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Lady Sumoku

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  1. It would be nice if there was some mention of the "fixes" to the old workarounds on the wiki, instead of just deleting any mention of the workarounds entirely. As I can't even edit my own wiki description anymore, it will have to be someone else. Or maybe documentation is just more optional than it used to be. Also, the keys I'm getting in http_response don't match the key returned by the llHTTPRequest at all. Makes it difficult to catch responses when they come back with totally different IDs. (This is returning 499 codes, but I don't know why the keys wouldn't match)
  2. I saw something like this a few times before, but couldn't remember where I had seen them to even investigate further. But recently I saw some in use at Spaceport that you might check out, if you haven't already found what you were looking for. They seem to be this: TCJ Teleporter
  3. Possibly, you might not be wearing the shoe base at all, or one from a previous pair of shoes. Check the folder with the shoes and make sure the right ones are highlighted as "worn".
  4. Baloo Uriza wrote: The logged in population of SL exceeds the real-world population of ~90% of individual US counties at any given moment. I'm under the impression that he meant the whole set of event sims, not everyone, everywhere. :smileytongue:
  5. Things like money aren't actually in the viewer, it just displays what the server tells them. It wouldn't be able to make Lindens out of thin air. The part that is open source isn't the part where the money 'lives'. However, someone could make a new viewer that tells the server "Give my money to someone else" when you use it, in which case the money you have is actually moved somewhere else without your knowing or consent... Which is why it's a pretty good idea to only use the viewers from the "trusted" page.
  6. I saw this artwork and immediately thought of you. I wonder if she has an SL account? :matte-motes-big-grin:
  7. Swapping various search terms around, I find quite a few car husks like this or that... But the one thing I haven't been able to suss out to my own satisfaction is a decent cinder block. Le sigh.
  8. Is there a particular age of car you're looking for? Or style? Or will anything on blocks do?
  9. I'm fairly certain that in my limited experience with Second Life, as well as the first one, making sense is entirely optional.
  10. If you're running it for the first time, it should be loading the Terms of Service for you to accept. Lately, when they've changed and I have to reaccept, it loads very slowly... For me at least. You should probably leave it alone for a bit, and see if it eventually comes up.
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