with SL installed as well. You would have to set up the computers to be able to boot from the USB drive.
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